Vitamins you take and why

taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
I know there are threads already on this topic. But its difficult to fish through them all (as I have tried) and was thinking maybe there was some new light to be shed.

I currently take:
Vitamin B: complex +C: for converting food into energy (metabolism)
Vitamin E: skin
Vitamin D: (1000 ui) live in Oregon and the sun isnt big on visiting here (also metabolism)
Fish Oil: I never eat fish
Green tea + Hoodia: quit coffee and soda, but wanted to keep the metabolism
Also dring V8 +energy every morning.

Any suggestions? Add some? Delete some?

What do you take and why?

I know you are supposed to get the nutrients from foods you consume, but I dont. Soo, I need it from somewhere.


  • zetsubou
    zetsubou Posts: 48 Member
    I take vitamins for skin and nails and primrose oil. Basically I really don't get much nutrients from my food either, so I've noticed my hair was starting to look worse day by day. My skin was always bad, so...vitamins don't do much, but I'm hoping for a miracle ;D I'm against vitamins though, I always do a long break after I use them- you can't deny it's just unnecessary chemistry sometimes...
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Anavite Multi - hot potency multi with some amino acids
    3.6g of combined DHA/EPA - good for everything
    10,000 IU vit D3 - benefits off the chart
    5g of creatine monohydrate - great for maintaining muscle while dieting
    Vit c - for skin and immune support
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Anavite Multi - hot potency multi with some amino acids
    3.6g of combined DHA/EPA - good for everything
    10,000 IU vit D3 - benefits off the chart
    5g of creatine monohydrate - great for maintaining muscle while dieting
    Vit c - for skin and immune support

    I just started the vitamin D a couple of days ago, I didnt know how much I should take so I just went with 1000iu.. in your opinion, should I be taking more?
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Best to have your vitamin d serum levels checked... But I would suggest at least 2k IU's for everyone. My mother has been taking 5k for months now and her vitamin d serum level came back @ 50 - which right is in the upper range of normal. RDA is 400 IU, but its a joke IMO.
  • GoddessAndraste
    One a Day Women's multivitamin
    Vitamin C (chewable, 500mg)
    Vitamin D (1000IU, bumped to 2000IU in the winter, as I too live in the Pacific Northwest)

    Something must be working, as I work in retail surrounded by germy-*kitten* customers and have had 1 cold in 2 years, whereas before the vitamin regimen, it was 1 cold every 4-5 months.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for all of your input. I know what you mean, I am usually sick but I have evaded it. (knock on wood) I live in the northwest as well, I will talk to my doctor about it, but until then, I will keep it at 1000iu.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i take a vitamin b complex too. i usually do not take vitamins, but have been going through a fatigue thing. probably from working third shift, and go right off to school after, while keeping up at the gym.
    it wore me down

    i also take NOW sports whey isolate after my weight training, and creatine monohydrate for some extra pump and energy during my workouts. thinking of taking n.o. xplode pre workout.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I take a prenatal vitamin because hubby and I are planning to start trying for baby #1 in a few months. Before I was taking a women's multivitamin. I am going to my doctor soon and will ask about any other supplements I should be taking.
  • dids01
    dids01 Posts: 93 Member
    I just take a multi vit to make sure that I get everything I need. i know that we should get it all from food but just to make sure I take one of these every day. Not sure about all the specific vits in it but seems to work for me.