Motivation, or waste of money?

Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
My goals are to get down to 12% body fat and to be wearing a size 2. Right now I have about 32% body fat and I wear a size 8, sometimes a size 6 depending on the brand. What I am planning on doing is purchasing a nice pair of size 2 jeans right now, and trying them on once a month (and take a progress picture for myself trying to squeeze into them until they fit). I know I won't be able to pull them up to my knees to start out with...but I figure if I keep trying them on and taking that picture once a month that one day I will be able to wear them comfortably, and it will be the first item of clothing that I will be able to wear (outside the house, lol) in my goal size.

OK, so in theory it sounds like a good idea and a neat way to keep me on track and moving towards my goals. But I was just curious for some other input on it. Is it a good motivational tool, or just a waste of money?


  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    actually, thats what i a, doing! i think its a good idea, why not! it motivates you to do it, because if you dont thats when youll waste the money! just make sure its an item that wont go out of style. that would be my only concern for you
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I would do it. It's just one pair of jeans. Just buy a pair that's on clearance or a pair from a thrift store if you're worried about wasting money. It would definitely motivate me!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    You really think you are 32% bf? How do you figure? Your profile pic definitely doesn't look like it.

    As for the jeans, I wouldn't buy them. I don't know that I can explain very well through the Internet, but in short, I don't think that it's the best motivational tool.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    That profile picture was taken 3 years ago. I was at 18% in that picture wearing size 6. After the picture was taken, I had some seriously bad relationship issues (basically, so bad that police were nearly called...) and I lost control of a lot of things, including my eating. I didn't exercise as much as before, and I gained plenty of body fat. Right now, even though I have lost "weight" since the summer of '08, I haven't lost much body fat and my muscles aren't nearly as strong and lean as they used to be. I am definitely 32% now...I am using the same methods to measure as before. I am a classic example of "skinny fat."
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Here's how *I* see it...

    Do YOU think buying them will be motivational? You know yourself and if you think it will help - BUY THEM. If you think it will be a waste of money - don't.

    I believe in motivational tools - and we all have different ones. It sounds like this will keep you on track.
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    I think one pair of jeans can be a great motivation tool, as long as you don't stress too much about it. I'm lucky to still have my zeros from a couple of years ago, and after I lose more weight, I'm going to try to get them over my hips.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    hmmm - I kind of like this idea-the taking the picture part as a visible sign of progress- but instead of buying an item of clothing- I think I will do the same thing with an item I already own- do you have this as an option as well- would save money and have the same result?

    Congratulations on your upcoming marriage, btw :-)
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    I'm on the fence... on one hand i say go for it that would totally motivate me! BUT on the other hand what if your bone structure won't let you fit into that size 2. i'm 5'1" and I will NEVER wear a size 2. i have very wide hip bones... not hips hip bones. i weigh 149 currently and my hip bones are becoming visible (top front and side) and since i have the lovely gift of genes i will always have a big booty, in my family once a female gets pregnant your but gets big along with your belly and never goes away, *I* will never be a size 2... most likely not a 3 either, i think a 5 will look great with some tummy toning.
  • Jenalyn
    Jenalyn Posts: 17
    My friend did that once - bought a few pair of jeans as motivation, and they are collecting dust in her closet somewhere. Different things motivate different people and if you think it will work for you then definitely do it! But personally I enjoy that feeling of hopping into a pair of jeans and they have started to become too big for me! Such a good feeling to buy smaller sized clothes you KNOW you will fit into now. :)
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I'm a bloke, so possibly different, but I like to keep an old pair of trousers and put them on from time to time to see how much I've lost. I find that a bit more motivational... or at least makes me realise what I have achieved *already* rather than what I have yet to achieve.

    Cheaper too :)

    Failing to fit into that size 2 quick enough could have the opposite effect, motivation-wise.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Sounds awesome to me!
    I can get a pair of jeans at Rue 21 for $5 now.
    I'll go buy some size 5's tomorrow, and make them my next goal. :D
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    If you think it will be good motivation-then it will be. I don't know if I'd check it once per month though-that's a lot, and a monthly reminder you aren't there YET.

    Personally, I have a picture folder on my phone, just of my face (I don't want a Weinergate situation) that I do take monthly. I find when I'm staring at the McDonalds, seeing the change in my face between months gets me to walk away.

    So find what works for you!
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    That's a very common method for motivating yourself. Buy clothes that you really want to wear but can't. Keep working toward that goal of trying to fit into them. Spend the money. It'll be worth it :)
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    do what works for YOU! I think it is a good idea. I, however, cannot bring myself to do it bc when I buy a piece of clothing all I want to do is wear it (especially if it's in a smaller size!) so I'd be going CRAZY staring at jeans I couldn't fit into yet.

    But it IS an awesome motivation!!!!! I'm doing almost the same thing but with wedding dresses! Nothing is purchased but I look online and see small sizes and want it so bad!! :)
  • nseuell
    nseuell Posts: 110
    I'd say do it, just don't spend a ton on the pair... You can do that once you make your goal!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I would compromise with you... I would buy a size four... and then when you fit into that THEN buy a size two... like one other person said... you man not physically be able to healthily fit into a size two... but a size four may be more realistic...

    I am SOO close to a size four, but there is no way that I could be a size two (it would be nice tho) so I wouldn't want to set myself up for failure by buying a size two just because I WANT to be a size two.

    But do what is going to work for you. that is what should matter.
  • jennydanger77
    i once bought red pants that were maaany sizes too small. it took me a few years, but i eventually fit into them. [from a size 22 womens to a size 12 misses]. every once in a while, i tried them on, just to see how far i come. and let me tell you, the day i wore them out- i was on top of the world. after i had gained weight back during pregnancy 2 years after that, i tossed them. and i regret it.

    a motivational tool has to have meaning if its going to stand the test of time. so if you do buy small jeans, make them jeans that you are dying to wear. otherwise, they may just sit a drawer if you become stagnant. know what i mean?
  • pwurtz1231
    pwurtz1231 Posts: 14 Member
    When I first started all this, as a size 26, I bought a pair of shorts that were size 22. When I got down to 24, I bought a pair of shorts at a size 20. The first time I buttoned those size 22s and I barely had a muffin top, I cried. Now I'm working towards the size 20s, that's my goal now. That's what I've found to motivate me for now. What Kimmerroze said, getting a size 4 first, then a size 2 after you fit into the size 4, I agree w/ that compromise. Your goal is to get to a size 2, but in the middle somewhere, you're going to need a size 4 once you hit it anyways, I really like that idea. Good luck!