JM 30 Day Shred



  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    I've been doing this for - ooh, six, seven days? (Not really paying attention!) I've been adapting Level 1 by doing wall push-ups because I've never in my life been able to do even girly push-ups, but a word of warning to anyone else who's doing the same - yesterday I had a bash at Level 2 (I decided I didn't want to do 10-10-10 and that I'd rather try working in an occasional go of Level 2 before I switch properly from one to the next) and there's a LOT of stuff involving, not exactly push-ups, but that sort of holding yourself up on your arms whilst doing various ill-advised energetic things with your legs; and none of it would really work against a wall! Armed with that knowledge I'm now really trying to do the push-ups in Level 1 properly (still the girly sort, and I can't say I'm really managing any great depth of up-and-downness, but still.) Just thought it might help other people to know that...
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    there's a LOT of stuff involving, not exactly push-ups, but that sort of holding yourself up on your arms whilst doing various ill-advised energetic things with your legs

    Ill-advised energetic things? I love the moves on level 2! It is very good of you to mention the wall push up thing, I agree. It is easier to make a transition from push up to other plank moves if you are trying push ups from the floor. I'm not sure why you called the moves ill-advised, though? They are really great moves.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    OK!! I did L1D6 today, and feeling pretty good about it overall!!! I am still trying to decide whether I should take my planned yoga day/rest day tomorrow, or if I should just keep on going until I NEED a "rest" day?! I told myself that I would do 30 days out of 35, and that included 1 rest day/week for yoga, and 1 extra for emergency, but now I feel like it might be a bad idea to take it at all if I don't need it!! What do you guys think about this?? :ohwell:

    marta-maybe so :wink: but it will be SO worth it in the end!

    LotsOtots-great job!! you are halfway through level 1!! You need to tie a string to your hubbie's finger, to remind him to bring back your tape measure!!! :laugh: I think you will see your greatest results with your inches lost in the end! Happy 4th to you too :)

    mathlete-isn't it nice to be enthusiastic about your workout!! I think it's because you can see such a big difference on the ease of this workout so quickly!

    wendy-well, I am glad that your started. FYI...I also worked out 4-5 times/wk before this, and consider myself to be in pretty decent shape as well!! I'm not sayin that level 1 ISN'T too easy, but I didn't really get the full effects of doing it multiple days in a row...until I actually did it multiple days in a row!! I thought it was a pretty "easy" workout when I just did Day1 here and there in the past too! just givin my $0.02 worth :smile:

    earthsember-good job on day 6!! we are right on track with each other :drinker: as for the weights...what I do is keep my 3lb and 5lb weights in front of me...and I always do the 5lb for the first set of the move and then if it was too hard I switch to the 3lb weights for the 2nd set(which is only during the overhead press and lateral raises-just like you). Maybe you could do the same with your 5lbs and marinara jars?!

    Lmn-alright!! let us know when you get it, and start it!

    Persipan-thanks for the tips!! I had heard that level 2 has a lot to do with pilates/yoga based core I am hoping that even my girly pushups will be enough to prepare me for that!! only time will tell I guess!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    just finished D3L1... did the work out really late today but glad I did it :)
    Didn't do my Yoga Meltdown for the day, but I'm ok with that, as long as I do it most days :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    nice job!! I decided that I won't be taking my "rest/yoga" day tomorrow either, but instead will continue on with the shred and then do my stretching before I go to bed Wed morn, and after I weigh-in that afternoon I will do the next day of Shred as planned!!! I might actually finish AHEAD of my goal this way! WOOT!
    just finished D3L1... did the work out really late today but glad I did it :)
    Didn't do my Yoga Meltdown for the day, but I'm ok with that, as long as I do it most days :)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    L1D9 down! I had an unexpected trip on Friday, so had to skip a day, oh well. I think it was actually harder for me after skipping a day than it was pushing thru the sore muscles!

    I tried to do a full push up, I can barely even do one at this point. :sad: Kinda concerned since L2 has so many planks involved, but I am sure I can do it (even if it is modified). But I am able to do all of the knee push ups except I slow down at the end of round one. Have to take a second break between each one.

    I was just about to go to 5 lb weights for the back raises and butterflies, not ready yet w/ the forward lunge, and still having to drop the weights altogether for the side lunges (still burns w/o using weights).

    Welcome to all of the new people that hopped on in the last few days...glad to have you with us on this journey! :drinker:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kory-awesome job on pushing yourself!!! You seem like you are always stiving to challenge yourself and you are doing great!! keep up the awesome work girl!! can't wait to hear how level 2 starts out for you :)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    L1D8 finished. We didn't get home from fireworks until close to 11 so we did a late workout. It is feeling a good bit easier. My husband is still hanging in there with me. I had also noticed all of the plank moves in level 2 so I tried to do a real push up today and fell flat on my face. I think that I can handle plans, it is just the up and down that is so tough.

    tj- if you don't feel like you need a rest day and your schedule will allow it, keep going back to back! I look forward to 30ds every evening.
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    there's a LOT of stuff involving, not exactly push-ups, but that sort of holding yourself up on your arms whilst doing various ill-advised energetic things with your legs

    Ill-advised energetic things? I love the moves on level 2! It is very good of you to mention the wall push up thing, I agree. It is easier to make a transition from push up to other plank moves if you are trying push ups from the floor. I'm not sure why you called the moves ill-advised, though? They are really great moves.
    That's just the way I talk, don't worry! In my book, ALL energetic things are ill-advised. (That's also just the way I talk, I'm quite enjoying it really.)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Courtney-thanks for the advice :) i have decided to do it again tonight (which was my planned rest day) and then to do a stretch before bed, so I will hopefully be a lilttle loser when I get up Wed for my weigh-in!! then I will do Wed as planned! Great job on day 8...2 more til level 2!!

    Persipan-glad to hear that you are enjoyin the shred :)
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry I didn't check in lately, the holidays threw me off big time. But I did it every day! Just finished L1D6 (wow it is day 6 already?) and I'm feeling good about it, although it is still hard but I mean it has to be if I want my body to change, right? I'm not really too excited to start level 2 soon, my lazy me tells me that that's gonna be even harder but I know I will do it. And also know I will be more motivated once I had a few better eating days. Tomorrow is weigh in day..yikes
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Is anyone else dissapointed that it no longer hurts to squat down to sit on the toilet? :blushing: Just curoius...I liked having that pain because I thought it meant I was getting some good exercise on my glutes and, therefore, helping burn/lift my butt! (I know I am still exercising there, just the pain helped verify the work)
  • wendywr
    wendywr Posts: 8
    Tara, Thanks for the feedback- I've suspected the cumulative effect is where it really counts. I feel fine today. I didn't feel at all fatigued from level 1. As Kory so aptly put it, I LOVE to feel sore the next day, and feel like I really worked hard and feel sore the next day.

    Are any of you doing any exercise beyond the 30ds? Or are all of the amazing results I saw on the other thread just from 20 minutes a day? If so, I'm thinking I've been doing fitness so wrong lately.

    Hearing about level 2, I'm a little worried. I have bad wrists (old gymnastics injury), and planks/pushups are really hard on them.
  • nicolenayima
    nicolenayima Posts: 19 Member
    kory -- I know exactly what you mean, LOL!

    Finished Day 6 today, I took my first rest day yesterday, but I did swim for awhile so that was a nice change. I'm happy with my exercising, but am struggling with the diet this week. Probably in part because I'm getting in more activity, but a lot of it is a combination of my default setting, which is to want to eat a lot at night, and then I've been doing some extra drinking in the past week or two while "enjoying the summer" with friends. Even though I'm eating nowhere near the amount of calories I might have been a year ago when this would happen, it still frustrates me a lot that it's such a struggle!

    I am looking forward to level 2 now, because I'm not feeling sore anymore and I feel like my strength and endurance have improved a lot already with the first level. I have 3-pound weights but I now want to get some heavier ones for some of the exercises at least. Anything with the shoulders though, I'm going to be stuck with the 3-pounders for a while longer!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    wendy, try doing plank/push up moves while holding your dumbbells, or using push up bars. That helps me wrists a lot!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    I try to do 30 minutes of running/elliptical 5 days of the week, in addition to the 30DS. I don't push myself as hard as I did prior to doing the 30...cautious about number of calories burned vs number eaten (It just feels wrong to need to eat 600 calories due to good exercise, and I believe what I read in the other forums about too much exercise can still put you in starvation mode) and also I don't want to wear myself out so much that I won't get in a good 30DS routine. If I am short on time for the day, I will only do the 30DS.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    ready to start level 1 day 5. Going to push it and use my 5lb dumb bells again. Are any of you using heavier hand weights?

    I am wondering if upping my weights will help the rest of my body shape up. I see definition in my arms already, they feel like they are in good shape. Will increasing weight only help my arms? Hmm hmm.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    Just did L1-D1! This could be fun....eventually....okay so I am hoping! Day 1 really kicked my butt!
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    Just completed D5L1 today, done it 3 days in a row this week and hoping to keep at that for the rest of the week. I can feel it is starting to get easier but boy am I still sweating! Love it!
  • sabre0link
    I've been off and on on days.. we're moving a lot of freight/stock at work, and it's been wearing me out (and making me sore as well) in that I'm in bed roughly 2 hours after getting home from work... lol.. So those days I haven't done the shred.. I think, when I get back to it, I'll wind up at day 4.. lol... I feel bad about it, but then I do my motivational tactic.. step on the scale. When I feel like I've been slacking, somehow I loose more weight than otherwise.. lol.. :S I used to just do a weekly weigh in as a monitoring factor.. when I started changing my food (back in April, at least) and tried starting on exercise, I'd wound up checking roughly every 3 days.

    Needless to say, the moving for 8+ hours (with a 30 min lunch and short personal breaks) helped me out this past few days... *shrug*

    I'll see how my energy is after a meeting I'm headed off to now, to deal with Day 4 when I get back... (sentence makes more sense in my head).. but it's definitely easier to exercise when I'm not working 8+ hour shifts at work... lol... So definitely today and tomorrow.

    Kory> *waves from Meridies* :) I love your profile pic.