
Initially, I just wanted to loose 10. In the back of mind I was hoping for 25 but I thought 10 is good, for me, for now. Well I am currently 15 lbs lighter and well on my way to being a better me.

When no one noticed the weight-loss I was inspired by the lack of understanding.

When people started to notice I started to loose the inspiration and motivation. I found more people where angry at me or uncomfortable with my new size. I got comments that were very negative.

I am 5 feet tall and weighed 140 lbs. I now weigh 125. I am healthy. I eat, lots even. I should be proud and happy but I find I am embarrassed. I get stuck in these warped conversations and end up feeling down.

How does one keep on truckin?


  • gonezobean
    gonezobean Posts: 154
    Initially, I just wanted to loose 10. In the back of mind I was hoping for 25 but I thought 10 is good, for me, for now. Well I am currently 15 lbs lighter and well on my way to being a better me.

    When no one noticed the weight-loss I was inspired by the lack of understanding.

    When people started to notice I started to loose the inspiration and motivation. I found more people where angry at me or uncomfortable with my new size. I got comments that were very negative.

    I am 5 feet tall and weighed 140 lbs. I now weigh 125. I am healthy. I eat, lots even. I should be proud and happy but I find I am embarrassed. I get stuck in these warped conversations and end up feeling down.

    How does one keep on truckin?
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I don't think being 125 or even 115 is to little, unless your body is telling you it is, for a person who is 5 foot. My daughter is 135 lbs and she is 4"11 and looks heavy. First and foremost you have to take into consideration of how you feel. Make sure you are eating properly and don't get into those arguments with yourself. After all who is going to win?

    You can never make everyone happy so make yourself happy.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Stick with me here.

    When I tell people I'm a vegetarian, they get defensive. They tell me either:
    1. I don't eat that much meat
    2. How do you get your protein
    3. I wish I could give up meat, I just like it too much
    4. I mostly eat chicken and fish

    Mind you, I didn't say, "why aren't you a vegetarian", ask them about their diet, or anything. I just stated a fact. They went on the attack (granted, the attacks have gone down in recent years and defenses up, but it's really the same thing).

    So, when you are losing weight, people will try to defend themselves by either making up excuses, or they attack you. I'm really not sure why.

    You get used to it. You understand the reasons for your diet (and I don't mean that in a weight-loss way, any diet) - and other people just have to deal with that. TS.

  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    When people are making negative comments to you it has WAY more to do with them that it does with you. Maybe they have tried to lose weight before and failed, maybe something negative happened to them right before they saw you and they take it out on you. It's not so much the reason why they do it that matters. It's more important that you don't let the comments take away from your progress and accomplishments. You are the only one that has to live in your body and so whatever is healthy for you is best. I have also encountered negative people as I'm losing weight and I make a point of smiling, being nice and responding with a simple "Interesting" if they are forcing their two cents on me. This can really diffuse a situation. Hope this helps!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I think that what makes people this way is twofold.

    Jealousy and guilt. I think most people who don't eat well would like to eat well. They're jealous of those that do, thinking we possess some magic like extra willpower (ha!) or strange tastebuds that magically woke up one day and loved broccoli instead of potato chips. They're guilty that they don't have those magic powers.

    I heard Dr. Oz say once "skinny people think fat people are lazy, and fat people think skinny people are lucky". I think this is true, and the source of these comments.

    Food, or rather the media surrounding it, has messed us all up, I think. People fear what they don't understand, or see as "different". Remember that you're doing what works for YOU, and that is all that really matters.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    Congratuations to you for your weight loss. Jealousy or guilt, I love that. Don't listen to them. Listen to us, we honor and respect the hard work you are doing. :flowerforyou:
  • gonezobean
    gonezobean Posts: 154
    thank you! you are so very right.
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member

    Mind you, I didn't say, "why aren't you a vegetarian", ask them about their diet, or anything. I just stated a fact. They went on the attack (granted, the attacks have gone down in recent years and defenses up, but it's really the same thing).

    Wow, that's a really good point! You aren't asking them why they aren't dieting, you're just sharing a part of your life. Good point!:laugh: