People giving you the evil eye at the gym...



  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    It is SO annoying. Being looked at as if I am nuts for sweating and being blushed after running as well as actually putting some effort into my workouts. Hell, I even get crazy looks from the people next to and around me while I'm running; I might be busy but don't think I don't notice that stuff. I'm not asleep and lazy like 90% of the women there. I really wonder why some of them even bother. I'm at a gym, I didn't know that what I'm doing there is so abnormal. I mean, I go to the gym to sweat, not to lounge and relax on the treadmill on 1.5 or use the lazy *kitten* elliptical for two hours and not move my *kitten*. I'm not there to have a good time and remain comfortable. People need to mind their business, worry about themselves and stop making people feel so awkward.

    That girl that does what you can't.

    Wow, what a rude, judgemental post. Did you ever stop to think that they may be recovering from an illness or injury? Or that it might be the first time they were ever in a gym? Btw I work hard at the gym AND i have a good time so GTFO.

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    You remind me of this amazing youtube vlogger:
    I try to be respectful at Shapes and mind my own business - but ngl, sometimes I watch other women's work out routines through the mirrors while I run my *kitten* off. I get the occasional odd look sometimes too, though.

    One of my pet peeves are girls who wear their hair down or wear make up to the gym... Seriously, wtf? Who are we really trying to impress?

    I wear makeup as I am either going in school time or straight after work.
    I wear my hair up for the most part, but have you tried benching with your hair up?? Or just lieing down with your hair up?? It just gets in the way and way too uncomfortable.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I wonder if there has ever been a thread made by men about how they can't stand what other men wear/look like at the gym.

    I havent found one yet.

    Well, actually, its probably b/c we really don't care all that much... but since we are on the subject...

    Guys look like doushes when... They were Spandex shorts and pants - this is usually done by the Steroid user. I think steroids influence mens brains to make them wear retarded clothes. Really its only the Steroid users that tend to look like ridiculous idiots. I would estimate about 1 in 5 men that lift free weights at the gym I go to are Steroid users.

    How can you tell if they are wearing compression shorts on if they are wearing pants? More importantly why do you care what another guy is wearing at the gym?

    Since you are offended, you must wear this type of ridiculous attire...

    Anyone who claims they don't notice any of their surroundings is either a liar or a not intelligent liar...

    Obviously, you didn't read the first line I wrote...
    I think calling it ridiculous is a bit offensive/pretty mean when you say that they look retarded. hehe I always thought it was cute looking if you can fit into spandex and like to wear those muscle shirt tanktops then go for it. When I go to the gym yeah I notice whats going on and who's doing what but I don't pay that much attention that I build all sorts of names to call them I just go to the gym to do me, whatever others are doing is their business.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 896 Member
    hey Stephy.

    i totally understand. why the hell do people even bother going to the gym if they aren't as awesome as you? yuck. just taking up space. you, with your perfectly undone hair and sparingly applied make-up - that's the only way to get the job done!

    don't even get me started on folks who are making a huge lifestyle change by 'walking' on a treadmill. the nerve of some people!

    friend me, k?


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    lol, People give me dirty looks for lifting as much as I do. I'm not there to look cool, I'm there to push myself ;p

    I get dirty looks for even going into the weights section, (ohholys*** there's a girl in my area let's make it look like i'm actually doing something)
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    lol, People give me dirty looks for lifting as much as I do. I'm not there to look cool, I'm there to push myself ;p

    I get dirty looks for even going into the weights section, (ohholys*** there's a girl in my area let's make it look like i'm actually doing something)

    yeah, we kinda treat it like our tree fort. We dont give dirty looks if you know the secret word....
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    I wear makeup as I am either going in school time or straight after work.
    I wear my hair up for the most part, but have you tried benching with your hair up?? Or just lieing down with your hair up?? It just gets in the way and way too uncomfortable.
    I don't weight lift, so I wouldn't know how it feels to bench with your hair up. But in general, I always have my hair tied at the base of my hairline when I'm running. I suppose the term I was rather looking for was "tying your hair back/keeping your hair back" or just having your hair out of the way in general.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm very pale, with huge black bags under my eyes thanks to genetics.
    If I don't wear make up, people think I'm ill.
    I wasn't wearing make up the first day I met with my personal trainer and she told me I looked tired and that it looked like I had allergies acting up, she could see it in my eyes :/

    It makes me feel more confident, and when I'm confident, I kick butt at the gym.

    I'm not talking blush and eyeshadow, but face make up and a little mascara goes a long way.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    lol, People give me dirty looks for lifting as much as I do. I'm not there to look cool, I'm there to push myself ;p

    I get dirty looks for even going into the weights section, (ohholys*** there's a girl in my area let's make it look like i'm actually doing something)

    yeah, we kinda treat it like our tree fort. We dont give dirty looks if you know the secret word....

    lol and what would that be?
    * get off the benches and machines unless you're actually using them?* in my gym there will be guys texting people or just chatting with mates on the benches for no joke half hour - an hour not doing ANYTHING, pre annoying.
  • use the lazy *kitten* elliptical?? Since when is me sweating my *kitten* off on the elliptical make the elliptical a lazy machine to use?? Not all of us can run.
  • ericasmith64
    ericasmith64 Posts: 35 Member
    lol may be there just jealous........
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    Beauty- I cant tell you the secret word, I would lose my Man Card. I just got off probation for rocking too hard in Zumba class
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    You know - not just this topic....but there have been many about WOMEN going so slow on the treadmill.

    You know, I have to tell you - if you are working so hard, when do you have time to notice all the other people in the gym?

    Also, did you ever for once think that they may have a reason for going SLOW!!

    You know, I would love to work out in the gym. But, I am scared sh@@less. Why?? Because of people like you guys, who
    sit back and criticize people who are maybe not going as FAST as you or SWEATING as much as YOU!!

    Maybe ask yourself why? Maybe they have a hidden disability.

    Yes, you can be angry and shout and be angry but what are you upset at???


    I was hit by a car while walking across the crosswalk years ago, point of impact was my knees, this has affected my whole life, now I would love for someone to tell me that they are trying harder than me ( especially when I first joined) because I would tell them in not so many words where to go.
  • Also another though - sometimes I stop by the rec if I have an hour of time I need to waste between classes and ill walk/elliptical at a slow pace. So im moving, but not stinking out my class by time i get there xD
  • I use the 'lazy *kitten*' elliptical because it is low impact on my knee that I injured a number of years ago.
    but I still work hard and sweat while I am on it. I know I look rough, but I don't care.

    One of my pet peeves are girls who wear their hair down or wear make up to the gym... Seriously, wtf? Who are we really trying to impress?

    I get terrible headaches when I put my hair up, so I war it down to the gym a lot. And I wear makeup since I come after work/school. And I know many are the same. What's the big deal? Not everyone wants to look all dolled up, but not everyone wants to look at their worst either.

    It's one thing to still have your face on because you work out after work/school/end of the day.
    It's another thing to wake up, put on your make up just to go to the gym. On a normal day I wear
    light make up but I also know that I am going to sweat it all off and probably have mascara running
    down my face by the time I am done. I'd rather go with a naked face than to leave looking like a clown.

    ETA: The only time I get concerned with what another female is wearing at the gym is if her lady bits
    are hanging out..... have some modesty and respect for other people. :\
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Also another though - sometimes I stop by the rec if I have an hour of time I need to waste between classes and ill walk/elliptical at a slow pace. So im moving, but not stinking out my class by time i get there xD

    Not to mention, you may think they are going "so slow omfg rolf" but how do you know there incline isn't on like 20 whilst yours is on 0? going slow on a massive incline is such a better workout than going fast with no incline.
  • You remind me of this amazing youtube vlogger:
    I try to be respectful at Shapes and mind my own business - but ngl, sometimes I watch other women's work out routines through the mirrors while I run my *kitten* off. I get the occasional odd look sometimes too, though.

    One of my pet peeves are girls who wear their hair down or wear make up to the gym... Seriously, wtf? Who are we really trying to impress?

    I don't see anything wrong with wearing make up at the gym. So there are people more girly than yourself; doesn't mean they are trying to impress anyone. They just like to look good.
    AGREED X 1000
    i dont get the big deal with girls who put makeup on when they go to the gym.. i noticed it bothers mostly girls than guys.. obviously.....!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Anyone else think it weird this is her very first post, her profile pic is not even her and she has not filled out her profile at all?
    I smell a troll.
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    Anyone else think it weird this is her very first post, her profile pic is not even her and she has not filled out her profile at all?
    I smell a troll.

    yep, good eye Beauty. I can go to sleep now that this ruse has been uncovered.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Great job OP, on your first post. I'm thinking it really didn't work out quite the way you thought though. :flowerforyou: