olyrose Member


  • I've been wondering this same thing lately! It was so much easier when I was younger, but now I'm in a different city, basically don't work with anyone in my office, and don't like to just spend time in bars. My goal this summer is to be more active, because it's so easy for me to decide just to stay home because I have no…
  • I just had a similar realization! I had been having horrible headaches and migraines, dizziness, nausea, and felt really congested all the time. I went to my doctor 3-4 times, saw an Ear Nose Throat specialist, had a CT scan, saw an allergist twice, and they never found anything wrong. Finally started tracking the symptoms…
    in Seasonique Comment by olyrose June 2012
  • I really want to do one that's similar to this in Portland this year (Nomad Adventures Zombie Apocalypse Run)! It looks like so much fun, and a really great introductory 5k/2.5k
    in Zombie Run Comment by olyrose June 2012
  • I've always had a lot of male friends - just friends - so that in itself is not a red flag. I actually just reconnected with a male friend I hadn't talked to in 12 years, so I understand that too. However, I think you need to trust your instincts as to whether this is an interference in your relationship. Simply having a…
  • I've seen a lot of people do this. I try hard to keep everything within my calorie limits, but I don't always succeed. Right now I'm zig-zagging calories, so some days I eat more, some days a little less, but my weekly average is the same. This helps because I tend to eat out on Fridays, so I have extra calories for that…
    in Splurge days Comment by olyrose May 2012
  • Completely struggle through this every month too! I tried at first to keep my eating the same, but that monster takes over and I feel like I NEED to snack. So I started finding low-cal alternatives to things. Reduced fat jello pudding and hot chocolate help my chocolate cravings, jello or popsicles help my sweets craving,…
  • I have a couple apps I use for Droid - the daily arms, daily butt, daily ball...there are a few. They are free for the basic versions, then $1-2 for the expanded versions (definitely worth it). She walks through different moves with weights, and it's timed and really easy to follow. Beyond that, I haven't gotten into any…
  • Woohoo! Good for you! I'm starting to focus on that area more and more now. What were you doing to get it all smoothed out?
  • After losing 45 pounds, I finally match my drivers license weight! In another 20 pounds or so I am getting a new one, and probably won't even lie about my weight on it :smile:
  • That is freaking awesome!! Good for you! That is very inspiring, I ran a mile for the first time a few months ago, and I WILL work up to what you just did :smile:
  • This really IS a must read for everyone!! before I understood this I got discouraged and gave up. Now I anticipate it and it's no big deal. I even asked a trainer about it and they had no idea. this should really be more common knowledge (instead of everyone saying you gained 4 pounds of muscle overnight).
  • I've been struggling with this for the past few months...Right now I am trying to zig-zag my calories (eat more some days, less some days, but the weekly average still comes out to what my daily goal is). I also upped my protein and lowered my fat, started eating different snacks at different times of the day, and try to…
  • bump :smile:
  • I'm over on the Eastside at the LA Fitness by Lloyd Center. A lot of gyms do a friends and family free day, though. Maybe there's a way for a rotating group to take advantage of that option :smile:
  • I've been neglecting this group a bit, but I'm happy to see so many new Portland area peeps :)
  • My new favorite thing! haha perfect :drinker:
  • Interesting idea...I've been playing around with that thought too lately. I will have to read up on that. Thanks!
  • Have tried different things for a few weeks at a time, but have been trying to look at the big picture and not get stressed about it. I think it's difficult because as my body changes from losing weight, the quick changes aren't as quick anymore...
  • This is kind of how I've been feeling! It's nice to hear someone explain it that way. I feel like I drop but don't notice any difference visually, then after a few weeks I start to feel smaller and better in my weight, then drop again, catch up mentally, and so on.
  • Thanks :smile: I have been taking measurements, but it's all basically stalled. I feel like I'm fitting better in my skin, and adjusting to this new weight, which is nice, but even 3 weeks of 30 day shred didn't alter my stats at all. But, I know that everything I do, everytime I exercise, everytime I choose healthier…
  • Thanks for the feedback everybody! And congratulations to you all who made it past that horrible plateau :drinker:
  • This is EXACTLY what I needed today! :heart:
  • I was raised a vegetarian, and now only eat seafood. My boyfriend is more bothered by me not eating meat than I am with him eating it :smile:
  • Right. Which is why I said I understand sedentary to be NOT ON MY FEET ALL DAY, but also NOT that I'm comatose. NOT ON MY FEET ALL DAY meas MOSTLY SITTING. NOT COMATOSE. My office job and my commute mean that the majority of the day I sit. But it doesn't mean I NEVER move around, or go about regular daily activities.
  • Nope, saying the exact opposite :smile:
  • Um, no...how am I making things up? By saying that people tend to overestimate a calorie burn? Or by my actual observations of this? Or by expressing my opinions in terms of my weight loss? According to MFP, jogging for an hour burns almost as many calories as about an hour and a half of leisurely shopping, cooking, and…
  • And also it relates to ACTUAL calories burned. I can add up all my cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking, and come up with hundreds of calories burned for a couple hours worth of time. MFP counts these burns much higher than they actually are. When I run or use the elliptical for 45 minutes, I burn about 400-500 calories…
  • For me, there is a huge difference between FEELING wiped out or exhausted from doing things like cooking, cleaning and shopping, and actually BEING wiped out from doing a real workout. I figure that the moving around from cleaning and shopping and being on my feet is a good thing, but don't count it towards calories…
  • I started doing the same thing so I could get a broader perspective. Sometimes I felt like I had stalled, but when I saw the average, I realized I was still on track. Thanks for posting, and congrats on your losses!