Calories left over

Is 300 calories left over after excercise too much? I am allowed 1200 a day...usually eat 1200 but then I walk for an hour and "earn" back usually 300-400 or aroung that. I see all the back your excercise calories but I wasn't sure if that was for those people who burn 600-800 or so. I have been losing right along as I should be. If I was in starvation mode I wouldn't be losing would I? Should I continue as I am doing?


  • Andromeda173
    For me (as in this works for me, your mileage may vary), when I have only a few hundred "extra" calories, I just don't eat those back. I figure this will cancel out any overlogging of exercise/underlogging of calories. However, if it's a workout day, I'll burn 500-700 calories, and I'll eat back part of those--otherwise I'd be netting far too low and be starving to boot!
    So, short answer--a few "extra" calories isn't going to hurt you. Everything here is at best an estimate, so being on the safe side works well for me.
  • Less0Beth
    Less0Beth Posts: 16
    I have the same problem. I figure, I worked and sweated hard to take off those calories. Will I "borrow back" some of those calories now and again, of course. For example, today was a day of moving furniture and doing some deep cleaning. Earned like 1800 extra calories. A little more hungry than normal, so I used 300 of those "earned" calories and let the others go, literally and figuratively. And I don't feel deprived over it at all. Sometimes you will feel a little more hungry for whatever reason. That is a good time to borrow a few, not all of what you burned off. Otherwise, you really are not doing any good.