February MOVE-IT 180 to 360 minutes a week challenge!!



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Ok, I'm in. Nice to have someone to fight fat with!! Got 100 minutes in this week, will do better next week now that I have some friends.

    Welcome to the group!! Good job on 100 minutes!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I've created a fitness ticker on tickerfactory and am unsure how to add it to myfitnesspal. Help?

    See below on the ticker pages and copy the letters under bbCode starting with [url=......[/url] Copy all the stuff in between.
    Cut and paste code for most boards and web pages:

    (Message Boards code, FertilityFriend.com's boards, phpBB based boards, Invision Power Board, vBulletin...)


    (on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/exercise/way9JE4/"&gt;
    <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/way9JE4/exercise.png"></a&gt;

    (Add your ticker to your Facebook.com profile)
    Add To Facebook

    (Google Home Page, Google Desktop...)
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 20 mins Elliptical, 5 mins jump roping, 36 mins ZWOD 2, 10 mins stretching
    Tue: 15 mins walking @ 3.0, 10 mins walking @ 3.5, 25 min Boot Camp WO, 10 mins stretching
    Wed: 25 mins walking @3.0
    Thur: 30 mins Boot Camp WO, 5 min stretching
    Fri: 25 mins walking @ 3.0, 30 mins Boot Camp, 5 mins stretching
    Sat: 27 Mins ZWOW 3, 50 mins Pilates

    Total / min left: 328 / 0

    I think tomorrow will be a rest day for me! =P
  • jwelch7290
    jwelch7290 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in!

    Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 16min
    Tue: 39min
    Wed: 49 min
    Thur: 55 min
    Fri: 30 min
    Sat: 155 min
    Sun: --

    Total so far: 344 min/ 3204 cal. burned
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 90 min (elliptical, bike, weights, and lunch walk)
    Tue: 25 min (Leslie Sansone 1 mile DVD)
    Wed: nada
    Thur: 50 min (elliptical and bike)
    Fri: 70 min (elliptical, walking, bike and weights)
    Sat: 35 min (LS 2 mile DVD)

    Total / min left: 235 / 0 (20 min over) YAY!!



  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon:108 mins.
    Tue: 102 mins.
    Wed: 110 mins.
    Thur: 27 mins.
    Fri: 190 mins.
    Sat: 89 mins.

    Total 662
  • i tried the ticker thing, but I can't get it on here for some reason. I'm totally in! This was my very first week with MFP, and ...

    I worked out for 290 minutes this week! :-D

    I've already lost 5 lbs. ( much more to go, but I think it's a good start! )
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    I'll join in even if it is a bit late. I've already made a goal similar to this on my own. This will help keep me accountable.

    Jan. 30th- 60 minutes Treadmill
    15 minutes weight lifting

    Jan. 31st- 60 minutes Treadmill

    Feb. 1st- 60 minutes Treadmill
    15 minutes weight lifting

    Feb. 2nd- 60 minutes Treadmill

    Feb. 3rd- 60 minutes Treadmill
    15 minutes weight lifting

    Total Minutes: 345 minutes :happy:
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    My goal is 360 minutes

    30/1 - 97min cardio HRM and walking
    31/1 - 60min walking
    1.2 - 69min walking
    2/2 - 116min calisthenics HRM and walking
    3/2 - 64min calisthenics, circuit training and strength training
    4/2 - 0min day off

    Total / min left: 408 / 48 over
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Is it ok to still join?

    I'd love to commit to 270 this will be over 6 days a week as Mondays wipe me out at Uni as it's a long day.

    This will be 30 DS along with something extra; static bike, running, weights or belly dancing.

    Thanks for holding me accountable.

    So far week 1:

    45 mins static bike

    20 mins static bike

    20 mins static bike
    25 mins strength training - seated bicep curls (200) and Wii muscle training

    25 mins static bike
    25 mins 30 DS - day 1 with 1kg weights
    10 mins strength training - 200 jumping jacks, 100 crunches

    Running total: 170 mins
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 90 min (elliptical, bike, weights, and lunch walk)
    Tue: 25 min (Leslie Sansone 1 mile DVD)
    Wed: nada
    Thur: 50 min (elliptical and bike)
    Fri: 70 min (elliptical, walking, bike and weights)
    Sat: 35 min (LS 2 mile DVD)

    Total / min left: 270 / 0 (20 min over) YAY!!



  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Week # 1 Jan 30th ~ Goal 300 minutes~:

    Mon: 50 minutes total ( 550 cal burned) 30 DS 25 min and 25 min Elliptical
    Tue: 50 minutes ( 550 cal burned) 30 DS 25 min and 25 min Elliptical
    Wed: 85 minutes ( 1100 cal burn) 30DS 25 min and 60 min Zumba Class
    Thur: 55 minutes (650 cal burn) 30 DS 25 min and 30 min Elliptical interval bursts
    Fri: 55 minutes (625 cal burn) 30 ds 25 min and 30 min Elliptical interval bursts
    Sat: 65 minutes (700 cal burn) 30 ds 25 min and 40 min Elliptical interval bursts
    Sun: 85 minutes ( 925 cal burn) 60 min Zumba class and 25 min jog

    Total / min left: 445 / 0
    Total calories burned through working out this week: 5,100
  • Week # 1 Jan 30th ~ Goal 300 minutes

    Mon- Rest day
    Tues- 54 min Elliptical Trainer / 34 min walk, moderate pace while walking dogs.
    Wed- 63 min on the Elliptical--- 8 miles
    Thur- 28 min on Elliptical--- 20 min weight lifting/toning.
    Fri- 25 min yoga--- approx 15 min toning/ 140 crunches
    Sat- 30 min elliptical/ 10 min Stationary Bike

    279 down, 21 to go

    I didn't log in last night, and will not be working out till a bit later this afternoon.
    But I am SO glad that I will not only reach the goal I set for myself, but will most def pass it up!!
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon:108 mins.
    Tue: 102 mins.
    Wed: 110 mins.
    Thur: 27 mins.
    Fri: 190 mins.
    Sat: 89 mins.
    Sun: 79 mins.

    Total 741
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    Week 1 - Jan30 - Goal 180 mins

    Monday: 25 mins (Stationary Bike)
    Tuesday: 35 mins (Stair Stepper and Walking up an Incline)
    Wednesday: Nada
    Thursday: 15 mins (Some Strength Training)
    Friday: 60 mins (Bicycling down a Class 1 Trail in Austin)
    Saturday: 30 mins (walking on a treadmill with an incline that progressed to 9.0)
    Sunday: (will post my last day around 5 AM - working nights)

    Total: 165 mins - Mins left: 15 mins
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Ahh didn't realise you were going from Monday... updating :)
    30/1/12 rest day

    31/1/12 10 min walk 20 min run

    1/2/12 45 mins static bike

    2/2/12 20 mins static bike 20 min run 10 min walk

    3/2/12 20 mins static bike 25 mins strength training - seated bicep curls (200) and Wii muscle training

    4/2/12 25 mins static bike 25 mins 30 DS - day 1 with 1kg weights
    10 mins strength training - 200 jumping jacks, 100 crunches

    5/2/12 15 min static bike 25 mins 30 DS - day 2 with 1 kg weights

    Total: 245

    I'm a little short but these are honest and don't include all the walking I do as I don't count walking the dogs / shopping / general walking so hope this is ok. I have a horse too so invariably I walk across fields etc. lol
    Will aim to beat it next week! lol
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    So week one my goal is 500 minutes:tongue: and I will also keep track of hrm calories burned and km logged form my cycling.
    Monday: 75 minutes, walking and wii fit 437 calories polarft60
    Tuesday: 101minutes, biking and walking , 703 calories
    Wednesday: 110 minutes; biking and walking, 765 calories hrm.
    Thursday: 113 minutes; biking and walking 864 calories hrm
    Friday: 114 minutes; walking and wii fit; 544 calories hrm
    Saturday: 65 minutes; walking; 292 calories
    Sunday: 97 minutes; hiking; 520 calories
    675/500 minutes completed- calories burned this week so far; 4127:wink:

    Made my exercise minutes for the week and still two days to go, I better show a loss this week, unlike last week!!!!!
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    Week 1 - Jan30 - Goal 180 mins

    Monday: 65mins (10 min tone, 55 mins DVD workout)
    Tuesday: 35 mins (10 min tone, 25 mins cycle)
    Wednesday: 35 mins (10 min tone, 25 mins cycle)
    Thursday: 10 mins (10 min tone, aerobic rest)
    Friday: 35 mins (10 min tone, 5 min stationary bike, 20 min elliptical)
    Saturday: 30 mins (15 mins stationary bike, 15 mins elliptical)
    Sunday: 30 mins (treadmill)

    Total: 240 mins Mins left: -60 mins

    Never would have done this without the challenge
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    Week # 1 -- Jan 30th -- Goal 200 minutes:

    Okay I'm calling it a week UNDER goal. I'm a little under the weather today and wont/cant exercise. Next week will be better I hope.

    Mon: 31
    Tue: 35
    Wed: 20
    Thur: 43
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 26
    Sun: 0

    Total / min left: 155 / 200
  • Week # 1 Jan 30th ~ Goal 300 minutes

    Mon- Rest day
    Tues- 54 min Elliptical Trainer / 34 min walk, moderate pace while walking dogs.
    Wed- 63 min on the Elliptical--- 8 miles
    Thur- 28 min on Elliptical--- 20 min weight lifting/toning.
    Fri- 25 min yoga--- approx 15 min toning/ 140 crunches
    Sat- 30 min elliptical/ 10 min Stationary Bike
    Sun- 45 min elliptical/ 10 min toning

    334 total-- 34 min over set goal! Woo Hoo!!