Food you HAD TO give up...



  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    Definitely popcorn! My favorite was the kind you pop on the stove then smother with real butter. Or bags of cheese popcorn. I cannot eat popcorn in moderation so i don't buy it at all.

    You've gotta try Orville Redenbacker Spicy Nacho popcorn. So yummy!
  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    NOTHING! i refuse to give up any of my favorites, i just have to remind myself to eat them only in moderation and portion contol them..... I am one of those that if i make it too hard i will fall of the wagon and to get back on...

  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    1. Caramel Macchiatos
    2. Ice cream

    The macchiatos were what made me fat in the first place, and I could eat a tub of candy cane ice cream ... you know the Christmas kind?

    I'm lactose intolerant, so they're good ones to give up, plus they were causing me to gain, but it was hard!!!
    Me too! Although i have a spoon full of my husbands...mmm
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    It's not really food, but I gave up pop. I had gastric bypass 6 years ago and my Dr. recommended I stop drinking it. I was drinking 2 or 3 42 oz Coke a day. Now I can't stand it and if I do drink it, it makes me sick.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Chips. They are the gateway to hell. I love chocolate, but i can break off a few squares and put the rest away. Chips, i will weigh out the correct portion of them, but i always end up going back....for the rest of the bag. None for me, thanks!
  • Beer. I know it is a beverage, but nutritionally beer is food. I quit drinking completely from April 2011 to November 2011. In the last few months I've had a few drinks since then, but haven't really enjoyed it. I used to love beer, but it is so calorie rich and really heavy on my stomach I had to quit drinking it. I will still have a glass of wine or short vodka here and there, but beer is off the list...sadly.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Ice cream, reeses, and hot cheetohs... those horribly delicious non nutritious wonderful creations.

    HOT cheetos???

    You've never had? o:
  • I never had a snacking problem but my biggest issue since starting MFP seriously is portion.
    I always over eat. A cup is always double than what it should be. Now I am more aware, it is easy to monitor how much one cup of israeli salad is, how many blueberries I put in my yogurt.

    I think knowing the right portions + the will to control eating + favorite food and snack as a treat within extra calories remaining = success! Started MFP last week and lost 1.5kg.

    What can I say, I <3 MFP!!!!!
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    chips... of any kind.

    so potato chips, fries, chips in packets (crisps), omg seriously I love them, so i avoid them at all costs, cause if I eat one, then I WILL eat them all.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    White bread/buns, pasta and anything else made with white flour - cakes, muffins, scones etc
    And creamy sauces - I really LOVE creamy sauces. So for me I've had to cut them out completely, and that includes all the fabulous creamy curries & satays that are my specialties.
    Sadly I think they'll only be able to feature on rare, perhaps annual, special occasions for the rest of ever.
  • Mint Ice Cream/Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches & Pepsi Max.
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    M&M's, Oreos and Fritos...the Trifecta of foods!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    I LMAO when someone said chips are the gateway to hell hahaha! Anyways, I am a BIG chip fan and could eat the whole bag within 2 days. Omg. So I don't buy chips anymore :(. Also, mountain dew, pepsi, dr. pepper and squirt. Nope couldn't have those anymore. Meh. Also, sadly cinnabon :sad:
  • Let me start by saying, I believe in MOST things in moderation. That being said I don't think I'm capable of Doritos in moderation. I think my relationship with Doritos is mostly over. Not that I eat tons of Doritos but when I do I surely eat far too many... I think this probably applies to buttery popcorn as well.

    doritos in moderation?! that seems like torture :)
  • I'm at that stage where I'm having fights with myself. I used to be able to eat loads of chocolate, and chocolate cake. In my mind I still think that I love those foods, but when I eat them its a different story, they just don't taste that great anymore and they are sickening rather than filling - yet my mind hasn't replaced them with anything better.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    tacos and cheese
    bread with oil + balsamic
    crisps (or chips for our foreign friends)
    chips (fries)

    Saying that I am so much happier with myself now that I am doing something about it. In all honesty I have not missed any of them yet, but only been 5 weeks.
  • Chocolate chip pancakes, butter cream cupcakes, cake, ...basically anything w/the combination of butter and sugar.....*tears***
    All my homemade desserts had to go til I have the will power to limit consumption.
  • Pasta
    the list goes on. Main rule : NO GLUTEN AND WHEAT (i'm allergic to it and have IBS) so most foods are no no's for me.
    I'm busy renewing my relationship with fresh veg, fresh fruit and lean meats and herbs too. Very strict I know, but I am so tired of feeling tired, depressed, moody and sick for no apparent reason. So sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and close your eyes and work towards your goal, if you fall get up and dust yourself off and carry on.

    All of those above I can't help to binge on if i start, it's a very very thin line for me right now. I'm retraining myself to enjoy what nature intended for us and also moderation is key.
  • klynn22091
    klynn22091 Posts: 47 Member
    you know that you can get drinks at starbucks for less than 100 cals?
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    cookie dough (eggless)
    juice (ughh I miss juice! especially tropical blends)
    big flour tortillas with lots of melted cheddar, my favourite snack, RIP!
    Ice cream

    These are things that either contain too much sugar and therefore turn me into the Sugar Hulk, or things I just don't know how to stop eating once I start, or BOTH, so I stay away. Otherwise I don't really deprive myself of things.