Food you HAD TO give up...



  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Many of my original MFP friends who remember me from my first year on the site -- when I kept my diaries open --will know I am a huge Starbucks customer. Still am. But I am a very boring Starbucks consumer. Just have a Grande coffee each day with a multi grain bagel either with butter or lite cream cheese. The one food that I HAD to give up is the Starbucks Cranberry/Orange Scone. That innocent looking confection has 490 calories, 18 grams of fat and -- 34 grams -- yes, count 'em -- 34 grams of sugar.

    I still look at the Scones almost daily. I dream about them. They are soooo good. Maybe for my birthday, I will have one? But yes, I had to give this up cold turkey. Not easy. Let me tell you!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    Instead of giving anything up, I've figured out ways to make my own healthy version of things. For instance, pizza. I could put away an entire large Papa John's pizza like nobody's business. Even though I'm gluten intolerant, I would take the pain just for some of that cheesy deliciousness. So instead, I found small gluten free pizza crusts and make my own in just the right portion size. Same goes for cookies, chips, etc...I just figure out away to make it work for me. And when it comes to things like chips or anything in a large container, ziploc baggies are my friend. I measure out a serving size, put it in the ziploc, and banish the large package from my sight. Don't give up foods you really love, just save them for a special time!

    i have dont the same thing! Pizza is my favorite so i had to figure out ways to make pizza which are more suitable for me. Also I love my veggie straws but if i sit with a bag I can easily finish the entire thing without blinking an eye so I realized that it would be smarter if I used ziploc baggies and portioned it out.
  • We haven't bought real junk food in a long *long* time. On the weekends we will have Tostitos
    with queso and salsa on a movie night. We both LOVE it, and not willing to totally get rid of it.
    Though we are doing better on our portion sizes.

    Other than that I love Blue Bunny Fudgesicles. I have and will grab 3 out of the freezer and eat
    them in front of a movie, or the computer. I have gone through one of the 20 count boxes in about
    2 days.... all on my own. :( So if I just have to buy Fudgesicles, I get the 'no sugar added' skinny
    ones, not the wide ones, lol.

    Other than that we eat fairly well. Though my hubby will get sodas at school more than he tells me
    about though. :\

    a little aspartame never hurt anyone...

    That's still debatable. I pretty much grew up on Diet Coke (constantly dieting mom so it was always the drink of choice in the house) I gave it up 6 years ago because I don't do well with the caffeine or carbonation and am not sold on aspartame being safe. I miss it sometimes and might have a few glasses a year but I'm better off without that muck.

    I'm with you. ^ Aspartame and the like gives me the willies. I'd rather put REAL sugar in my body.
    I make it a point to not buy anything that is 'sugar free' bcs it is in there.
  • Soda.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Almost all fast food, all dips/chips (especially Doritos and queso), pizza, pasta and most Mexican food. Until I learn to eat it in moderation it is off the menu.

    However, I have learned....that if I eat the higher k/cal foods...either I give up k/cal's daily consumption - which could have been consumed in larger quantities with lower k/ca foods OR I work my *kitten* off doing cardio.

    My choice.

    And quite honestly after 2 months and my body adapting to this healthier lifestyle change....if I consume junk....I feel like JUNK the next day.... similar to a hangover.....
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Sugar (I'll splurge every now and again, but yea...), Doritos, French Fries (I miss these the most).
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I couldn't eat just one spoonful :((
    They make lil snack packs for it, but it's crack, I swear.
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    I HAD to give up Dunkin Donuts and regular soda. I realized I ate more than an actual day's worth of calories with just one Dunkin breakfast.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    before I finally decided to get serious about losing weight I had just discovered haagen dazs peanut butter chocolate ice cream, I don't even like ice cream that much....but that stuff is amazing. They also make it in a smaller size....1 cup 118 ml 360 cals.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    This time round there is nothing I would avoid but everything is now in small doses.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Well... when I first started, I gave up everything. Then I realized that "all or nothing" doesn't work for me. Now, I eat whatever I want, when I want it. I will say that my tastes have changed and things I used to love (like donuts) don't taste good to me anymore.

    I did the same, now I can eat what I like, lose weight and not deprive myself. Before, when I couldnt have it I wanted it, now, I say nope dont want it, not worth the calories or I just finished all the exercise I am going to do today.
  • Pringles. Especially the jalapeno ones. I used to scarf down a whole tube of them things!
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    I couldn't eat just one spoonful :((
    They make lil snack packs for it, but it's crack, I swear.

    YES! I was thinking I might the only one... I dont even buy it at all anymore... oh the sweet taste of heaven, mixed by the hands of God himself... :sad:
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    99% of things I think are fine in moderation. Mac and cheese, however, is my arch-nemesis now!

    I love Kraft Mac n Cheese. It's a favorite from childhood. If you make it with little to no butter and skim milk the calories are workable. I don't do this very often though. It's a treat.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    This is such a great topic because as it turns out, in reading all the replies, more than 90% of the stuff is simple carbs, most of it with high fructose corn syrup and I love that because i have learned that these items communicate with our bodies in such a way that we release hormones that create that cycle of 'can't eat just one' or 'once I start I can't stop'. I am all too familiar with this situation, that feeling like you have lost complete control and even though you know you need to stop, put itdown, walk away, run away, throw it out, whatever...there is something so deeply driving you to binge like there is no other food supply on the planet. It is so indescribably strong, I think words can't even do that feeling justice! It's a b*tch!!!! These foods, no matter how PC we want to be and say 'everything in moderation'....these foods are poison and there really is no room for certain things in a healthy lifestyle. What a rant! Felt good to get that out,
    ^^^^^THIS^^^^^ for sure..
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i haven't completely given up any particular food, but there are a few that are so calorie laden that i almost never eat them now that i've lost weight. a couple that i can think of off the bat :

    milkshakes. used to love them. can't remember the last time i had one.
    red lobster's admiral's feast
    non-diet soda.
    french onion chip dip

    i have also cut out cereal for the most part because the serving sizes are so small.

    might have to try a couple of these in moderation again.
  • Bacon, waah. The fat and sodium was ridiculous when I checked! D:
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    chicken crimpy shapes! Could eat an entire box full!
    I just checked and that's 980cal and 2240mg sodium O.O
    No wonder I got so fat lol

    usually with massive amounts of pate or cream cheese
