

  • Interesting! I like your version and the one where there was no batter! I will have to try this soon.
  • What are the all the differences of being vegetarians! I would be happy with out red meat and would love a good veggie burger recipe!
  • I'm so sorry you went thought that! May something heartless be said or done to him like turn him in ! God will give you the child you deserve no matter what size you are! It doesn't stop you from loving and being a mother! He was a jerk and sounds like you have a wonderful husband to support you!
  • It is amazing how 6 lbs can feel like 100 when you have a past of bingeing but getting rid of it in a unhealthy way. Laxitives were my vice and still want to go back to them to help get rid of the weight along with the mult types of diet pills! I understand where you are comeing from. My advice is do the best you can over…
  • I joined MFP in Janurary and like you did great the first couple of weeks and then it slowed to weight loss was 15 lbs. I was 5 to 10 away from my goal weight and 10 of it has come back and get the scale to move. I know I got lazy in my logging food and is hard sometimes when I eat at my boyfriend's. I still excerise and…
  • The carbs to reduce are the refined processed carbs! Veggie carbs are good carbs.
  • Your loss of 53 lbs so far gave you the confidence to not hide when picture were being taken! When you feel dishearted look at the pictures and get motivated again to continue. It is a hard road we are on and when we get down we have to push ourselfs harder that day to get back on track. Soon you will be the girl who is…
  • It is easier on the days I have to work in the morning, and days off are killers like today. I just know how I feel getting it done and it is my time and I seem to proform better in the morning then if I do a run at night!
  • I like and depending on how long you cook it can be have a little crunch to it or more mush. I have done it with a spagetti sauce and the other night did a mexican style. Very low calorie and filling!
  • Hi I'm from Ludington along Lake Michigan!
  • I have heard of the paleo/primal and will check it out along with the Low Carber forum. I know when my meals are more protein, I feel satified and fuller longer. Love Avocodos and need to up my fat intake that might help also. Thank you for the advice and comments!
  • That would be the better way to go the clean eating! I'll be 47 next summer and just really got in to running this past year. We so can do this and the owner of the store I work at did the Ontrio tri when he was 50!
  • I have added the Hersery special dark powder to my greek yogurt and some peanutbutter and strawberries and nice dessert!
  • I got rid of my scale this week because I got tired of trying to get to a number instead of the changes in my clothes and what the mirror was showing from my working out! I know I'm losing fat and making muscle and getting stronger! That is now my focus instead of the magic number! You look great by the way!
  • I so understand your Ice cream thing! I almost throw out a almost full half gallon of cookie dough just to get rid of it. I couldn't so I got 1/2 cup plastic containers and measured it out! I hope it will help.I would rather eat the real natual stuff and with the jam I do the all fruit and deal with the mess of dealing…
  • That's why I don't like going to the gym. But if some one sees your are doing it wrong they should come over and show you, and admire you for trying!
  • I started today with the same mind set of starting over, so you are not alone and don't want to get comfortable in baggie cool weather clothes! I want to go and find a outfit for New years and not worry about a lump here or there or wear which I never have a body shaper! I have one day this week that I might slip and not…
  • That is great your running 5 a day and it is hard with this heat. I get up early before it gets to bad and just drink regular water!
  • You keep doing what you are doing and he should be proud that you want to be healthier! I have had the same battles with my boyfriend and he has gotten a smudge better and we don't live together so it is easier! You can't make him change and when he is ready he will! You have to do what you have to do to be happy and you…
  • Sounds great but I'm in Michigan! Have fun and enjoy your runs!
  • I have found a zero tasteing one that was good and when they lower the fat other things are added. I found Bolthouse Farms yogurt dressings are good and are creamy with 35 to 45 calories 1.5 to 3 grams of fat, all natural and no preservatives. Gluten free and no added sugars or msg or artificial colors or flavors. I have…
  • I tried a white Fre a couple of months ago and it was bad! I'm willing to try other brands if there are any!
  • It is interesting seeing those numbers and when you have had a bad day and go over and it has a higher weight it makes you watch what you eat the next day!
  • I figure in my evening calories when I'm planning my day so I know where I'm at and not going over! There are just somethings I don't want to give up so I plan for it!
  • I so understand! But it is the water.
  • It could be water gain from the sodium in the foods that are the 4th favorites! Plus depending on where you live this heat and humidity can't be helping with the scale! I'm in western Michigan along the lake and it is humid and I can tell it in my body.
  • Whole eggs or egg whites with silken tofu and alot of vegies scamble. Hard boiled egg whites filled with hummus. I give my dog the yolks when I don't use them, as for the beaters the cost and flavor turns me off.
  • I'm right there with you! I just take it one day at a time and do what I can with excerise I can walk but if I start running again my knee hurts so I find what excercise I can.
  • Great job! Be proud of your victory!
  • I need to eat breakfast but cereal doens't cut it so more protein base even if it is a hard boiled egg or greek yogurt with fruit. Most of the time it is later in the morning if I work in the afternoon.