

  • I usually drink about 12 glasses of water a day, so I don't really drink much else. But when I do I will have OJ, Cran-Grape juice, naturally pressed Apple Juice, and the far and few between soda. Mostly water though.
  • LOL!! I sweat like crazy so even a little bit of make up would end up on my face. I would take the time to remove any make up because I know it would not stay put. :\ And as far as looking at the other chicas... I def notice, and use some of them as a push to work harder and get closer to where they are.
  • My gym has disinfectant wipes in both the cardio and weight room to clean off the machines/seats. I have started wiping them down before and after I use them bcs of the amount of people I have noticed not doing it after they are done. EWWW!
  • I use the 'lazy *kitten*' elliptical because it is low impact on my knee that I injured a number of years ago. but I still work hard and sweat while I am on it. I know I look rough, but I don't care. It's one thing to still have your face on because you work out after work/school/end of the day. It's another thing to wake…
  • I was going to say the same thing. When I see heavy people at the gym, or outside running/jogging I get so excited for them. I'm heavy myself and know what it's like to be self conscious about what others think. But I am doing it for ME not them. I'm working hard for ME, not them. If they think I/you/anyone is wasting…
  • I was born on the East Coast, and currently living on the West Coast. I see the Pacific Ocean every day. I have been to a number of water front states, and LOVE the water!!! YAAAAAAAAY!
  • Uhh, no! If I make plans with my friends for them to come over they just walk in because if they knock my two small dogs go buzzerks barking. If I am not expecting anyone I do not answer the door. I look out the peep hole and watch them walk away! lol The only time I will answer the door for a stranger is if it is UPS, and…
  • At my heaviest I was 225. I have lost a total of 15 lbs and I can't see any change either, but my husband and friends say they can tell. I also can't tell much of a difference in a lot of my clothes, but working out I feel better, and even though I can't tell a visual change in myself, I feel more confident because I know…
  • I have knee pain, but it is due from a car wreck about 6 years ago where I hit the dash with my right knee. If I run on a treadmill/outside I get terrible pain in that knee. And it happens very quickly. I stick with low impact on an elliptical machine and find that I can go for 60+ min where other wise I can only last a…
  • I don't count Altoids. And I have anywhere from 4-10 a day. LOVE ALTOIDS!!
  • I prefer turkey bacon. We get Butterball Lower Sodium Turkey Bacon. I hate that 'real' bacon has fatty bits on it. It grosses me out. And I bake my Turkey Bacon bcs I always seem to get burned from the splatter. It is super yummy! Mmmmm, this makes me wish I had some right now!
  • My goal for this week will remain 360 min. Mon: 44 min Elliptical Tues: 44 min Elliptical / approx 30 min upper body toning Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun 118 Down 242 To Go.
  • Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 360 minutes Mon: 44 min Elliptical AM25 min Elliptical 15 min Stationary bike PM Tue: Rest Wed: 44 min Elliptical-- 15 min toning Thur: 40 min Upper body weight lifting/ toning Fri: Rest Sat: 180 walking/sight seeing and little bit of rock climbing Sun: 0 Total / min left: 363 / 0 I had company…
  • Girl you look good!! And that is a cute suit too!
  • I'll be 28 this year and I mainly do cardio. I do about 45 min on the Elliptical, and then will go to the weight room and use the chest/tricep press machines, and do a whole bunch of bicep curls and crunches some days.. To me I feel that using weights helps tone as you lose weight. Yea know, for the droopy skin that might…
  • I weigh myself about once a week. But I also measure myself. If my weight stayed the same but I toned up and changed shape.... that's cool with me.
  • Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 360 minutes Mon: 44 min Elliptical AM25 min Elliptical 15 min Stationary bike PM Tue: Rest Wed: 44 min Elliptical-- 15 min toning Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 143 / 217
  • Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 360 minutes Mon: 44 min Elliptical AM25 min Elliptical 15 min Stationary bike PM Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 84 / 276
  • We live in Nor Cal and out rent is close to $1,600 for a 2 bed room duplex. Although the utilities are included in that. And my hubby is Military so our BAH pays for it. But I have no idea how civilians live around here. If it weren't for him being in the Military there is no way we would be able to afford this area. :\
  • We haven't bought real junk food in a long *long* time. On the weekends we will have Tostitos with queso and salsa on a movie night. We both LOVE it, and not willing to totally get rid of it. Though we are doing better on our portion sizes. Other than that I love Blue Bunny Fudgesicles. I have and will grab 3 out of the…
  • Like everyone else has already said... a glass of water is 8oz. I have a Smart Water bottle that my hubby got for PT and I refill it and drink from it every single day. It comes with me to the gym, and is usually with in arms reach. It is 23.7fl oz. I count it as 3 glasses, and make it a point to fill it up at least 3 time…
  • This is a great thread!! I LOVE tattoos! I only have one right now, but def want more. I'll have to get my husband to take a picture of it so I can share. But it is an eye, with whips of red hair around it on the back of my neck. I got it during my divorce because multiple people "friends" knew he was being unfaithful but…
  • Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 360 minutes Mon: 44 min Elliptical --- also going back to the gym tonight with my hubby. Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 44 / 316
  • Week # 1 Jan 30th ~ Goal 300 minutes Mon- Rest day Tues- 54 min Elliptical Trainer / 34 min walk, moderate pace while walking dogs. Wed- 63 min on the Elliptical--- 8 miles Thur- 28 min on Elliptical--- 20 min weight lifting/toning. Fri- 25 min yoga--- approx 15 min toning/ 140 crunches Sat- 30 min elliptical/ 10 min…
  • Week # 1 Jan 30th ~ Goal 300 minutes Mon- Rest day Tues- 54 min Elliptical Trainer / 34 min walk, moderate pace while walking dogs. Wed- 63 min on the Elliptical--- 8 miles Thur- 28 min on Elliptical--- 20 min weight lifting/toning. Fri- 25 min yoga--- approx 15 min toning/ 140 crunches Sat- 30 min elliptical/ 10 min…
  • Mon- Rest day Tues- 54 min Elliptical Trainer / 34 min walk, moderate pace while walking dogs. Wed- 63 min on the Elliptical--- 8 miles Thur- 28 min on Elliptical--- 20 min weight lifting/toning. Fri- 25 min yoga--- approx 15 min toning/ 140 crunches 239 down, 61 to go
  • Mon- Rest day Tues- 54 min Elliptical Trainer / 34 min walk, moderate pace while walking dogs. Wed- 63 min on the Elliptical--- 8 miles Thur- 28 min on Elliptical--- 20 min weight lifting/toning. 199 down, 101 to go
  • I have had experiences with the same type and I too just walked away.
  • Well said. If you are going to subject yourself to salads and tasteless foods you will not stick to your plans/goals. I eat what I normally would.... PORTION is key!