Wendler 5/3/1



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Last week of bench press. Got my reps but think I tweaked my bad delt doing an assistance exercise (flat flyes). Dropped weight and it seemed better. Didn't feel it on my last chest exercise (incline DB press).

    Trying to figure out where I'm going to get a spotter because with that arch in my bench press stance it's getting hard to unrack the bar for my last set. Squats tomorrow....

    Ouch, that sucks about your delt. I'm pretty much done doing any kind of "fly", they seems to do more damage than good for me at least. Bench, Dips, Floor Press, Tri Extensions, -> workout over. Maybe at some point I'll do super light crossovers and just focus on squeezing at the top.

    Damn, you must be throwing around some good weight then. I guess a lot of weight would make it difficult to slide it out of the j-hook, may have to press it out a little more and try not to lose your positioning I guess.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Had a strong OHP workout this morning. Had to go back to walking on the treadmill for my postworkout cardio. Popped my right hamstring on Sunday doing tabatas.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Had a strong OHP workout this morning. Had to go back to walking on the treadmill for my postworkout cardio. Popped my right hamstring on Sunday doing tabatas.

    Damn, that sucks because the hammy can mess up a couple different workouts for you. Hopefully it's not too bad for you. One time I did mine and the treadmill wasn't even an option.

    Getting back into squatting isn't too bad. I can really see where I've gotten weak since I haven't been doing them, so time to start doing more lower back work.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I finally had a decent workout today for OHP day. This is my 3's week and my last set is 5lbs heavier than my last set for 5's. I actually matched the number of reps I did for 5's, which isn't great but made me happy because it makes me think last week was just a really off week.

    Today I felt like mixing is up a little for assistance work. I did a try set of lighter OHP's (about 55% 1RM) 8reps -> Lat raises for 10 reps -> Front raise for 10 reps. It was rather challenging but my shoulders have that good soreness feeling right now. I don't like jumping assistance work in the middle of a phase but I just felt like I needed to change things up and the way my shoulders responded today indicates that it was probably a good call on my part.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Week is going well so far. Was sick yesterday but still got 8 reps on my last set of 5 on OHP. Deads tomorrow.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    That's good to hear. My workouts have gotten better too. It sucks because it was likely due to some antibiotics I was taking interfering with my HRT.

    Since I started back squatting again I worked Good Mornings into my routine. After just two weeks I notice a huge difference they've made in my squat. I never really did them before.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903

    The current 5/3/1 apps in the Apple App store stuck in my opinion, so I was thinking of creating my own. “Thinking of” is the important phrase here because I don’t know how much time I will be able to dedicate to it between business travel, going back to school, family, and gym schedule. In other words, IF I do it, I MIGHT have it done by the end of 2012.

    I figured I’d still share my thoughts for it though. Here is tentative list of features that I would include.

    Today Tab – Provides details of today’s workout including assistance exercises or will show that it is a rest day. Will provide the ability to enter the number of reps achieved on your lest set and a “Workout Complete” button to record the workout in your history.

    Schedule Tab – Will display a weekly breakdown of your current cycle including all lifts and weights to be lifted

    History Tab – Will detail all previous cycles, lifts, weights, and rep achievements

    Timer Tab – A simple stop watch for keeping track of time between sets or time based assistance exercise.

    More… Tab
    - Weights & Lifts - Set lbs or kg and rounding. Set maxes and increments for core lifts. Add/Remove core lifts
    - Assistance Exercises - Select from one of the pre-made assistance templates or build your own
    - Edit Schedule – Chose from the 4 day, 3 day, 2 day, or 1 day templates and select the days of the week for each exercise.
    - 1 RM Calculator – A simple 1 RM calculator using the formula within the 5/3/1 eBook.
    - Export History – Export and email your complete history in csv format for importing into Excel.

    If there are other thing that you may like to see in it, let me know.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    The current 5/3/1 apps in the Apple App store stuck in my opinion, so I was thinking of creating my own. “Thinking of” is the important phrase here because I don’t know how much time I will be able to dedicate to it between business travel, going back to school, family, and gym schedule. In other words, IF I do it, I MIGHT have it done by the end of 2012.

    I figured I’d still share my thoughts for it though. Here is tentative list of features that I would include.

    Today Tab – Provides details of today’s workout including assistance exercises or will show that it is a rest day. Will provide the ability to enter the number of reps achieved on your lest set and a “Workout Complete” button to record the workout in your history.

    Schedule Tab – Will display a weekly breakdown of your current cycle including all lifts and weights to be lifted

    History Tab – Will detail all previous cycles, lifts, weights, and rep achievements

    Timer Tab – A simple stop watch for keeping track of time between sets or time based assistance exercise.

    More… Tab
    - Weights & Lifts - Set lbs or kg and rounding. Set maxes and increments for core lifts. Add/Remove core lifts
    - Assistance Exercises - Select from one of the pre-made assistance templates or build your own
    - Edit Schedule – Chose from the 4 day, 3 day, 2 day, or 1 day templates and select the days of the week for each exercise.
    - 1 RM Calculator – A simple 1 RM calculator using the formula within the 5/3/1 eBook.
    - Export History – Export and email your complete history in csv format for importing into Excel.

    If there are other thing that you may like to see in it, let me know.

    Looks pretty cool. Regarding the 1RM calculator, do you like the calculation that Jim provides? Personally I find that calculation in the MadCow spreadsheet to be more accurate but that might just be for me. Nice start!
  • scopester
    scopester Posts: 129 Member

    The current 5/3/1 apps in the Apple App store stuck in my opinion, so I was thinking of creating my own. “Thinking of” is the important phrase here because I don’t know how much time I will be able to dedicate to it between business travel, going back to school, family, and gym schedule. In other words, IF I do it, I MIGHT have it done by the end of 2012.

    I figured I’d still share my thoughts for it though. Here is tentative list of features that I would include.

    Today Tab – Provides details of today’s workout including assistance exercises or will show that it is a rest day. Will provide the ability to enter the number of reps achieved on your lest set and a “Workout Complete” button to record the workout in your history.

    Schedule Tab – Will display a weekly breakdown of your current cycle including all lifts and weights to be lifted

    History Tab – Will detail all previous cycles, lifts, weights, and rep achievements

    Timer Tab – A simple stop watch for keeping track of time between sets or time based assistance exercise.

    More… Tab
    - Weights & Lifts - Set lbs or kg and rounding. Set maxes and increments for core lifts. Add/Remove core lifts
    - Assistance Exercises - Select from one of the pre-made assistance templates or build your own
    - Edit Schedule – Chose from the 4 day, 3 day, 2 day, or 1 day templates and select the days of the week for each exercise.
    - 1 RM Calculator – A simple 1 RM calculator using the formula within the 5/3/1 eBook.
    - Export History – Export and email your complete history in csv format for importing into Excel.

    If there are other thing that you may like to see in it, let me know.
    I'm using one of the iPhone apps right now. I really only use it to record the PR's and calculate the %'s. I actually plan and record my lifts in a different app. I'd be interested in your app if you release it. I particularly like the BYO templates idea. My assistance varies based on the number of pre-workout carbs I allow myself. I do rowing HIIT on my erg also. It'd be cool to track HIIT progress in the same app. Navigation should be more fluid than the current apps, as well. Plan, lift, record, archive...in that order. It's how we use it. Just my .02...if ya need a beta tester...I'm your huckleberry. :smokin:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Anybody who hasn't seen it already should consider picking up Wendler's 2nd edition of 5/3/1. He outlines some different templates and a good approach to assistance work.
  • fastbackdan
    fastbackdan Posts: 21 Member
    On Deloads:

    I also used to feel they should be individualized
    but in MY case this lead to over-reaching,
    Now i force my body to take a deload week every 4th week,
    If i just cannot taper my loads and intensity, I take the whole week off

    THis lets my fire, drive, and motivation skyrocket while by body fully
    recovers thus leading to fully reloaded animal for the upcoming week.

    This works for my individual needs and response to training and recovery
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    On Deloads:

    I also used to feel they should be individualized

    I totally agree. I often felt like I took a step back after a deload week, perhaps it was psychological. One thing that I would consider on a deload week is to take like 50% or 60% of my 1RM and just rep-out for 2 or 3 sets. Not sure really but I know I rarely deloaded myself.