Underactive Thyroid

So, My late Nan and Auntie had an underactive thyroid. My Mum, Auntie and sister have an underactive thyroid. My niece has an overactive thyroid.
I'm guessing it stands to reason that I probably have that problem too however, I am absolutely terrified of needles and therefore can't bring myself to get a blood test.
I know you're all going to think that I'm a big baby and I put my hands up to it, I am! Seriously, think about the thing that scares you the most and then times it by 1000 and then you'll be pretty close to how I feel about it!
Until I can pluck up the courage to get tested I'll never know for sure but in the meantime I'd like to know what sort of foods I should avoid just in case. My mum says she's not supposed to eat certain foods but the foods that she listed for me aren't stuff I eat anyway.
Is there anyone else out there with an underactive thyroid that is making progress with weight loss? How are you doing it and how is it affecting your medication?
Another reason I've been putting off the test is that if I am tested positive I really don't want to have to take medication for the rest of my life :cry:
I'd appreciate your thoughts on this subject.


  • pwurtz1231
    pwurtz1231 Posts: 14 Member
    I have hypothyroidism as well. I was tested in August 2010. The weight was a lot easier to lose after I started taking Synthroid. If you're not on Synthroid or any other medication for hypothyroid, I don't think there's foods you need to stay away from. For the Synthroid medication, you have to stay away from grapefruits. Please get tested. I have so much more energy, my hair is better, my nails aren't as brittle. You really need to get more information on this, do a search on Google, or go to WebMD. I'm scared of needles too, I have to get my blood checked every 3 months to make sure the dosage is correct, but since I'm feeling much better, it's worth it. I have a friend who ended up w/ thyroid cancer and had to have those glands taken out. If he doesn't take his pill at the same time, every day, he seriously could die. You should be talking to your doctor about this. If you do have it, one day, you're going to have to start the medication. Start it now, it takes months sometimes to get the dosage right, get that over with. It IS a pain in the butt taking that little violet pill everyday, but it's worth it. I'd like to add you so you can ask me anything and I want to see what happens when you finally do get tested. We're all here to support you. My husband is terrified of needles too, so I understand. You can do this though.
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    I've been medicated for an underactive thyroid for ten years, though I think it was underactive long before that. I finally went in and asked to be tested when I was roughly 20 years old, because I felt like I was living in molasses--every thought and every action took so much energy. I just couldn't deal with it any more.

    I've never been told about any foods to avoid. My medication requires I take it on an empty stomach and that I not take it within 4 hours of an iron pill or an antacid.

    I have heard that an underactive thyroid can slow down your metabolism, making it easier to gain weight and harder to lose. My doc agreed that's true. He said that it does not make weight impossible to lose, just tougher if the thyroid is not regulated properly.
  • moonay
    moonay Posts: 30
    I have an underactive thyroid and it is really worth you going to get tested. The blood test will be over before you know it and the benefits of finding out far outweigh not finding out.

    I take thyroxine and there aren't any foods I have been told to stay away from.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I did pluck up the courage about 10 years ago and had a test but it was negative. I'm sure a lot can change in 10 years though! I don't have any other symptoms, just the weight problem :(