Controlling urges and binging



  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Google urge surfing - its a technique used for overcoming overeating and other addictive behaviours SURFING.htm
  • lilyflor
    lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
    what time do you get these urges? I get mine at night but I'm more of a night owl so I been trying to go to sleep earlier... it didn't work today though... I did go to sleep for about 2 hours but woke up and can't go back to bed :( this weekend was bad for me, but I am an emotional eater, and I was feeling sad and disappointed. Nothing stops me when I start binging, I ate two bowls of cereal and some rice I didn't even enjoy, and today i had some toast with butter. I do hate my self when I'm doing it, and as I am doing it I keep saying in my mind, don't do it, don't do it... but I can't stop it. Hating my self after is the worse I knew I had the power to stop me but I didn't. I honestly think I need to eat light during the day and eat most of my calories during the night so that I am full, is the feeling of emptiness in my stomach what I can't tolerate... I drink water, go wash my teeth... It doesn't work, more when you feel like the world is against you and you just want to lay down and die... I am probably being over dramatic but is how I feel... and as most here have said, most days I do good, extra good actually! I can go days and weeks without binging but when I do, I would eat my whole fridge if I can. ggrrrr freaking food!!! put on your fridge a pictures of a very handsome and fit guy who is actually looking at the camera (so it feels like he's looking at you) that's what I'm going to do this week and see how that goes lol good luck!
  • cmaguire305
    cmaguire305 Posts: 34 Member
    I feel for you! Being from an Italian family and then marrying into an Italian family, binge eating has been my life. Nothing cuts the cravings; water, gum, tv, working out, nothing. I'm beginning to think that I chose the wrong career path and should have been a competitive eater. The only thing that works is willpower; cheesy as that sounds. Right now I have the same feeling that I had when I quit smoking for good, this time I'll have the willpower to do it. I've been eating right for two weeks now and it sucks! I want nothing more than to have a pizza, cheese-stake, cheese-fries and a couple beers, but I know that I can't, so I won't. I have no idea how this is going to turn out for me, but I'm trying really hard and I'm holding myself accountable for everything. I think that's a key too, to not make excuses. For me, I have no excuses to not eat right or to not exercise. Even if it's only a 20 minute walk. Anyway, I'm sure you're getting enough suggestions. Feel free to friend me, maybe I can help...or at least listen. Good Luck!
  • grannynickel
    grannynickel Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for your words. I, too, am a night owl. I retired last June and my schedule has gone from very fixed to completely open. I am often up very late, 2-4 in the a.m., and it's the time from about 11:30 on that I have the problems. I know that I do better with more structure so I am going to try to put myself back on a schedule. Saying this after being up only 1 1/2 hours and going to bed at 4 a.m. I am also an emotional eater, often eating foods that I do not want and that do not satisfy me. Guess we are both works in progress. Good luck to you and we both should try to love ourselves a wee bit more.