JM 30 Day Shred



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Sarah-ALRIGHT!!! way to push through...remember it will get harder before it gets easier!! (or so I have been told!) keep on movin girl!!

    bmwells-I'm glad you feel like you are getting support from the group....that was my intention when I started this thread!! Let me know how day 4 goes...I have heard 2 things....1-it is the HARDEST day of all, and 2-it starts to get easier from there on out?! Can't wait to hear what actually happens!

    nayima-that is awesome!! I am glad that your sis is gonna be there to support you on most days!! It surely does help having someone doing it right along with you!!

    Courtneylwatson-woohoo!! great job on finishing the suppossed "hardest day"!! and great job gettin the hubby to stick with it with you!

    mikeyken-I am glad to hear that you only missed one day and then went right back to it...sometimes that is harder then just doing it straight through...wtg!! also...CONGRATS on the loss so far!

    korygilliam-great job on day 5!! am glad to hear that you are gonna keep goin (even if the scale doesn't agree right now!) I am sure that the numbers WILL catch up soon!!
  • silveryflutterby
    Just did L1 D1. I started the shred at the beginning of June and got to day 10 (with a couple rest days in between) and it was getting easier and I was using heavier weights for part of it. I stopped and started again today and it's like I never did it! I started back with the lighter weights and they got so heavy by the end. Man, it takes so long to get in shape and you can get back out of shape SO fast! So glad to have all of you to motivate me to make it through the whole thing this time. Looking forward to some GREAT results!
  • Tarasevents
    Ok, I'm just now finding this thread. I'm jumping in! I'll start the 30DS tomorrow morning. I probably won't do all 30 days, because I leave for holiday on the 28th. But I'm pretty sure that a 28DS still counts. Right???

    Pray for me. The first time I tried this, I only got through the first 2 days!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    I did my first day workout just now and I love it!! Like people said before, you can do anything for 20 minutes. Now I can barely hold my glass of water, let alone type this haha but it was worth it and I actually expected it to be even harder after all the things I read! I actually think that I can do this and finish!!
    I love when Jillian talks about finishing strong. It helps me a lot that she talks so much during the workout!
    How's everyone else doing? I imagine day two will be harder with all the sore muscles.
  • lilmomma3
    lilmomma3 Posts: 17 Member
    I have done the 30 day shred& must say it gives crazy amazing results! It toned me and gave me more muscle than ever ..especially in my arms! Good luck actually restarting the whole dvd ..:)
  • nicolenayima
    nicolenayima Posts: 19 Member
    Well, my sister and I just finished Day 2, despite being incredibly sore this morning! At first I was thinking I'd barely be able to move because of the soreness from yesterday, but the warm-up helped and I actually said to my sister that it felt kind of good to be moving through the soreness instead of just being sedentary and getting all stiff. Now I'm anxious to see how my beginner's yoga class goes tonight with the soreness I'm feeling!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    silvery-just saw that you did L1D2....great job!!! It was WAY harder for me today vs yesterday...who woulda thunk it?! LOL

    Tarasevents-glad to have you as a pal!!! I am pretty sure that 28 days would count...knowing me I would squeeze out the last 2 immediately after vaca!!! <<<OCD over here though!! Make sure that you take your before pics and stats before you start (and afters, before vaca!) welcome!

    Evotchka-great job girl!!! Fair warning...I thought day 2 (which I did today) was way harder due to the soreness!! and I wasn't even really sore from D1!!! keep on pushin through...we will all make it!

    lilmomma-thanks for the luck :) feel free to join us with your round 2 if you'd like!

    nayima-i didn't think I would make it through either...but we both did (and your sis), so congrats to us!! have fun with yoga should help loosen you up a bit, and you may actually feel better after doin it!! I will be doin my yoga days on Tuesday!

    AFM-L1D2 done!!! as I was saying ^^^up there....I was way more sore than I thought I was....just didn't realize it until I started doing the shred today!! LOL I made it through and will be right back at it tomorrow!! keep pushin strong folks :)
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone! Is it too late to join this group? I just started 30DS on Monday, my first time of doing it. I have my before pictures taken and have weight and measurements noted down in my food/exercise journal, I like to use my own written one not the one on myfitnesspal.

    I do weekly weigh-ins but my measurements I'm going to remeasure at the end of the 30 days, I'll keep yous updated with my progress and good luck everyone!
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    Evotchka-got your request, thanks!! Glad to hear that you are with me! Did you just start today? didya do your before pics/stats?

    calicobonny-awesome!! how do you feel after doing day 1? I am feelin pretty good still...may be a diff story during my day 2 tomorrow!! :laugh:

    Des92-day 7 already?! how time flies when you are having fun!!! You are almost ready to go to level 2!! woot woot!! :drinker:

    skpresley-way to get it done!!! don't give is a hard workout, but you can so do this!!! we are here to support you through it everyday!! great job on day 1! :flowerforyou:

    AFM-like I said earlier...I finished keep in mind, I have done day 1 like 7 times over the past 8 months, as a random workout...but I just reallized, this will be the first time that I get to day 2!! LOL can't wait! :heart:

    I'm sorry, I just saw this now, I'm still so new to this that I forget to look sometimes. I did a before shot and took my weight and my measurements! I don't have them on me right now but should I post them here? I thought I would do it all together when I'm done after 30 days.
    By the way, I feel sooo energized and awake today and even after lunch this doesn't fade. Usually this is my low of the day but even though my abs and my arms hurt (maybe even because of that) I feel like a new person already. I'm really excited and can't wait for tomorrow morning!!
  • sabre0link

    cool!! are you gonna start tomorrow with the majority of us??? don't forget to take your pics along with your measurements!! welcome!

    Yeah I started on the 29th.. Since I haven't managed to teach my cats how to use a camera, I was limited on which pics I could take.. >_< Measurements I'm just doing hip and waist ones..

    I'm having to be careful with the arm stuff.. been having issues with one of my shoulders due to use at work.. After yesterday's session, my other shoulder started complaining. -_-... I've had docs look at it (been having this for a while), but they find nothing.. so yeah.

    Day 2 ahead...
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    day 3 level 2 down! making this day 13 for me! ( with 4 rest days).

    keep up the good work everyne! and dont forget measurements!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    LOL--I watched the level 2 and 3 stuff last night after my routine (today is day 6 level 1)...and OMG! I know I will be able to do it, because level one is already easy (except still doing girly push ups and hard to finish the course 3 side lunges because of my arms being dead at that point).

    :grumble: Little frustrated today because I gained a pound regardless of my eating and exercise. I am hoping that it is just due to swollen muscles...or something...oh well, that's the life of losing weight!

  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    Looks like I won't be starting until the 4th of July! My Mom bought it for my 30th now I just have to wait until I head up to their house on Sunday!

    WTG to everyone that has started and are still pushing strong! I can't wait to be able to start this and get rid of the excess me!!
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    Did D2L1 and man oh man! I thought it was going to be harder and longer because I'm hurting so bad but it actually was really quick! Am currently more hurt than on day 1
    How's everyone else's progress so far? And what are your eating habits along with doing the shred
  • calicobonny
    Just finished D2L1. I've had this DVD for a while and done L1 quite a few times (never done the entire 30 days) so I'm pretty familiar with it, but some days are still harder than others. My goal for day 10 is to do all of the push ups not on my knees.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Day 2 done. My push ups are very slow and I'm not good at them. But I do them from my feet, not my knees! :happy: That is a major change from last time. I think tomorrow I will use my push up bars for help, my wrists hurt so bad when I do push ups. Anyhow, was sore before I started (just a little) and as I started squat/lunging the soreness became very apparent!! :laugh: I just pushed thru and finished, even though I did less reps than yesterday.

    Tomorrow I hope to do as many reps as the first day! I remember it does get easier. Just gotta stay committed!
    BTW - I weigh myself every day, just how I do it. Usually I am the same weight all week or a tiny bit less each day (0.2 lbs or so). Today I was 1.8 lbs MORE than yesterday. I was worried for about 30 seconds before I remembered 'OH I started intense exercise yesterday!'

    So don't worry if you see a little gain, this is normal!
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    Today was my first day, L1D1 complete!! I missed out yesterday due to an insane amount of yard work I had to do for my son's 6th birthday party. Then I ate a much deserved cupcake. And had some special "mommy" lemonade ;)

    Can't wait to get back at it tomorrow!! I have tried the 30ds before (1 day....) and I remembered Jillian being much more tyrannical the first time around.
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    L1D4. This seemed a little easier today actually. Probably because I was being careful with my shoulder I injured at work last night. I phoned it in a little, but still feel like I got a good workout. What was terrible was at the very end of the workout a saleman came to the door. I was dripping in sweat and panting and I think he thought I was having a heart attack. He left pretty quickly. Good way to get rid of salemen though.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Is 30DS really meant to be done for 30 days in a row? Aren't you supposed to "rest" your muscles in between workouts? Of those of you doing it every day, are you using weights daily too?

    I have the DVD sitting here but I feel kind of intimated to try it. I've been doing one of Jackie Warner's DVDs for about a month (3-4 days/week) but I can't tell a difference in my body... except that I feel like eating all the time :P

    Thank you!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    kellylou-nope not too late!! I will be doing day 3 tomorrow!! welcome to the group, and feel free to post how you are doing each day :)

    Evotchka-I will be posting my before/afters at the end togethor too!! Just wanted to make sure that you took em before you got too far into it :) Glad to hear that you are feeling the positive effects of this awesome workout already!

    sabre0link-LOL...sorry to hear that the cats couldnt take your could always do a reflection shot in the's better then nothing :) be sure to listen to your shoulder...maybe try wall pushups instead of regular ones, and half raises with the lateral and overhead raises?! keep on pushin!

    Mariam-woot woot!!! nice job! got my measurements done at the start of day 1!!

    Kory-alright day 6 done!! don't be too frustrated with the scale yet...I have heard lots of people say that they actually gained at the start of this...and even some that said they did for the 1st 2 weeks....but they said it was all down hill from there, so keep on movin girl...the scale will catch up with you :)

    michelle_eiz-join in whenever you can!! we will all be doin it still, and be able to support you through!

    skpresley-I am def hurting more today vs yesterday too....but we can do it!! I am stickin to my same cal amount (betw 1350-1400), but I upped my protein to <60g/day, and lowered my carbs to >180g/day. I also drink at last 8 glasses of water /day, and watch my I am trying to avert the water retention with this workout!

    calicobonny-great goal for day 10....I will see if I can match you...although I may not be able too, I will try! :)

    Sarah-way to do the "manly" push-ups!! I am hoping by the end I will be able to as well!! And you are absolutely right about the weight gain...I was also up this morning!! Like I have been trying to tell everyone, do NOT get discourages...the scale will catch up :) (you know this though, I bet)

    LotsOtots-alright!! glad to have you started on the challenge!! way to get it done...JM can seem like a bear sometimes...but like she says...she gets results, and that is what we all want!!

    Milkeyken-great job on day 4!! and I will for sure remember that lil trick when a salesman comes a knockin at my door!! LOL

    pinkita-it normally is good to rest your muscles in between...but JM whole thing is to STRESS your muscles so they adapt to the change quickly...I wil be doing 1 day of rest/week for yoga but otherwise it is the shred (with weights) for me everyday! You should give it a try with us...and be sure to do your measurements and pics so you can SEE the difference after you've been doin it for a bit!