
  • How did you find it to begin with? Im nervous to start tonight
  • Hey guys Im looking to start C25k. Im 4 stone overweight since having my daughter and its proving difficult. My mum was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer so im looking to enter the 10k race for life (plan on running 5k and walking 5k if I can run more I will) Is this programme good?
  • I wouldn't mind joining in if that's okay! Im actually off for study leave as of Tuesday! so im sure I could find a spare half hour. I did this for a few days before but I found it really disheartening as I cant do push ups at all! But one day my partner was watching me so I did everything (Bar the pushups ) and I felt…
  • I finish work early (well 4pm) so i take my daughter for an hour until 5pm. I drive to work. Car share so they do one day i do the other. I am planning (trying at the moment) to get notes into a small notebook that i can take with me and read on the way home (Too dark in the mornings) and for the first hour at work (as…
  • Judging by the replies i have tried to do too much too soon. I have speed quite high quite soon and incline quite high. So i should a) Start at slow speed and every few minutes up the speed until i have done 10 minutes then work way back down which gives a 20 minute workout. b) Try the c25k workout. I have this on my ipod…
  • Yes it was my first time since i was about 14 lol. I started on treadmill flat and gradually increased speed to about 4 then increased the incline. I think i lasted about 7 mins in total... and the calorie burn didnt look significant either! I moved onto the elliptical but didnt register the speed was probably more like a…
  • Reading some of the posts from OP and can completely relate,. I HATE going to new situations and places. ie gym as im so embarased by how i look. It rules my life. I dont go to the gym because the only times i can go to gym (After work) its really busy and i cant last 5 mins on a eliptical ! lol
  • thanks for the reply. My heart rate goes through the roof as soon as i start to exercise... so been told to gently ease in hence why swimming to begin with. My resting heart rate is averagely 100 BPM!
    in C25k Comment by 0400772 January 2013
  • I have been considering doin the c25k on the elliptical so these posts are great. Would you recommend for a non active person lookin to get active
  • Thanks Mock.... As i said i want to try do it healthy but i just dont understand why eating more can make you lose Obviously its doesnt mean more junk food lol but its still more caloreis
  • So you should only have a deficit at all times of 500 whether that be through food/ exercise or combination?
  • this is what MFP quoted me? im so confused now ! Lol
  • As i said this is a pretty normall diary for me So i eat in the range of 1000-1200 calorioes a day. Im 5ft 1 and 193 lbs Im pretty sedentary (desk job) but have taken up swimming twice a week for an hour and going to increase that to 4 I have lost 2 lbs since December 26th when i properly started watching. When i log food…
  • Oh and the 3rd pic (when i look my best) is HOW i want to be again not as i am. if that makes sense. This was taken about 3 years ago when I was pregnant. I put on two stone with baby but due to me being off work and not working 2 jobs i just piled on weight due to sitting about... so im not 4 stone heavier than i was in…
  • Sorry i didnt realise diary was unavilable. how do i unlock. My meals today are as follow : Breakdast : Porridge made up with water Lunch : Tuna and philadelpha on a bed on mixed lettuce leaves, some picked onions and a sprinkle of mozarella Tea : Quorn Mince & gracy, with broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, a very small…
  • Im going to give this another bash again I dont do it for 30 days solid. Is that ok? Im doing it as an at home cardio workout as i cant always get to the gym / swimming with partner playing footy / working I plan on doing it Mon, Tues, Thus, Sat and Sun so still taking two weeks per level. Level 1 really knocks me but i…
  • ok silly question but how do you measure body fat %?
  • I also over compensate. For example if its 30g ill put 40g etc and i dont use sugar salt etc on anything. If im making a sandwich ill type in the sandwich then add an extra portion of butter/ margarine. just to make sure. Im very fussy eater so dont use salad dressing ets. I currently dont take vitamins. What you see is…
  • I have read all these post and while some have been helpful others have not. I have come up with a meal plan (sample) Can you tell me if this is better. 730am Breakfast Porridge (made up with Hot water) or Bran Flakes (with S/Skimmed Milk) 10.00am Min Morning Snack 1 piece of fruit (Banana / Apple etc) 12.30pm Lunch Daily…
  • This has been a rough diet for me for a while now. with the odd occassion of crisps, juice but i seem to be gaining rather than losing . would this be due to starvation?
  • How do i open my diary? For example today i had bran flakes for breakfast Just finished soup and 1 slice of bread for lunch Its 1 chicken breast & Cabbage for tea with 1 snack of muller light greek style yogurt at about 3pm. So this means i have used 731 so i still need to eat 400 calories! i always allow for so much…
  • My diet is extremely high card low protein (previously to the last two days) so fancied doing a protein diet to get me used to eating these types of foods. Does that make sense?
    in Diets Comment by 0400772 January 2013
  • yeah i feel bloated after drinking it but im thinking to slowly reduce it rather than just completely cut out! so i normalyl have one can a day so im going to try to go as long as i can without so hopeing friday will be earliest. then make it a weekly thing... then eventually just a once in blue moon thing. Thanks now i…
  • Thanks for all your help. Im 56 lbs over my ideal weight suffer from asthma and am generally unfit so i want something that will ease me in rather than going in all guns blazing and stopping the following week! Any ways how to incorporate weights into anything else?
  • Sorry should have been clear. I cant do any more that 30 mins gym as my partner has football (im going straight to gym after work) and someone needs to be there for our daughter. So i go home give her tea while she eating ill do the 30ds as i already have it and when i use it im out of breath sore but feel great so i know…
  • Im a Scot too  Arbroath on the coast. I work in Aberdeen though. How are you finding MFP and the weight loss journey itself. Im just back on it so this is my D Day! Good luck everyone
  • Sorry should have said My uni course is an online course so i log on to watch lectures and obviously i will already be at home. I can have my partner have everything looked out so i just need to jump in shower and pjs on! lol
  • Hey hun im with you! i have 56 lbs to lose so aiming to lose ASAP lol I have a mini spredsheet i keep (just made it myself) for detailing calories, exercise and progress. Could send you on if you like Good luck! What are you doing to lose weight. Im gym most days, going to try Zumba on Friday night and im swimming twice a…
  • Thanks everyone d
  • I have it on Xbox but got annoyed cuz the machine wouldn't pick up my moves properly!