pwurtz1231 Member


  • We have been using the Biggest Loser Challenge for the Wii. I really liked it for a while, then started to get a little bored with it. I just started using the Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD, and thought it was a better workout than the Biggest Loser Challenge game. We just bought the Fit in 6 game as well, haven't tried it…
  • I've had 2 "That's It" moments. One was in June 2009, right before I got engaged. I'd always told myself I'd never let myself reach 300 lbs. I went in for my yearly appointment, I was at 292 lbs. I was so mad at myself. I lost 10 lbs in 6 months while planning our wedding, just from changing some bad habits, like eating in…
  • When I first started all this, as a size 26, I bought a pair of shorts that were size 22. When I got down to 24, I bought a pair of shorts at a size 20. The first time I buttoned those size 22s and I barely had a muffin top, I cried. Now I'm working towards the size 20s, that's my goal now. That's what I've found to…
  • You have to eat at least 1200 calories a day. I'm in a lifestyle change program with a hospital and my doctor said to ignore the Food-Exercise=Net Calories. Your food calories should be 1200, NOT your Net calories. So if your exercise causes the Net to go under 1200, that's fine. Just pay attention to the Food calories.…
  • I have hypothyroidism as well. I was tested in August 2010. The weight was a lot easier to lose after I started taking Synthroid. If you're not on Synthroid or any other medication for hypothyroid, I don't think there's foods you need to stay away from. For the Synthroid medication, you have to stay away from grapefruits.…
  • I just started a weight loss support group through a military hospital with behavior therapists. Something the doc told me today is sticking with me. "If you expect to be perfect every day, you're going to fail." He also said that he wants to write a book about behavior management and lifestyle change in relation to weight…
  • Sometimes you just hit a plateau with the weight loss while your body gets used to the new weight. Don't let it discourage you, keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there soon!!!!
  • Do some searching through the message boards. I'm sure I've seen this question before and some good responses. I think it was something about the bra material rubbing so much against that area. Good luck!
  • Hmm I had started going to a chiropractor for back pain and soon after had started having knee pain on the elliptical. When I mentioned to her the knees, she looked at them and my tibia leg bone was not in line with my knee cap. She started doing adjustments and besides the knee pain lessening my feet also don't turn out…
  • Hmm, I haven't made anything similar, but have you tried looking at the website for the restaurant? Sometimes restaurants will post the nutritional info. Also, just do a general search for chicken quesadilla in the MFP database when you enter in what you've eaten for the day. Some entries list what was in the quesadilla.…
  • I'm from Mooresville, NC! I live in Hawaii now, but I really miss NC. Welcome to the site, it's been great for me so far!
  • Girl, I know how you feel. My husband is in the Navy, currently deployed, and my goal right now is to lose 70 pounds. I set my goal as 20 lbs, and I'm already at 7 lbs lost in 3 weeks. This website is such a great tool. It's made me more aware of what I'm eating and putting into my body. I want his eyes to bug out on the…
  • I love Zumba! I bought the DVDs but when I move into military housing at the end of the year, I'll hopefully be going to the free Zumba classes on Hickam AFB! I just joined MyFitnessPal and I'm still trying to get into a routine with Zumba, but out of the DVDs, right now I really like the abs workout. I also like the…