nicolenayima Member


  • Hi, I'm new to this group -- I'm nicolenayima on Ravelry -- feel free to add me there or here!
  • Count me in as well!
  • Congrats on your successful year! I like that you focused on how much you have gained, not just how much you've lost.
  • I cut my hair to a longish pixie style (so it's still pretty short) a few years ago and love it. Before I cut it I got all sorts of advice from people saying short hair doesn't go well with "round faces" etc., but eventually I just decided I need to go for it. Now the same people tell me it is a great style for me! Before…
  • Something I started doing was making a brown rice/lentil combination to have as the base for any rice dishes I eat, rather than just brown rice. I have a rice cooker and whenever I make a pot of brown rice I just do half brown rice and half dried brown lentils, the amount of water I would need for both combined, and they…
  • needed that today!
  • Nicole here! Just finished L1D7!!
  • I'm so glad you liked it! I have my beginner's yoga "graduation" tonight, but am planning on continuing to go. Last week was the first time I felt I really could not do something yet because of my weight, and it was the headstand...It just hurt my head too much to put that much weight on it! I'm going to have to work up to…
  • kory -- I know exactly what you mean, LOL! Finished Day 6 today, I took my first rest day yesterday, but I did swim for awhile so that was a nice change. I'm happy with my exercising, but am struggling with the diet this week. Probably in part because I'm getting in more activity, but a lot of it is a combination of my…
  • I was much less sore for Day 4, and I felt myself being able to do the "Natalie" version of the exercises much more often. I feel like I'm starting to memorize the things Jillian says, but I hadn't noticed the cheating on the lunges yet so I'm going to look for that today! I think the thing I dislike the most about the…
  • I love vegan cooking and baking (probably a little too much)! I have tons of recipes/cookbooks so I'd love to share.
  • Day 3 complete! Still really sore all over, and shoulder exercises are excruciating, but my sister and I are loving it! I did yoga last night as well, which helped me stretch out some soreness in some spots and made me more sore in others!
  • I have been vegetarian for almost 7 years and I try to eat a mostly vegan diet. I love it, most of the time anyway! I've been using MFP pretty regularly for a few months now and I'm trying to up my motivation as I get closer to my 30th birthday goals, so if anyone is looking for a friend feel free to add me!
  • Well, my sister and I just finished Day 2, despite being incredibly sore this morning! At first I was thinking I'd barely be able to move because of the soreness from yesterday, but the warm-up helped and I actually said to my sister that it felt kind of good to be moving through the soreness instead of just being…
  • I just started an "absolute beginners" yoga class and I love it, despite my size making some poses harder for me! Good luck, I hope you enjoy it as well!
  • My sis is hopefully going to be joining me most mornings for the work out so that's pretty exciting. Way more fun to have a partner in the room with me!
  • Finished L1D1 with my sister this morning, and it was definitely a work out! Not looking forward to getting more sore as the day progresses, but I'll be back tomorrow morning for Day 2!
  • There are a group of us starting right around the same time: good luck!
  • Okay I am going to impulsively commit to this! I've never done 30DS before, but will get it on Netflix and start on the 29th as well! I need something new to motivate me...