Wendler 5/3/1

BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
Might as well start a different thread since some of us have morphed from SL5X5 & Madcow.

Post ?'s, success stories, etc with this great program.


  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    I am going to look into this. I don't think I'm quite there yet on my max lifts but I'm ready for a change. Shari
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I just started back to it myself having followed a strength complex method recently. 5/3/1 is a fun method to follow, plus it's pretty simple yet effective. I actually forgot how much fun it was to break or try to break PR's on the last set of the 5/3/1 exercise. I think I'll actually follow this method until I hit my PR goals this year.

    Those that are on it, what lifts are you trying to progress with 5/3/1? Because of a back injury mine is slightly different than what is common, Bench Press, Standing OHP, Hack Squat, and Sumo Deadlift.

    How are you approaching Assistance Work?

    Success Stores: A little early for me, but today started week 2 and I did 150lbs x 8 reps for the OHP. I think my max at the beginning of the year was 160 maybe, so I've made some good progress.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I am going to look into this. I don't think I'm quite there yet on my max lifts but I'm ready for a change. Shari

    It's a good choice to transition to. The ebook is $20 I think and well worth reading when the time comes. If anything it's fun to read his approach to training and what not.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm just concentrating on bench, OHP, DL & squats as the main lifts but also doing 5/3/1 with bent rows on OHP day.

    I just do anywhere from 2-4 assistance exercises on each day and switch them around every 2 waves.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Tagging so that I see the updates.

    I am on 5/3/1 using a three day template and the following lifts.

    Squat + Good Mornings, Lunges
    Bench + DB Row, DB Bench
    Deadlift + Clean, Planks
    Press + Dips, Chin-ups
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Tagging so that I see the updates.

    I am on 5/3/1 using a three day template and the following lifts.

    Squat + Good Mornings, Lunges
    Bench + DB Row, DB Bench
    Deadlift + Clean, Planks
    Press + Dips, Chin-ups

    That's cool, what lifts are you combining into one day? I would love to work Good Mornings back into it; I'm just worried about my back holding up. Perhaps I could just start with the bar and see how it goes, I've been doing RDL's with success so far.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Tagging so that I see the updates.

    I am on 5/3/1 using a three day template and the following lifts.

    Squat + Good Mornings, Lunges
    Bench + DB Row, DB Bench
    Deadlift + Clean, Planks
    Press + Dips, Chin-ups

    That's cool, what lifts are you combining into one day? I would love to work Good Mornings back into it; I'm just worried about my back holding up. Perhaps I could just start with the bar and see how it goes, I've been doing RDL's with success so far.

    One line is one day (core lift + assistance)

    If you can do RDLs, you should be able to do GMs. It is mostly the same movement, the weight just moves further from the fulcrum of the lever (pardon the physics). So if you just reduce the weight you should be fine.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Tagging so that I see the updates.

    I am on 5/3/1 using a three day template and the following lifts.

    Squat + Good Mornings, Lunges
    Bench + DB Row, DB Bench
    Deadlift + Clean, Planks
    Press + Dips, Chin-ups

    what lifts are you combining into one day?

    I guess I should explain this better. I do a three day split, but I still only do one core lift per day. The three day method of 5/3/1 actually extends each cycle by one week. so it looks like this.

    Week 1
    Mon = Squat 3x5
    Wed = Bench 3x5
    Fri = Deadlift 3x5

    Week 2
    Mon = Press 3x5
    Wed = Squat 3x3
    Fri = Bench 3x3

    Week 3
    Mon = Deadlift 3x3
    Wed = Press 3x3
    Fri = Squat 5/3/1

    Week 4
    Mon = Bench 5/3/1
    Wed = Deadlift 5/3/1
    Fri = Press 5/3/1

    Week 5 (Deload)
    Mon = Squat
    Wed = Bench
    Fri = Deadlift and Press
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Tagging so that I see the updates.

    I am on 5/3/1 using a three day template and the following lifts.

    Squat + Good Mornings, Lunges
    Bench + DB Row, DB Bench
    Deadlift + Clean, Planks
    Press + Dips, Chin-ups

    what lifts are you combining into one day?

    I guess I should explain this better. I do a three day split, but I still only do one core lift per day. The three day method of 5/3/1 actually extends each cycle by one week. so it looks like this.

    Week 1
    Mon = Squat 3x5
    Wed = Bench 3x5
    Fri = Deadlift 3x5

    Week 2
    Mon = Press 3x5
    Wed = Squat 3x3
    Fri = Bench 3x3

    Week 3
    Mon = Deadlift 3x3
    Wed = Press 3x3
    Fri = Squat 5/3/1

    Week 4
    Mon = Bench 5/3/1
    Wed = Deadlift 5/3/1
    Fri = Press 5/3/1

    Week 5 (Deload)
    Mon = Squat
    Wed = Bench
    Fri = Deadlift and Press

    Ah okay, I got it now. You had me for a sec there LOL.

    In general, how do you guys feel about the Deload week? I just don't find myself feeling the need to deload very much. Like two weeks ago I new I needed to deload and then cutback a little. I recall from doing 5/3/1 before I never felt that need. I was actually thinking that it if you didn't feel a Deload was needed it would be a good week to do some Dynamic lifting.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    In general, how do you guys feel about the Deload week? I just don't find myself feeling the need to deload very much. Like two weeks ago I new I needed to deload and then cutback a little. I recall from doing 5/3/1 before I never felt that need. I was actually thinking that it if you didn't feel a Deload was needed it would be a good week to do some Dynamic lifting.

    I just use it as a chance to work on form. Some people just take a rest week vs deloading but I'd rather do something than nothing.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    In general, how do you guys feel about the Deload week? I just don't find myself feeling the need to deload very much. Like two weeks ago I new I needed to deload and then cutback a little. I recall from doing 5/3/1 before I never felt that need. I was actually thinking that it if you didn't feel a Deload was needed it would be a good week to do some Dynamic lifting.

    I just use it as a chance to work on form. Some people just take a rest week vs deloading but I'd rather do something than nothing.

    I completely agree with you there, active rest is better than not doing anything. Maybe I'll just take the 1st deload and see how I feel. I just remember feeling like when I started back over on week 1 I almost felt like I took a step back.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good day! Got 7 on my last set of 1 on OHP.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Good day! Got 7 on my last set of 1 on OHP.

    That's a good amount of reps for that weight, nice.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Pulled 7 reps on my last set of 1 (deadlifts) this morning. Movin' on up ! On to deload week and then my 3rd wave.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Pulled 7 reps on my last set of 1 (deadlifts) this morning. Movin' on up ! On to deload week and then my 3rd wave.

    Nice job!

    Today was my week 2 bench press. Pressed 225 for 8 reps today, left at least one in the tank, possibly a 2nd. I'm actually most excited about my Dips to be honest. My shoulder has been hanging in their very well for my 5 sets of 10, it's actually so easy. I'm going to finish week 3 using just bodyweight and then when I start over on the next phase I'm gonna add +20 to my Dips. Now I just have to buy a belt for it.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Pulled 7 reps on my last set of 1 (deadlifts) this morning. Movin' on up ! On to deload week and then my 3rd wave.

    Nice job!

    Today was my week 2 bench press. Pressed 225 for 8 reps today, left at least one in the tank, possibly a 2nd. I'm actually most excited about my Dips to be honest. My shoulder has been hanging in their very well for my 5 sets of 10, it's actually so easy. I'm going to finish week 3 using just bodyweight and then when I start over on the next phase I'm gonna add +20 to my Dips. Now I just have to buy a belt for it.

    Well done !

    Do you already own a weight belt? If so, just buy a length of heavy duty chain and a S hook or a clamp. Presto ! Instant dipping/chin belt. Just slip the chain through the weights hole and clamp both ends of the chain to the weight belt buckle. Probably save you some $$$.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Pulled 7 reps on my last set of 1 (deadlifts) this morning. Movin' on up ! On to deload week and then my 3rd wave.

    Nice job!

    Today was my week 2 bench press. Pressed 225 for 8 reps today, left at least one in the tank, possibly a 2nd. I'm actually most excited about my Dips to be honest. My shoulder has been hanging in their very well for my 5 sets of 10, it's actually so easy. I'm going to finish week 3 using just bodyweight and then when I start over on the next phase I'm gonna add +20 to my Dips. Now I just have to buy a belt for it.

    Well done !

    Do you already own a weight belt? If so, just buy a length of heavy duty chain and a S hook or a clamp. Presto ! Instant dipping/chin belt. Just slip the chain through the weights hole and clamp both ends of the chain to the weight belt buckle. Probably save you some $$$.

    I do but I've had trouble breaking it in. I bought some of that baseball glove spray that you put on and then stick it in the oven to try and loosen it up. Now that I'm doing 5/3/1 again I really want to start using a belt and worry less about my back. Good idea on the chain with the weight belt, I will give that a shot. We actually have A belt at the gym but half the time some moron loses the clip. *sigh*
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Bent over rows week 2, 145lbs x 7. I almost hit my goal of 4 sets of 10 reps on chin-ups. I did 3 sets of 10 and 1 set of 9. I probably could've "kipped" the last one but I figured I'd get it next week.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Bent over rows week 2, 145lbs x 7. I almost hit my goal of 4 sets of 10 reps on chin-ups. I did 3 sets of 10 and 1 set of 9. I probably could've "kipped" the last one but I figured I'd get it next week.

    Nicely done.

    I'm in deload week. I've already configured my workouts (new assistance exercises) for the next 8 weeks. I stick with the same assistance work for 8 weeks and then switch it up.