I have no friends! (on MFP)

First time on here, loving tracking my food and fitness, I've been stalking everyones posts, might as well put myself out there and let you know I'm here, how does having friends on here work? Add me I'm on board


  • nayah19
    I have no friends on here either.
    I just started because about this big hype of this web page. I need to loose major poundage.
    Lets motivate each other.
    Your welcome to add me nayah19

    We can do this!!!!
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    Hi guys, I'm pretty new to MFP myself! I've friend requested you both, it really is great and encouraging to have the positive support that I've been shown on here! Good luck!:happy:
  • lyri1
    lyri1 Posts: 3
    New here too! I'd love to help you on this journey! :)
  • akitchen1988
    akitchen1988 Posts: 13 Member
    I need new friends too! :)
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    guys i have a great group your welcome to join


  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    When I read your post, the first thing I did was read your profile, but nothing is there. Who are you? What are your goals? Tell us a little about yourself.
    I have different friends on here for different reasons. I have a lot of weight to lose, at least 100 pounds, so I have similar friends to share that journey with. I also have some "older" friends, like me, I have friended people doing the same fitness routine and of course try to friend a seasoned veteran or two that have done this the way I want to, and are keeping the weight off.
    Sometimes I like what someone wrote in a post and I go to their profile, check them out, and then send a friend request. I am looking for real support here, not trying to gather 400 friends like facebook.
  • thekeelbystamps
    thekeelbystamps Posts: 27 Member
    Hi & welcome I'm new too and enjoying tracking the same as you - good luck on your journey - go girl - Jo :wink:
  • sparlingirl
    sparlingirl Posts: 7 Member
    WOW! Thanks everybody, I will have to take some time tonight to work on that profile...I appreciate the feedback looking forward to not having to do this alone :)
  • asiak88
    asiak88 Posts: 8 Member
    This is my second day here and I'm looking for friends too. If anyone would like to add me, feel free to do so :)
  • Wolfmother61
    Wolfmother61 Posts: 62 Member
    I would also like some friends. I was losing on another site but was at a stand still so I joined this site at the recommendation of a co-worker. I love the tracking of the food and exercise. Now I think I might need the extra support of a few friends.

    Please add me.
  • cmaguire305
    cmaguire305 Posts: 34 Member
    Hell, I'll be anyone's friend. The more I read about other people's experiences, the more it helps me. Hopefully I can return the favor to some people. Feel free to add me. Although I feel I should warn you that I'm actually a terrible friend. I suck a motivating people, it takes me forever to reply sometimes, I don't know how to use many of the features of this site, I often ask to borrow money too. But hey, at least we have the weight loss thing in common!
  • lyoder1
    I'm not really new to MFP, but most of the friends that I had have quit using the app. I could certainly use the motivation and encouragement of the MFP community! Add me if you'd like! :)
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Welcome to MFP; feel free to add me.

    Best of luck on your fitness journey!

  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    If you want friends, read the boards and friend like-minded people! It's lame to advertise yourself like this.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I like the profile update.

    Fabulous Forties here also!!! Trying not to totally lose myself in my kids, they are still young.

    Love to be around others with similar goals.

  • 2knowmeis2luvme
    I'm new to mfp as well and I share your opinion. I'm looking for motivation and support. Not looking to have the most friends or likes. This is my second major attempt at losing weight and keeping it off. As I've grown older, it has become harder to lose. I finally feel that mentally i'm ready and I can do it this time!
  • sdimuzio1
    I'm new here as well. Feel free to add me as well. Would love to share this journey with others. I know I can't do this alone.
