

  • Eat breakfast even if it's something light like a glass of milk or juice and a granola bar. This helps start the day in balance and you won't be starving by lunch! I also pack my lunch and plan ahead for what I'm going to eat the next day. I'll even log it in to MyFitness the night before to make sure I'm within my…
  • I don't know a cracker that has nothing in it but I do like the Kashi TLC crackers and I also like hummus with the Garden of Eatin' low sodium blue tortilla chips!
  • Hi Livi_Loves_Pink! The answer that I received from a personal trainer was no you don't have to take a day to rest when using low weight. BUT it is important to take at least one day to rest during the week from doing weights to allow your muscles to recover. I was on a one day on/one day off strength training routine but…
  • I use to work second shift and the key for me was healthy snacking throughout my shift (carrot sticks, fruit, granola bars, etc.). This helped keep me level and fight off the munchies when I got home. Hope this helps! :drinker:
  • Yummy sounds great!!!
  • Look in the international section (mediterranean) of the grocery store if your store has one. I find the best hummus is usually there!
    in Hummus Dip Comment by bla115 April 2008
  • Sounds delicious! Thanks!
  • Sounds delicious! Thanks!
  • The birth control pill YAZ is suppose to help you lose weight according to what my doctor told me.
  • Congrats!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • I totally feel your pain! It seems like when I'm trying to lose weight some people become even more pushy with tempting foods! I started taking the stuff to work and putting it in the breakroom (that I rarely go in) so that I'm not eating it all!
    in Crappy Week Comment by bla115 March 2008
  • Way to go!!!! :wink:
  • Wow you guys are awesome!!!! Really! I totally agree that it's equally as worse that he is lieing about it. I am letting that drive me crazy and like bellydancer said you just have to accept what is. I must admit I've wasted a lot of time this evening arguing with him and he still will not admit it. I personally think you…
  • Thanks everyone...Even through the tears at the moment you made me smile.
  • Thanks. I'm sorry for your story. It does make me feel a little less alone. I guess jerks run rampant in the world. It's amazing to me that you can stand by someone for five years and they can do this to you! When I think about everything as a whole I can only imagine what else he's lied about. It makes me cringe just to…
  • Thanks everyone. And yes I did confront him and yes even with black and white evidence he lied. That says as much about him as the cheating does. How can someone just lie to your face when you have the evidence in your hands!
  • So I just found out my boyfriend of 5 years cheated on me. Yes emails and text messages don't exactly lie do they? So any support would be greatly appreciated. I think I'm in shock.
  • Planks are fantastic for your abs and whew they are challenging! I go to an ab class and we do lots of planks. I highly recommend them!
  • I agree. Epsom salts can work wonders!
    in I need help Comment by bla115 March 2008
  • good job!
  • When people are making negative comments to you it has WAY more to do with them that it does with you. Maybe they have tried to lose weight before and failed, maybe something negative happened to them right before they saw you and they take it out on you. It's not so much the reason why they do it that matters. It's more…
    in inspiration Comment by bla115 March 2008
  • Down 5 pounds this week! Doing the happy dance!!!! How many calories is that burning do ya' think?! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Last week 140.5 This week 135.5
  • Shameless bump :wink:
  • Well in the description of the show it talks more about focusing on the psychological link so I think it's different than the Biggest Loser.
  • So last night I saw an ad for a new show on TLC called "I Can Make You Thin". They claimed some pretty lofty promises like being able to break people of their unhealthy relationships with food. Apparently this show was a huge success in the UK. I looked up more details at…
  • My scale does the same things. And sometimes mine even will show exactly 10 pounds LOWER than the actual weight! What a cruel joke! :sad: Anyway, what works for me is that I take a 10 pound weight from my weight bench and weigh it on the scale. That way I know how off the reading is and somehow this seems to reset the…
  • Hey please send your snow over to Virginia! We've had what is considered cold weather here but no snow. I guess we all want what we don't have!
  • I am checking in at 138.5. Can't remember what last week's was. I had the flu for two weeks, went up 4 lbs. and back down 2. By the way, what did everyone think of the show? Just goes to show how challenging vacations can be for weight loss!!!
  • My new favorite are Fiber One bars. They come in 3 different flavors and are great as a breakfast bar or snack item.