cmaguire305 Member


  • I want my medal!!! But really, I thought of several things while reading your book. 1. Holy crap, I have never even met anyone that took a three-week vacation. 2. I can totally relate to feeling abandoned by parent(s) 3. I also place food way too high on my list of things that are important to me. 4. I wish I could help in…
  • I'm 43 and started (again) at 224lbs this time. I'm averaging 2 lbs a week. It's not as easy at is used to be, but to me, the difference that came with age is negligible at best. Maybe I'm just lucky or maybe I'm working harder this time and don't realize it. All I know is that I'm in pretty good health and the only…
  • I'm back as well. Last time I did such a bad job at logging and tracking but I still did fairly well with weight loss. For whatever reason I just gave up and put most of it back on. So here I am again. Only slightly more disciplined. Not much more, just slightly. Actually, slightly may be too strong of a word for this.…
  • Hi, I've never been diagnosed, but coming from an Italian family, binge eating is in my blood!!! I'm not a great friend. I suck at motivating people, it takes me forever to get back to people, I'm very crude and curse a lot, I'll constantly ask to borrow money too, but I'd be glad to be your friend
  • I thought I was the only one who thought of those things at the gym (and most other places too)
  • I've always thought that my current friends were much too proper for me.
  • Since I'm a 43 yo male from the the other side of the world, we'll have loads in common ;-) But really, we're all here for the same reasons. So if you need a friend or someone to ***** to, feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • I'm in a very similar boat. I forget what I told MFP I wanted to lose but it's something over 30 lbs. I also work in an office and sometimes find it very difficult to get moving throughout the day. So I have to make time after work to hit the gym or do something. I also always make my own lunch. I don't have enough time in…
  • You can add me too if you'd like. I'm a former smoker trying to get back to my smoking weight.
  • Feel free to add me.
  • Do NOT squat in the curl rack!!! Or whatever. There are several racks at my gym and I don't know which ones are for squatting, curling, talking on the phone, resting spot for gym bag, admiring yourself in the mirror, or creeping on women. But they all seem to be interchangeably used for all of the above mentioned…
  • I have the same problems going on, so after reading this I feel a little better about myself now. Thanks!!!
  • I'm always up for having more friends. Feel free to add me if you want. I have about 30 lbs to lose. Been doing this for about two weeks now (this time, I was on here over a year ago and just disappeared one day.) Anyway, I'm not a great friend in that I'm terrible at getting back to people, have terrible advice, not very…
  • Hell, I'll be anyone's friend. The more I read about other people's experiences, the more it helps me. Hopefully I can return the favor to some people. Feel free to add me. Although I feel I should warn you that I'm actually a terrible friend. I suck a motivating people, it takes me forever to reply sometimes, I don't know…
  • From a guy's POV, I'm with you on this. There is nothing, short of death, that would keep me from my kid's wedding. She's a horrible drama queen who would even make Jesus vomit with rage. Maybe not that bad, but yeah, screw her. I just hope her son will forget about it and have a great time at his wedding.
  • I go to the gym to work out and that's it. Sure I see attractive women at the gym and I'll definitely take a quick look, but I certainly wouldn't go beyond that and I wouldn't interrupt anyone to hit on them (especially since I'm happily married). But that being said, you women think that your "hot-mess" look is going to…
  • Grew up in West Philly, living in King of Prussia now.
  • PHILLIES!!! But even though they have one of the best teams in baseball right now, they still suck in the playoffs (at least their offense does) and I am no longer a believer in Charlie Manual. I think they should have gotten rid of him before last season started. I have my partial season tickets, but I'm not going to even…
  • I am 5'10 cw: 216.2, goal weight 185. Feel free to add me!
  • It's people like you who inspire me. You're taking responsibility and doing something about it. I love that! I can't speak on all your points, but what I will say is that when I'm at the gym and see an overweight person exercising, the only reason I'll look (not stare) is for motivation. Because in a gym (or at least MY…
  • I feel for you! Being from an Italian family and then marrying into an Italian family, binge eating has been my life. Nothing cuts the cravings; water, gum, tv, working out, nothing. I'm beginning to think that I chose the wrong career path and should have been a competitive eater. The only thing that works is willpower;…
  • it's been almost 5 years since I quit smoking and I'm still trying to get that weight off. When I quit, I was 204 and already needed to lose weight. Since then, I bounced around from a low of 201 to a high of 230. It's been a bit of a struggle. So I wish you the best of luck and feel free to friend me if you need to talk…
  • Just saw your post, I'm a guy, so I suck at giving support, but I'd be happy to try. Feel free to add me too, if you'd like. I'm pretty new here too. I'm here trying to drop some excess weight (ok a little more than excess weight. I have like 40lbs to lose). I dropped the first 5 then I found this place. Seems like a good…
  • Hello London, from Philadelphia!
  • If you ever need late night support, it's always good to have a friend in another time zone who'll be awake!! Good luck with your 20lbs!
  • +1 for the bicycle shorts. Great for running, biking, golfing, any activity where you need to keep your junk in place.
  • I'm a noob too and I'm sure I'll be around for a while. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm slowly trying to make friends here too and I know it can sometimes be rough in the beginning.
  • Catholic atheist here. But I could totally get into Pastafarianism. That Flying Spaghetti Monster really knows how to run an afterlife! But really, I'm ok if you want to believe in something, just don't make me try to believe in it. This goes for religious nuts and PETA members too!
  • You can add me too, I'm new here and could use a few friends