drshona Member


  • Lots of good points so far - they're expecting results too quickly, but also if they're expected to eat the same things every day it's pretty boring (although you did say they could 'exchange' things) One further thought, is that 6 weeks just isn't enough time. If they're obese, they've at least 3 stone to lose at a rough…
  • Eat more calories and accept it will take longer to get there, but at least you won't feel miserable and then binge.
  • Are you trying to lose weight or just to stop gaining? You're right in the middle of a 'healthy' bmi. Your bmi in your 20s was at the very lowest it could be and remain in the 'healthy' range. Having tried 1200 briefly (for about a day!) I don't think it's a reasonable aim for anyone who likes food. I'm 5 ft 5 and eating…
  • In fact, here it is. Half a pack is 90g. The info says 100g raw is 255kcal (so 90g must be 229.5kcal) 90g cooked is 80kcal Doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's a huge difference - 80 or 229.5 for the same amount! http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=265279667
  • Not that I could bother obsessing about it if I were entering it in my diary, but surely grilled bacon (where the fat drips of into the grill pan) is going to have less fat than fried where it cooks in its own fat? I'm pretty sure the bacon lardons I put in a stew the other day had two sets of calories listed - one for raw…
  • The way I would see that is that I've already eaten the calories back. I just happened to eat them back before I 'earned' them. I definitely look at it over the course of the week, although I tend to be pretty good Monday- Thursday so am under on those days and then over or even on the weekend.
  • Pâté Autocorrect...it corrected it something else first (can't remember what) but then I missed this!
  • Hhhmm, this might be a whole new thread really, but as I'm here now....lifting weights. Not something I've ever really done. I do have a set of hand weights, but I think they're really low weights. And I don't really know what to do with them. How heavy? What do you do? How long for and how often?
  • I am a bit worried about loose skin. Only because I've got a lot of stretch marks on my tummy from pregnancies so I can see that skin getting really saggy...
  • I don't even log the milk for my tea - and there's a fair amount of it. I'm losing weight despite this, so I'm not going to worry about it till that changes. As for sliced bread - yes, there's a huge variation. I just ate 2 slices of toast which came from the same loaf beside each other and they were completely different…
  • Thanks all. Some very sensible advice here. I suppose it's all the posts saying "I'm not losing"...."that's because you're not weighing every gram of food or liquid" that had me thinking. I guess so long as I'm losing it doesn't matter.
  • I think it actually isn't too bad. The vast majority of the fat gets removed, it's only what there is in the cooking liquor that's left.
  • Ah, see me, I read the title and was expecting a debate on whether or not logging what you eat helps ŵith weight loss.
  • The amount of weight you're planning to lose would bring you down to a BMI of 20 or so, which is towards the very bottom of the 'healthy' BMI range which doesn't make sense to me if you are large-framed. Why not adjust your goal to bringing your BMI down to 25 to begin with (losing about 78lb I think) and then see how you…
  • If you don't have that much fat, what is it you're going to lose 110lb of?
  • I'm not sure if I'm understanding this body bug correctly, but I think you're meant to eat your MFP calories plus your exercise calories. Bt the exercise ones are only for actual exercise sessions in addition to your normal activities. Your normal activities are accounted for in the sedentary/ active bit. So I think if you…
  • I've been doing MFP (only for 3 weeks) because I don't do the same amount of exercise every week. It depends a lot on my work schedule (and my husband's as that affects whether I need to pick up the kids etc). So I'd never be able to work out a regular amount of calories per day/week. I don't really understand why people…
  • Ah, that makes perfect sense. Especially considering the bowl of home-made soup I had where I'd only worked out the calories, not the other bits. Knew there would be something obvious I was missing!
  • Oh, and don't starve yourself to save calories and then drink. You'll just get drunk and land up eating more because you're drunk...
  • Gin and diet tonic. Ask for double the tonic if you want a longer drink. Bloody Mary - even counts as one of your 5 a day. Any diet drink with gin / vodka / brandy / rum etc in it. Eg diet ginger beer with rum or brandy.
  • And whilst I'm at it, what does "strength training" actually mean?
  • Well, good news on the sit up front at least! Age...? What sort of age...?
  • It's just about planning and organising. Make a big batch of soup at the weekend and freeze it in individual portion-sized tubs, so you can just take one with you for lunch (with some bread or oatcakes and some fruit). Make up your lunch the night before so all you have to do in the morning is grab it out of the fridge.…
  • I don't have any specific advice on Binge Eating Disorder, but why are you eating 1200-1400 at your weight? As you say, you're a healthy weight, so why diet? I'd have thought that, if you're a healthy weight and eating as though trying to lose weight, you'd be bound to land up bingeing as you're effectively starving…
  • There's some good practical advice here: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/childhealth6-15/Pages/child-health-measurement-programme-overweight-advice.aspx 2 things that I don't think anyone has mentioned and are discussed on the above page are 1. Screen time - inactivity (often whilst watching tv or on computer) has a big impact.…
  • Just curious, when you all say 'oatmeal', do you mean porridge? Or are you eating oatmeal or oats with milk pured over like a muesli sort of thing?
    in oatmeal Comment by drshona November 2013
  • Well, so long as it isn't a problem, it isn't a problem. How old are they though? I think it's something that becomes more of a problem over 5 - although my nearly 6 year old would stop eating cake when full.
  • If you write the day off when you eat out, does that mean you eat to your calorie goal every day? I would tend to eat more than it some days and less on others, but then can't really write a day off because I need to know that overall I'm within the goal. At least I assume I do.
  • See, this fits more with my natural tendency, but then maybe that's part of my problem!
  • Just had a look on utube - wow she's an irritating woman! What are the claims she makes about this workout? I've heard people talking about it before, I assume it's meant to be different from other exercise in some way?