GinnieC100 Member


  • Sometimes what we perceive as hunger is really thirst. Try maybe drinking more water. I'll try that first before I dig into a snack. Normally snacks, in my case, aren't necessarily healthy. I am developing the habit of carrying a water bottle around with me where ever I go. It wouldn't hurt to try. Please feel free to…
  • I have done My Fitness Pal on and off for years. Just coming back after a long time of not journaling. I have problems with motivation too. I start strong and then after a few weeks I don't care anymore. Trying to find that magic to keep going. It is so hard to lose weight as I age. During younger years when I wanted to…
  • I'm in too. 10,000 steps.
  • I would love to join you. I could stand to lose 40-50 lbs and my birthday is in August too, the 20th. I would be happy with a 40 lb weight loss even though it should be closer to 50. Wish I didn't yo-yo so much. I need that determination to stick to it!
  • I love the Quest Bars. Lots of protein. I only eat a half bar at a time. I find them really "heavy" and a half bar satisfies me. I think they are worth every penny spent.
  • Wow, this could be me. I have never weighed this much in my life. Starting again today. My determination is so low. I start well in the morning but by evening it is all over. I am hoping this time it will work for me too. Good luck!
  • I am dealing with bulging disks in my lower back now. Was on a muscle relaxer for a time and now am doing Physical Therapy. I am hoping that will solve the problem. I can walk, but not run, jog or even ride my road bike. It takes time and patience. Hang in there, it will get better.
  • I have had my trainer for a year and have made big improvements. I live in a small Midwest city and pay $30 a session which lasts around an hour. I find when I lift on my own, I baby myself. My trainer really pushes me to my potential.
  • Welsh and American Indian
  • Off work today! Heading out for a run/walk soon. Hopefully the weather will go a long with me. Looks pretty stormy.
    in Happy Comment by GinnieC100 June 2013
  • You can both add me if you'd like. I find the motivation from others inspirational.
  • Me too, 5'2". You will love your bike. We have become addicted to riding. I had to get a bike computer to see the distance covered, average speed and time moving. I am such a gadget person! I still have weight to lose, (about 40 lbs) working on it. You can add me as a friend too.
  • I have the Fit Bit Zip. Not quite as expensive as the One. It does not monitor sleep, though. I love it. Well worth the money. I haven't had any problems syncing with MFP. It does it automatically once I had them connected together.
  • Awesome. Keep it up! I agree it is a good application!
  • Good for you on quitting smoking! When I quit the first thing I did was gain 30 lbs. It took me a year to get it off. I too am a vegetarian, have been for many years. Unfortunately I am an overweight vegetarian. I still have about 40 lbs to drop.
  • Your story could be mine. I workout to the extreme too and can't overcome the bad diet. I start well every day but finish poorly!
  • I went to my first spinning class too last week. Absolutely loved it! My bike did have a seat. We were up and down the entire hour. Loved the music and the instructor. Will be doing it again also.
  • I am doing the C25K also. I am on week 5 day 1. I believe every other day of the program is better for a beginning runner. The possibility of injury is really big if done on consecutive days. Nothing is more discouraging that a case of shin splints or something worse. My biggest concern is injury so I am following the…
  • I am on week 5 day 1. Have taken a little break from it because of the bad weather. I do it on the treadmill but still pick up what I missed when I can get to the park for a session. Great Program. I have a 5K coming up in April that I would at least like to finish in a reasonable time.
  • Turbo Fire is definitely a step up I have both Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. The 55 is a good workout, high intensity. The company had a special not too long ago. I was able to get the entire set for around $55. If you know someone who is a coach, they can sometimes get you a better deal.
  • I love, love Quest Bars! I buy them by the case.
  • I am with you on this one. You can friend me.
  • I am not under 5' but I am 5'2". I finally saw a Trainer/Nutritionist who told me I am not eating enough to lose weight. He put me on a higher calorie goal with one cheat meal a week for the purpose of losing 1 1/2 lbs a week. I am right on target. I too am eating 1650 cal a day now. He got me out of the rut of eating the…
  • I too am sick and tired of obsessing. I'm stuck where I am, like you, losing the same weight over and over. With me, when I decide to lose weight, I start obsessing about food! When can I eat next? What can I eat? etc. Drives me crazy, because that's all I can think about. I have lots of gadgets too, love them. I guess I…
  • I have a similar question. I am determined to lose 12 lbs in 6 weeks. Rode 30 miles on my bicycle yesterday, was really spent, there was a stiff north wind to battle too. When I weighted myself this morning I gained a half of pound. I am taking the day off from exercise today because my body is still so tired. I don't…
  • I have been a vegetarian for 30 plus years, and have the same problem. I too, am 30 lbs overweight. I have come to the conclusion, it isn't what you eat but how much. Portion control is the key. I know that in my head, just wish I would live it out.
  • Wow, this could be my story except for the twins. Have the same problem. I feel great when I eat well and have my weight under control. Why don't I realize this???? I, like you, gain and lose the same weight over and over again. At my highest I feel terrible physically, emotionally and mentally. Wish I Knew the secret of…
  • I start new every Monday and swear this time I will stick to it. Well, yesterday was a disaster so today is the beginning of a new start for me. I do pretty well during the week and absolutely blow it on the weekends. I think my problem is we eat out too much on Saturdays and Sundays. I have good intentions just need to…
  • I find that MFP calculates really high. I have the FT7 also and go by the calories burned there. I find it much more reasonable, especially if you are going to eat back your exercise calories.
  • I personally believe fitness. I have the FT7 and know that my heart rate is really low in the fat burning zone. The workout burns more calories when I step it up. Just my opinion.
    in HRM Comment by GinnieC100 May 2012