Food you HAD TO give up...

Let me start by saying, I believe in MOST things in moderation. That being said I don't think I'm capable of Doritos in moderation. I think my relationship with Doritos is mostly over. Not that I eat tons of Doritos but when I do I surely eat far too many... I think this probably applies to buttery popcorn as well.


  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Definitely popcorn! My favorite was the kind you pop on the stove then smother with real butter. Or bags of cheese popcorn. I cannot eat popcorn in moderation so i don't buy it at all.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Candy corn. Any bitty bits of candy, you can eat by the fistfull.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Triscuits and cheese....I could eat a box of 'em as long as I had Muenster cheese to put on them.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well... when I first started, I gave up everything. Then I realized that "all or nothing" doesn't work for me. Now, I eat whatever I want, when I want it. I will say that my tastes have changed and things I used to love (like donuts) don't taste good to me anymore.
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    I'd have to say chips/doritos/nachos...oh nachos.
    they are all my worst enemies, and my favourite foods. :(
    there is no moderation with me when it comes to those's all or nothing, and for now...I'm choosing nothing ;)
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    1. Caramel Macchiatos
    2. Ice cream

    The macchiatos were what made me fat in the first place, and I could eat a tub of candy cane ice cream ... you know the Christmas kind?

    I'm lactose intolerant, so they're good ones to give up, plus they were causing me to gain, but it was hard!!!
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    wheat thins, cake, and candy. I cannot let myself around it or I binge. BAD.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Ice cream, reeses, and hot cheetohs... those horribly delicious non nutritious wonderful creations.
  • icewindfirex
    Cake/pie D:

    It's just SO GOOD
  • tataliciousd89
    Doritos and flamin hot cheetos. I miss them so.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    at the moment im giving up everthing i love, such as ...chocolates, cheese, chips, fried rice, crumpets with honey dripping off them
    Vodka , wine . to name a few :grumble:
  • andreacord
    Done with Candy for sure and milk chocolate. Ice cream will probably be next to go. Chinese food too, I don't eat it very often at all but I crave it like crazy sometimes.
  • lightstruck1
    lightstruck1 Posts: 52 Member
    Well... I guess I started MFP the same time I decided to live a vegan lifestyle, so I had to give up all animal products, which fortunately has made me not crave sugar/processed foods anymore.

    However, in the span of what I feel comfortable eating, I have given up homemade cupcakes. I'm a major baker, and even though I make my cupcakes vegan, I could eat the whole batch if I make them. So, I only make them for others. I've also given up chocolate chips in my pancakes/waffles.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    NOTHING! i refuse to give up any of my favorites, i just have to remind myself to eat them only in moderation and portion contol them..... I am one of those that if i make it too hard i will fall of the wagon and to get back on...
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Ice cream, reeses, and hot cheetohs... those horribly delicious non nutritious wonderful creations.

    HOT cheetos???
  • dictations
    Little Debbie zebra cakes, tiny *kitten* cakes @ 160 cals each. and it takes me like 2-3 minutes to eat one. not worth it.
  • Twitchy109
    Starbucks. Oh how delicious those 900 calories taste.
  • ZumbaLin
    ZumbaLin Posts: 87 Member
    I hear you!! The only way I can do popcorn is buying the little 100 cal bags. When it's gone it's gone.
  • Nicolette_Karls
    Cheese and chocolate milk have been the hardest. I used to drink over a gallon a was so delicious. But I've also found that I need to either give up Cheez-its or pre-package them by serving because I will mindlessly eat the whole box.
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    Cupcakes. God, I miss cupcakes so bad. Buttercream frosting, the spongey cake. Mmmmmmmmm.