

  • I look at it as a way to add a new goal to my routine. I passed on the 30 day squat challenge my friend was doing last month (I have knee issues and squats don't get along well with my joints), but I am doing a 30 day sit-up challenge this month. You asked why people do these. I say, why not? :) Anything that might lead…
  • Both! Work and my gym are in the same complex, so I just take my workout clothes with me and head to the gym after work. I try for gym days 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, it's workout DVDs at home every evening I don't go to the gym. Doing both helps alleviate boredom.
  • I think a lot of us gave up fairly quickly with the sugar tracking on here, because it's ridiculous. I was usually over the limit three bites into breakfast. :) I deleted the sugar column from my diary all together.
  • Did 30DS, 6W6P, and am on Week 4 of Ripped in 30. Picked up Kickbox FastFix last week, and will be trying it soon.
  • I just track calories. I have the opposite problem as most people, in that I *lose* weight too easily and am constantly underweight. I have to track because what I think is enough calories usually isn't.
  • Usually 45-60 minutes after eating is a good amount of time to wait. If you were really full after the meal, maybe a little longer. Otherwise cramps or side stitches could hit, and that's not fun.
  • Ripped in 30 is another good one to add to the mix. Very similar to 30DS. I've completed 30DS and 6 Week 6 Pack, with awesome results. Currently on Week 2 of Ripped in 30. As for weights, if you can afford it, have a selection of them. I have 3, 4, 5, and 8lb. sets. I'm not ready for 8s yet, but I like having them as a…
  • Definitely agree with this. I take a multivitamin, 500mg Vitamin C, and 1000-2000 IU of Vitamin D3 (I live in the Northwest, the extra D is recommended for us anyway. I do 1000 spring/summer, and 2000 fall/winter). Flu shot! I work in retail, and there's no way I would skip this. Everyone should get a flu shot and save…
  • Just finished Day 5 of Week 6. Two more workouts to make it an official 6 weeks! I do it every other day, but boredom is definitely kicking in. I've taken to having it playing on "mute" while watching a DVD on my portable DVD player to make the time pass quicker. It's one I'll keep in the mix when I'm officially "done,"…
  • I'm 5'6", and currently *under*weight, so I'm at 1850 cal per day, more when I workout. Workouts are 4-5 a week, cardio and strength training. Trying to get a little weight back, but my metabolism is pretty insane, so it's hard.
  • Less than once a month, now. It now falls into the "treat" category, and on the rare occasion I have it, I make sure a workout happens that day, and that I make good food choices for the rest of the day. Health benefits aside, I've also saved a ton of money. :)
  • One a Day Women's multivitamin Vitamin C (chewable, 500mg) Vitamin D (1000IU, bumped to 2000IU in the winter, as I too live in the Pacific Northwest) Something must be working, as I work in retail surrounded by germy-*kitten* customers and have had 1 cold in 2 years, whereas before the vitamin regimen, it was 1 cold every…
  • I love almonds, but have to be careful because of my jaw issues (TMJ). Currently snacking on pistachios. Been adding sunflower seeds to my salads lately. It's a nice way for some crunch without the empty calories of croutons. I love cashews and walnuts, and like most other ones, except pecans. Don't care for those.
  • I've had one actual "cheat day" in several months, last week. Normally I have indulgences budgeted in, with exercise to compensate. But last week there was one day where it kind of just happened, and I did go all out. Figured once in about 4 months wasn't bad. (I'm also at the other end of the spectrum, where I have to be…
  • You might give some thought to getting wrist and ankle weights and wearing them while you're working around the house. I do that when I'm cleaning, especially if I know I don't have time to work out that day.
  • I'm 5'6", and currently at 125. It fluctuates between 120-125. My low point was 112 (wayyyyy too much personal stuff going on then, and it might have been less, but I hadn't weighed myself in a while... it took a looonnnnggg time to get that weight back). Since I started working out early this year, I temporarily dropped…
  • Totally. I *never* used to eat breakfast, for the same reason. Busy, on the go, stomach would get upset. But since I started this new health and fitness journey, I eat breakfast every day. At first it was just a snack cheese and some nuts. Then as I got used to that, I added a cereal bar. Now, it's oatmeal/Cream of Wheat…
  • I actually removed the sugar column from my Food Diary, as I was over with my morning Mountain Dew. (I don't drink coffee, and that's my one caffeine indulgence for the day.) Everything else I keep in line pretty well. Seemed silly to keep getting beat over the head with something that was doomed five minutes after I got…
  • A coworker wore them all the time, and decided since they were so comfy, she'd try running in them. Now her knee is all jacked up, and will probably require surgery at some point. My mom's doctor did recommend she try them for plantar fasciitis because they're so padded, but flat out told her they would not work for weight…
  • It is too. It even says on the box, "cheese food." See? It's food. :D
  • Mine is always pretty accurate. And I always store it lying flat.
  • Definitely Jillian. I did the 30 Day Shred, and just finished week 4 of the 6 Week 6 Pack.
  • No gym for me. I'd rather work out in the privacy of my own home (and I'm a bit of a germophobe). I'm a devout follower of Jillian Michaels, and I also have weights, a stationary bike, and a big yard to play in (jump rope, lawn darts, horseshoes, playing catch, hitting wiffle golf balls). I'm not "buff," but I'm well on my…
  • I like Wii Fit Plus. Gold's Gym Cardio Trainer didn't impress me too much. I also like to get the dance mat out and throw in DDR once in a while, when no one's around to see me. ;)
  • This time of year, it's hard to pass up a bowl of fruit. Cantaloupe, watermelon, fresh strawberries from my garden... It satisfies the sweet tooth, is filling, and is great for a little bit of bonus liquid intake.
  • I usually log it in as circuit training.