

  • I would go with your HRM, for sure. I think your weight/age has a lot to do with calories burned. The info on this site I think is pretty basic.
  • Thank you for this, it was entertaining as can be!!!! The cake talks, the ice cream talks, even the damn popcorn talks!
  • Count me in, I've got over 100 to lose!
  • Like the majority, I say count EVERYTHING! Someone else said they don't add up to much so it won't make a huge difference but it's good to know your overall nutritional needs and what you're actually getting. Not to mention that some fruits are quite high in calories and you wouldn't want to go overboard on calories and…
  • Welcome and good luck, this is a GREAT site! I have found the food diary and exercise diary to be of tremendous help! It really helps keep you accountable and very aware of every bite you put in your mouth.
  • Thanks so much for the info!
    in Body Bugg Comment by Angowen August 2010
  • I do not have one but have always wanted one, can you tell me where to get one and the approximate cost?
    in Body Bugg Comment by Angowen August 2010
  • Thank you so much for sharing, going to check it out right now!
  • Welcome! Congrats on your success so far! You'll probably be on MFP more than you think, it is such an easy site to use, tons of great info and oodles of support! I absolutely love the food and exercise diary, wouldn't be nearly as successful without it. I also use the MFP app on my iPhone and that rocks too! Good luck and…
  • Oh yes you should be tooting and blowing!!!!! That is a fantastic accomplishment and you should be VERY proud of yourself!
  • Are you getting all of your water in? In the past for me, if I don't get all my water in, I don't have nearly as big of a loss.
  • Welcome, Olivia! Start reading the message boards, there is a ton of great information there! I just started myself but I've already learned a lot just from reading other people's posts. Use the food diary too, you'll be surprised at how easy it is to stay within your calories for the day when you start making healthy…
  • I can't say what the best are but I think they're all good for you. Obviously, some are higher in calories than others so I think it becomes a personal choice of what you want to spend your calories on. I eat all the fruits and veggies I like but the most important thing is to count the calories, that has been the biggest…
  • That is awesome and amazing! 35 pounds is a lot of weight to lose and you should be very proud of yourself. Even though you feel you have a long way to go, think of it this way, you're already 35 lbs. further ahead than you were before you started!
  • I used to be a pop-a-holic but gave it up cold turkey since I've started my healthy lifestyle and I honestly do not miss it one bit. I was drinking 3 to 6 Coke Zeros a day. Since I'm concentrating on getting my water in, I don't even have the thirst for the soda anymore. The one thing that I've noticed is that I don't feel…
  • Thanks so much for the replies! I love all the hints!
  • Thanks so much everyone! I can't say enough about how much I love this place (mfp)! I tried SparkPeople but it was way too busy and very hard to find things, I love that MFP has everything I need yet is easy to use!
  • I have to agree with RoadDog, life is way too short to get worked up about it! It sounds to me like your mom is just insensitive about your allergies and for some odd reason acts like it's in your head rather than a true medical issue - THAT is never going to change so just take her with a grain of salt, smile and thank…
  • Eau Claire, WI USA