Food you HAD TO give up...



  • Soda and candy where first off the list. Flour tortillas, little debbie snacks, ranch dressing, and most calorie dense processed foods. Ice cream I still can't let go of..not yet.
  • Cheeseburgers. Why can't I eat a few cheeseburgers?

    Hey I don't get why everyone has given up Coke; why don't you all switch to Zero/Diet? No calories to speak of and a little aspartame never hurt anyone...
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    a little aspartame never hurt anyone...

    That's still debatable. I pretty much grew up on Diet Coke (constantly dieting mom so it was always the drink of choice in the house) I gave it up 6 years ago because I don't do well with the caffeine or carbonation and am not sold on aspartame being safe. I miss it sometimes and might have a few glasses a year but I'm better off without that muck.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I also haven't really given up anything. What's the point? It's a lifestyle, I'm not about to NEVER have something again. I so know to keep my biggest temptations out of the house tho.

    I have three remedies that help with sweet cravings, that's eating more protein, drinking peppermint herb tea and what helps the most is eating cereals like chocolate special K, kellog's krave or different flavored cheerios like peanut butter, dulce de leche, or chocolate. It helps for not too many calories :)

    I agree with the "don't give up stuff, it's a lifestyle" people, but I have found that things like candy corn, m&ms, for example, are meaningless triggers. I don't miss them when they aren't around, I don't crave them when I see them, but the old ad, "I bet you can't eat just one" comes into play the second I take one. It is just to sad to "treat" myself with stuff like that instead of a meal at a nice restaurant. I do find peppermint tea surpresses my sweet tooth. I think I'll keep some in my purse from fall through Christmas.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Giving up stuff is my lifestyle. If I'm not quitting something I just don't feel like. Last year I gave up meat (but not fish), have now given up alcohol and am now heading towards giving up sugar except for fruit and a little honey.

    I didn't *have* to give them up but I'm no good with moderation so decided to dive right in, quit and deal with getting to moderation later as it would make things easier for myself.
  • hmmmm I guess soda too. I was drinking way to much soda, however, it might be something I could do in moderation eventually.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I can't do moderation myself, cake, cookies, skittles, anything with sugar tricks my brain and tells it that it's ok to eat more and more so no, i can't have a few.
  • I've given up on Chips Ahoy cookies.... I've replaced them with WhoNu? cookies... ;)

    I looked at those cookies and they had HFCS in them :(

    Yeah those cookies are a big fat marketing ploy! The ingredients are extremely similar to their national brand counterparts...and in addition to the HFCS they also contain trans fat (causes increased bad cholesterol but also DECREASES good cholesterol). They are marketing to us and we are voting with our dollar! Please don't send that vote in their favor, this food is crap, dont buy their crap but most importantly...don't eat it!

    lol, guess I'll just bake my own then so I know what's truly in my cookies.... seriously, thanks for pointing it out. I didn't really research too deeply on them just that it sounded like a viable alternative (last summer). After doing more looking around online after reading your response, it does seem like it has caused quite a stir.

    soo... guess i'll truly give up my cookies! =)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Instead of giving anything up, I've figured out ways to make my own healthy version of things. For instance, pizza. I could put away an entire large Papa John's pizza like nobody's business. Even though I'm gluten intolerant, I would take the pain just for some of that cheesy deliciousness. So instead, I found small gluten free pizza crusts and make my own in just the right portion size. Same goes for cookies, chips, etc...I just figure out away to make it work for me. And when it comes to things like chips or anything in a large container, ziploc baggies are my friend. I measure out a serving size, put it in the ziploc, and banish the large package from my sight. Don't give up foods you really love, just save them for a special time!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Pepsi, once I start drinking it I can't stop. I always think well, just one at the restaurant and then I pick one up at the store and then I think oh, well and pick up a six pack, etc. It is all or nothing when it comes to Pepsi.
  • I had to give up gluten becasue I discovered I was celiac, Because that cuts out so many things, everything else that I can eat, I do, but in small amounts and moderation.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I really am surprised that no one said alcohol of any kind. Beer, vodka, tequila, gin. No one has had to give up any of these? Wine, even? I know I have. Only once a week is my goal. I'm not there yet (please, I'm no alcoholic) but it's as hard as someone with a candy fixation. And I don't like sweets much at all. I do enjoy a good margherita, though!

    I should be giving up alcohol, but I refuse. It's too much a part of our lifestyle. Instead I am really focusing on moderation and working out to earn some calories. :) I could be doing better, but everyday is a new day! I love to end my day with a nice glass of wine!
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Refined carbs.....
  • cookies, brownies, etc are very hard for me to just eat a single serving of. I try very hard to ban all of that from my house! Never mind that I ordered Girl Scout Cookies...but that is one time of the year! :laugh:
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    diet pepsi and anything else carbonated, had to with the upcoming bastric bypass surgery.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    pickles andgreen contain TOO much sodium for such small amounts, so i found it better to just son still loves both, so i usually keep some waaayyyy in the back of the fridge hidden, and sometimes i will have a moment of weakness, and have more than a serving size, or drink a bit of juice, but my body isnt used to it like i used to be able to handle, so i usually end up throwing it back up..whatever i manage to keep down, i have a gain the next day
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Well, I didn't give it up but I do not buy it or make it or even keep left overs around he house. CHOCOLATE CAKE. I can't control my intake of chocolate cake. I will eat massive amounts of chocolate cake if I have it at home. Its easy for a dessert when you go out to eat, or at a birthday party where its rude to eat a whole buch of cake. That I can do. At home? NO! I could eat chocolate cake as a meal. Ahhh, how I love chocolate cake....
  • I do better when I don't deprive myself, so I will still splurge on occassion or fit something into my calorie goal but I have to say that I have cut out all soda's and bottled juices. For me it was too many calories and would replace me drinking water so I gave it up completely.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Make your own juice! Its wayyy tastier and way better for you.
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    Cookies, cake, candy, full fat ice cream... anything with massive amounts of sugar and processed carbs. If I had one cupcake or cookie, it was so good I had to have another - I would buy a bag of miniature chocolates thinking I would dole them out one per day and they would be gone in two days.

    That being said, I still have a Skinny Cow Truffle bar or Edy's Fruit bar every night as a reward if I leave enough calories. And I have either (one) beer, or glass of wine, also accomodated for in my daily calories. I have always been able to drink in moderation, my drugs of choice were left behind last decade. And now I work for an alcohol distributor, so it kinda comes with the territory!

    This way I have something I can give up for a day or two to break a plateau, too. But so far, so good! I have a long way to go, though.