

  • I'll be sure to forward this on to her - It couldn't hurt right? She logs her stuff pretty well - I'm sure she's at a defecite each day. She said she's going to work out harder/more. I said we'll mark it on the calender and in 3 weeks if nothings changed let's look at other options. She got her BF% checked at the end of…
  • No, she had stalled a bit before and it was something we thought might be a factor. She's happier now that she's off hormonal. We did 5 x 5 stronglifts for a few months along with cardio - So we've varied the exercise type.
  • Her diary has her at about 100-120 g per day. She has been eating gluten free/low since it tends to upset her stomach a bit.
  • Try and eat more often - I eat about every hour throughout the day.
  • Have you adjusted your macro's for what you want or are yous till using what MFP defaults to?
  • cuz these types of posts always have interesting insight into that conundrum known as the female mind.
  • So long as they are challenging you by the last few reps you're doing good. All the other women there sound like they perscribe to the "I don't wanna bulk up so i'm gonna toss this bag of feathers around and hope it does something good" mentality. My wife and I are doing the strong lifts 5x5 program and we both like it -…
  • Don't do anything drastic, ease into the change. Just lower your portions at the start. Eating 2 bigmacs for lunch? just eat 1. Supersizing? get a small. Then start replacing unhealthy food choices with healthier ones. one thing at a time. Too much change all at once you'll reject it.
  • Everybody's getting worked up over 10 shots.... 10 shots in an hour? in 5 hours? depends on the time frame. To the people that say you can't binge drink and lose weight - I certainly have done both. You can't do it everyday but I've had 2-3 start at 8pm finish at 4am evenings since I started. Scale is still dropping. If I…
  • All I did was replace my 2 bowls of cereal in the morning with a protien shake and swap out chips/crackers for vegetable snacks. I usually come close to hitting it every day without trying really hard. My food diary should be public so feel free to have a look. I'm usually +/-5%. If i try I can hit it right on, again…
  • I eat back all my exercise calories and use the numbers that the machines give me. If I go running or mountain biking I use calculators found online to estimate calories. For running and mountain biking I usually drop the estimate by 25% or so just to be safe. And yes I know the machine numbers tend to be high estimates as…
  • Try eating more throughout the day. Its a lot easier to spread 400 Cal over 12 hr than cram it in at the end of the night. I usually look before I leave work at 4 and see if I am going to need a snack to prevent a big calorie deficit.
  • That's a pretty reasonable plan. But since I'm cheap I'd take the "lets try 3000 calories" and see how fast I gain over the course of a month. If you'd like to gain more add 200-300 calories. If i still had problems getting it dialed in or i had super active days followed by inactive days I'd consider the fitbit.
  • My wife and I started this a few weeks ago - like it alot - the app is easy to use and the PDF is available for free online. Only thing I don't care for is the squats on every session. But we will give it 3 months before we really judge.
  • Why avoid ketchup? Like others have said - bring your own. 90/10 lean beef is reasonable or turkey burgers - ditch the cheese or use a bit of shredded rather than a whole slice. Brats usually have alot of salt. Ditching half of the bun (or all of it) can help save calories.
  • Time how many minutes you can do today. Try to do 30 seconds more tomorrow? Try couch to 5K plan. That is a very slow approach to more and more activity.
  • Isolation isn't bad but if you're goal is strength increase why not train them all at the same time? Takes alot less time. If you're looking to body build and make specific muscles bigger than i think isolated is more suited for that.
  • I started out with one of the BodyBuilding.com work out sets - and it was mind boggling to for a beginner to get going on it. When my wife was ready to start lifting we switched over to stronglifts - only been doing it for a few weeks so no comments on effectiveness but we both like the simplicity of it and since it starts…
  • why does the gas gauge in your car go down? It got burned for energy. When you eat a calorie deficit your body starts taking the extra weight (fat and sometimes muscle) and turning it into energy. Interesting fact: Calories are determined by how much they can heat water when they are lit on fire (there's that burned thing…
  • Take some time and browse the forums. There are tons of threads that say you're going about it the wrong way. Which you are. Start by netting 1200-1500 calories a day. At you're current state you're in a -1500 calorie intake. Which isn't leaving your body anything to fuel itself with. Either that or you're just trolling…
  • I was in a biomechanics course last year and saw a research presentation on this subject. The simplest reason I took away was that with shoes you will land harder on your heal because of the padding. This sends alot of force up your leg and joints. By going barefoot/ less padding you change how your run to reduce painful…
  • Ha! Seriously detoxing is a made up fix to a fake problem.
  • Stations on the cardio tvs that play fad diet infomercials. What am I doing busting my butt here if all I have to do is sprinkle some magi pixie dust on my big mac?
  • Most of it is gym based. Our local library had both versions of the book. Standard and for women, Try your library before you buy. Even if they only have the standard one most of the info is the same.
  • http://nerdfitness.com/blog/how-to-videos/ If you don't have access to a gym there's some body weight how to's at the above website
  • Take off the gloves- they make the effective grip diameter larger. This reduces your gripping force.
  • Arcadia brewing is a local brew pub (with some regional distribution) - somebody has put a few of their beers in mfp. If I'm drinking some bodies home brew or micro I'll search for Arcadia and pick the one that is most like what I'm drinking. Not exact but better than nothing.
  • I think so - I only chose it because it was easiest to hit. A lot body building sites seem to suggest 40/40/20. And that was too much of a change to my diet all at once. Subbing a protein shake for cereal in the morning and a protein afternoon snack got me there. And the key thing is it seems to be working.
  • Look up macro nutrient profiles and change mfp to fit the one you want. I'm currently shooting for 40/30/30. That is 40% from carbs and 30% from protein.
  • I'm kind of in the same boat - 5'11" and started at 194 lbs on Jan 13th and am down 3" off my waist and 2 belt notches in and 10lb lighter. My goal is to make out my ab muscles when I flex - Don't need them chiseled out or anything - but the love handles and beer belly has to go! Being a sciency-engineer type I've read…