What is your best diet tip?!?!

What is your best diet tip you could give someone that is just starting out?!?!?

Amanda :smile:


  • GettingThin08
    What is your best diet tip you could give someone that is just starting out?!?!?

    Amanda :smile:
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    Don't lie to or skip out on your food log! No matter how bad you cheat, it's important to see the damage. As well as the progress on days that go well. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • babygirl
    babygirl Posts: 7 Member
    Drink Water, Water and Water each and every day. This will help get rid of the waste (fluid) in your body. Keep water with you doing the day and even take a bottle to bed with you at night. Keep your bottle full of water. Start drinking water when you get up in the morning and don't stop until you go to sleep. Get rid of the sodas and have very few glasses of juice.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    EAT your meals and snacks!!! On days i am running around and don't eat when i am hungry, i get entirely too hungry then eat everything in sight!!!! Eat 5-6 small meals, then you are never hungry !!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I agree-log everything not only does it help with progress but then you are accountable for it!
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Plan your day's meals ahead of time. That way you know exactly how many calories you will be eating.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Eat broth based soup. And plan ahead.
  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    Eat breakfast even if it's something light like a glass of milk or juice and a granola bar. This helps start the day in balance and you won't be starving by lunch!
    I also pack my lunch and plan ahead for what I'm going to eat the next day. I'll even log it in to MyFitness the night before to make sure I'm within my calories. This way what I'm going to eat is planned out and I don't have to think about it throughout the day.

    Keep it SIMPLE!!!
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Track your sodium..you will majorly surprised!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    KEEP WITH IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i agree with anna-banana,,, eat broth based soup (homemade !! ) :flowerforyou:
    eat 5-6 mini meals a day
    stay within calories,
    get support from people around you
    scrap the crap... clean eating is my new religion
    plan ahead--like the night before or in the morning
    have fun !!!!

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    This is Math, not Magic. Don't get discouraged when pounds don't just FALL off you, calories in, calories out. pure math.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Drink water and green tea...don't let yourself get too hungry...
    Before you binge...STOP and think about what your doing....grabbing a fuze works for me.....

  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Never let yourself get hungry.

    Never let yourself get full.

    it works.:wink:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Don't lie to or skip out on your food log! No matter how bad you cheat, it's important to see the damage. As well as the progress on days that go well. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    I second this one, you learn more from your mistakes, but only if you admit to them.

    Don't beat yourself up or judge yourself, learn something if you can and then move on.
  • kristineh86
    Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!!!

    I need to tell myself this a lot!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    - When at home, or even in a restaurant, after eating, sometimes pushing your plate away is not enough. sometimes it takes pouring a ton of salt or water, etc. over the food as to make it inedible.

    -The garbage disposal is a wonderful way to get rid of food permanently- cant dig it out again!

    - Sometimes verbally telling tempting food "NO" or " I'm done with you" out loud will set it more in your mind- and make other wonder of your sanity. Smile as you tell that Twinkie "No" and entertain the minds of others!

    - Putting things in a regular dish sometimes helps- rather than eating that fat free pudding right out of the plastic cup, put it into a bowl to make it seem more like a treat.

    -Taping a picture of a slender woman /nice legs, etc ( doesnt even have to be a full body) on your fridge might act as a constant reminder of what youre doing.

    - When coming home at night, dont immediately change into comfy roomy sweats. Easier to feel small in loose clothing. Stay in clothing that gives you a gentle reminder that you are not going to graze in front of the TV

    - I honestly have forgotten I was eating better on a new lifestyle change. When I first start, often times I will literally tie a string on my wrist, put a post it on my computer, something that I see hourly to remind me that I'm eating well again.

    -Keep snacks in the car/desk drawer/backpack that can easily be counted and will satisfy you for a bit until your next meal if needed.

    - Test your hunger- When I first started, I was appalled that I was hungry, and felt the need to do something about it immediately. I would not live if I was hungry, right? In time, I learned that I will survive hunger! I will not immediately die if I'm hungry. When I'm not watching what I eat, I simply dont get hungry becuase I eat all the time, so when I start watching it again, and feel hunger, it feels very extreme- but guess what? its not! Whodathunk!?I noticed in time again, I was never hungry- my body got used to less food.

    -Its perfectly healthy and I think normal to have "secret motivations" such as making an ex jealous or showing off in front of your *****y thin neighbor. There's nothing wrong with it as long as you keep it under wraps and be pleasant. Mental revenge can be wonderfully rewarding, as long as you dont become overly confident- Stay true to yourself!

    -Give yourself a mini-goal every week. Small ones like " I will not eat the candy on Bill's desk" or " I will drink 100 ounces of water every day" and stick to it for a week. Others might inlude eating low sugar, eating low carb, drinking NO sodas, eating no fast food. Its only for a week and as long as it aids in your weight loss, it should be beneficial.

    -Find small ways to excercise- lifing weights, or cans of soup or the cat on commercial breaks....jogging in place while waiting for dinner to heat up. Do lunges or leg lifts while talking on the phone.

    - Do wall push ups while you shower. If only 10 a day, it's still progress, and you'll feel it. Another suggestion I heard of was doing wall push ups in the stalls in the bathroom everytime you go.

    -Break up your goal into tiny, minuscule goals if needed. Right now I have about 100 lbs to lose and the thought of that is like trying to walk from California to New York. So forget it. 5-7 pound goals are what I focus on. Makes me feel good when I reach one and it keeps me going.

    -Get creative with ways to move. You dont have to be stuck in a gym, goodness no! Set up a volleyball court in your backyard. Run the stairs at your complex. Get a Dance Dance Revolution Video Game, put on music and dance with the kids. Walk to the grocery store when you only need a few things.

    more tips on my website: http://www.freewebs.com/goochinator/
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member

    I would say my best tip would be to find the things that are motiating you to loose wieght and write them down and post them where you will see them everyday, so that if things start getting tough you can look at your list and draw inspiration from it. Mines on the fridge and I have another on the back of the toilet door lol!!!

    hope this helps!

    :flowerforyou: skiski
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When you fall off the wagon, and you will, get right back on.

    This minute, or hour, or day....it is now gone. Dont dwell in it.

    The #1 sabatoeur of diets is felling crappy about yourself for eating the wrong thing and thinking you messed everything up.

    I say to myself...Ok, but 20 pounds is gone FOREVER and I will begin NOW.

    Oh and never go to bed mad.....oh wait, that is my newly married advise!!
  • greenbaum9
    have a set of measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a food scale and keep a food diary or food journal.

    use them.the MFP food diary will calculate for just how much you have left and how many calories you have left or if you went over on your food plan. the MFP tools, if used are a great help.

    Welcome to MFP:flowerforyou:
