

  • I'm 5'1" and I have to eat 1200 net to get any sort of meaningful deficit. If I'm under by ten or twenty calories, I don't sweat it. Yeah, that little red message is annoying, but it's basically impossible to be perfectly exact with your caloric intake anyway--I might have hit 1200 anyway, even if the calculations don't…
  • If you just started your weight loss journey, then it's probably mostly water weight. A lot of people lose up to 10 pounds very quickly, then the weight loss becomes more consistent with your goals (1 lb a week, or 2 if you have a lot to lose). Don't worry about it!
  • I'm the same way. Even though I'm smaller than I've ever been, smaller than high school, and I KNOW that I look different than photos from last year, I just see a fat person in the mirror. Sometimes I'll think that I look good, then I'll look in the mirror and cry. I feel like I'm fatter than ever. I take measurements, and…
  • This happened to me a few weeks ago...I feel your pain, it will get better! As for the food and exercise: For me, getting in a little exercise helped me feel better, but it may be different for you. Just try to go for a walk to clear your helped me. When it comes to food, I'd be lenient on yourself these next few…
  • Love it! You and the dress look fantastic!
  • Nope! Not healthy AT ALL. Your body needs calories to survive, and if you have a NEGATIVE net calorie count, then your body isn't getting anything at all! Granted, if you're super mobidly obese and on a doctor supervised diet/workout regiment, then it can work, but only in the short term. Don't think of this as a…
  • Make the IMG's all lowercase. :)
  • I think you meant 1200 calories a DAY...don't want to give the OP any scary ideas!
  • Your body burns calories with you just sitting there, or sleeping. Every person has what is called a "Base Metabolic Rate," or BMR. This is the amount of calories your body needs if you were just lying in bed all day--it depends on your height and weight. Most people agree that you shouldn't eat too much under your BMR…
  • Make the IMG's lowercase! :)
  • I don't really add anything, except ice. :) Something that helps me with water intake is to have a large bottle of water nearby at your job/desk(mine's a one liter) and take 10 swigs every time you get up or sit down. It makes drinking that much seem way less daunting!
    in Water Comment by Andromeda173 July 2012
  • According to the numbers you could, but I wouldn't if I were you. I've found that restricting calories following a binge just sets you up for a binge-then-starve-then-binge-again cycle, which is really not good for you, health-wise or emotionally. Just tell yourself you'll do better. If you can't exercise today, then do it…
  • That's what I do--eat some back but not all. If I KNEW that my calorie count (for both calories in and out) were completely accurate, then perhaps I'd do otherwise. The way I see it is that an extra 200 uneaten calories from exercise balances out some underlogging of food or overlogging of exercise. Better to be a bit on…
  • Huge difference! Way to go! :D
  • I buy myself a new nail polish for every 5 pounds lost. They're cheap and I love them, but I only let myself buy one if I've lost the weight. This also gives me an excuse to get the nice, sparkly stuff instead of the 99c bottles. :)
  • I agree with what a lot of people are saying here...we're not here for a "diet" in the traditional eat-this-not-that-for-X-weeks-then-return-to-an-unhealthy-normal sense. Classifying foods as "good" or "bad" leads to unhealthy things, like depriving yourself of that thing you love only to binge because few can handle a…
  • For me (as in this works for me, your mileage may vary), when I have only a few hundred "extra" calories, I just don't eat those back. I figure this will cancel out any overlogging of exercise/underlogging of calories. However, if it's a workout day, I'll burn 500-700 calories, and I'll eat back part of those--otherwise…
  • I'm 5'1", currently ~130, and a size 6 in dresses but a 9 in juniors' jeans, so take that as you will.
  • Ditto here! Trying to lose about 10 more pounds.
  • My motivation is not being my parents, who are very overweight and unhealthy. Same goes for my grandparents, my aunts, and many of my cousins. I'm 19 now, and if I can figure out fitness now, then I won't have to worry about diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. when I'm 40. Also, I was always chubby growing up. I recently…
  • Hello all! I'm Shelby and I'm trying to get to the lower end of a healthy BMI and tone up! Basically, the "last ten pounds" stage. :P
  • Great job! :D
  • Did you lose all 26ish pounds in 1 1/2 months?
  • Another shortie here! 5'1", SW 140 CW 135 GW 120 Doing cardio and walking all over campus, basically having most meals at the dining hall.
  • One last reply (I'm the OP), I'm netting around 1000. I usually eat 1200 a day, or even more on my workout days, but the total (calories-exercise calories) is around 1000. It's not like I'm eating only 1000 a day and then burning 400 or more from exercise. I basically feel like MFP would tell me daily that I need to eat…
  • I'm still trying to figure out what works best for me. I think that a lot of days I would have to force myself to eat the extra calories to make it to 1200--and not in a healthy way. I may try upping to 1200 for a few weeks and see if I''m still losing/losing more/staying steady/gaining. I'll see if I can make an…