JM 30 Day Shred



  • calicobonny
    L1D3 done! Had to miss yesterday because of a homework all-nighter the night before.

    This is off topic, but does anyone know if it is better to be a little above or a little below your calorie goals for the day? I usually come in below, but my limit is 1200 so that doesn't seem like a good idea.
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    I missed yesterday too because my hubby worked earlier and I forgot and I can't exercise with a baby that freaks every time I go to do something for "mommy". So by the time he got off it was too late, I was sore, and tired. So I took some painkillers and went to sleep and did L1D3 today and it was surprisingly easier than the other two days, even with a day break! I am determined to only have 2 more rest days if I need it
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    sorry I didn't check in yesterday!! I DID do L1D3 yesterday, and L1D4 today!! Today was a little harder than yesterday as I was slightly hungover from "game night" last night! LOL But I still did it! I also bought some new 5lb weights yesterday so I tried those out for a few of the moves today. I did the 3lbs for the 2nd set of the overhead press, and both sets of lateral raises otherwise I used the new 5lbs for everything!

    also...did you guys notice that when Jillian is by Anita during the forward lunge with bicep curls, Natalie isn't doing her lunges!! check it out!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Courtney-you are doing great!! and no worries...I do girly pushups too! It is hard to eat on track when you are running all day, I did errands all day yesterday too, and while I was out I decided to get a caramel frap light from Starbucks (maybe not the healthiest, but not too bad either) to at least keep my metabolism going! It is def easier when you buy healthy food to fill up your house WTG! And nice job gettin it done after your big meal too...that's why I always workout in the mornings!

    Des-I would just add an extra day at the end for sure!! That way, when you get back Sunday you will just have 1 day left of 1 and then you can move on to your 10 days of 2!!! Have fun on your weekend away! and you are right about the will catch up with your hard work!! Mine is up a pound too, don't get discouraged...the water retention will start to go away and the scale will be going in the right direction again soon :smile:

    Mariam-I haven't even peeked at level 2 yet...but I hear it is the worst of the 3?! Great job getting those walkout pushups done!! I think I have done those in the BL bootcamp DVD??!! CONGRATS on making the halfway point!:drinker: really brings it all back to ya, how sore you are, when you are actually usin those muscles again huh?! It got a little better for me today though! HA!! my bf does that stuff all the time too...I don't think they realize how sore we really are from this workout! He was following me up the stairs last night...and kept smackin my butt to get me to go quicker....OUCH! :laugh:

    Spud-I don't know if there is a list of moves for the shred?? did you type it into google and see what it brought up? I would just remember 3-2-1. Circuit 1-pushups and squats with overhead press, jumping jacks and jump rope, and reg crunches and butt lifts. Circuit 2-forward lunge with bicep curls and shoulder press, butt kicks and punches, and side crunches both ways. Circuit 3-chest flys and side lunge with lateral raise, jumping jacks butt kicks punches and jump rope, and bicycle crunch!! LOL I guess doin it so many times in a row you just remember it! If you can't find something, where you are staying, to use as weights...I would just go through the motions and make yourself have resistance while doing the moves.

    martzadz-glad to hear that you are stickin to it this time!! And I totally agree that the beginning is harder then the end...I feel like my jumping jacks, buttkicks, and jump rope are way better the 2nd time around!! I know how you feel about your before pics...none of us here were to thrilled with ours...but I would highly recommend you take some again, so when you get to the end you can see all of the hard work that you have'll be nice to actually be able to SEE it!! :flowerforyou:

    Nayima-alright!! You(and your sis) are doing great!! Sounds like quite a few of us are doin yoga during this 30days as our extra yoga day is gonna be on Tuesday, and I am hoping that it will stretch me out before my weigh-ins on Wed :tongue:

    jesguinn-don't give up girl!! I hear that people saw an even or even a gain in the first 2 weeks of this program, and then they started dropping after that! I think that because this workout is done everyday and is so muscle intensive, the water retention will last for a bit longer then normal. But I am on my last 12lbs...and it is VERY true on these last few taking the longest...just be patient and it will start to show on the scale in the near future I am sure! :ohwell:

    CaWaterBug-great job getting Day 1 done!! Glad to have you started :)

    WalkingGirl-way to stick with it! I think the hardest strength is circuit 1, the cardest cardio is level 1, and the hardest abs is level 3....but I also think that I do better with the jumping stuff at the end vs the's def weird how that works?!

    Jill-nice job on completing day 5!!! glad that you didn't end up in ER...that woulda sucked big time!! Keep on movin girl!

    Michelle_eiz-it def does get easier on day just remember that when you start, and we will be here for ya!!

    strive-no better time then the present to start it!! and you will def need those can do it!

    mikeyken-i personally would continue to do the shred...but don't NOT do just your left wanna work both sides out evenly, so just modify for both arms the same. I would switch the push-ups to wall pushups, jump rope or running in place instead of jumping jacks, and amybe dont go as high on your lateral raises. I would also drop to your lightest weights and be sure to adjust when your shoulder starts hurting! don't give up though...there is always alternatives :wink:

    calicobonny-my callimit is also 1200, and if I don't workout I try to stay as close to that number as possible without going over. If I do workout I eat between 1350-1400 cals. It is ok to be under a little bit...just make sure you are consistently getting over 1100 and also try to eat back some of your exercise cals

    skpresley-I am glad to hear that you got right back to it after your rest day. I am planning on taking a rest day 1/week but am nervous that I will just dread coming back to it again I will play that by ear yet I guess :smooched:
  • sabre0link
    sabre0link-LOL...sorry to hear that the cats couldnt take your could always do a reflection shot in the's better then nothing :) be sure to listen to your shoulder...maybe try wall pushups instead of regular ones, and half raises with the lateral and overhead raises?! keep on pushin!

    Yeah I did the mirror thing.. lol..

    I've never really been able to do push ups.. even in elementary school, when I could do situps like crazy.. LOL.. Decided to try the wall pushups for this go around, and it's at least easier to push myself up that way (I used to swim competitively... so arm strength not existing is weird in general, even when I swam. LOL), so I wind up keeping my feet further from the wall, to get some sort of pressure/weight on my arms.. it helps. lol. I think I end up being at 45degrees to the wall.. lol

    Besides just getting out of breath early in the workout (and therefore catching my breath)... taking the shoulder easy is the only modification I'm making..

    I've started 30DS before.. never get off level 1 because sometime during that first week, my schedule's messed up. Usually by work, sometimes by family stuff.

    And a thought for the gaining weight the first few days: Your water intake is (likely) higher.. I know mine usually is.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Hey, is it too late to join this board? :) I actually did Level 1 day 4 today, and then found this board linked to while peeking through the B&A 30 Day Shred board. This workout is kicking my butt, I love it! Hoping to lose a ton of inches before I go on vacation in August. I've heard the Shred isn't great about taking off lbs, but inches gone are more important to me anyway :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    sabre0link-that's the way to do it!! Modify as needed and get it done!! alright!! as for the weight gain...I'm not too concerned about it...I was kind of expecting it....just trying to keep the others from being discouraged if they are seeing gains as well :)

    earthsember-would love to have you join in!! I did day 4 today as well, so you are right on track with the majority of us! I'm also working on losing a ton of inches by my vaca in August so I will keep my fingers crossed for us both :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I finished day 3 today (took Friday off accidentally!) I went to in laws house to do it, got her and her son (11yr) to exercise with me. They are both overweight and looking to change their ways, but don't have a lot of motivation. I've told them about this site but they say they are trying to be more active and don't want to spend time on the internet so much anymore. Understandable! It was really different to do the shred in their big living room and with other people with me! Kinda fun :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    it always feels great when you can motivate people to be more active...wtg!! And great job on day 3:)
    I finished day 3 today (took Friday off accidentally!) I went to in laws house to do it, got her and her son (11yr) to exercise with me. They are both overweight and looking to change their ways, but don't have a lot of motivation. I've told them about this site but they say they are trying to be more active and don't want to spend time on the internet so much anymore. Understandable! It was really different to do the shred in their big living room and with other people with me! Kinda fun :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hey! So I'm coming over from the Kicking *kitten* in your twenties board, and will definitely be joining in this group, though I ma a bit behind :) Was L1D1 for me today, and I am definitely going to try to keep at it, with as few days rest as possible.

    Though what was that I read about weight while I was skimming through the other posts??
  • silveryflutterby
    Finished L1D3 today. Had to skip yesterday because I was setting up for a yard sale until like 1 in the morning at my parent's house and ended up crashing there. I don't know about you ladies, but I think it's harder after taking a rest day...I'm also glad to know that I'm not the only one who does girly push ups and has trouble with the arm raises during the side lunges. Those things are killer! I did all of them today though, usually I have to rest for one or two of them. I feel like I'm getting a little better at push ups too, even though they are the girly ones. On day 2 I did 19 the first set and today I did 20. Improvement!! :) I haven't been doing well on diet because I haven't been home the past few days. Gonna get that on track tomorrow, though, or else I won't see any result from this workout!

    Great job to everyone!

    T- totally noticed that about her not doing the lunges. I was like, "she cheating!" lol Not that it will hurt her to miss a few. She's in great shape!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Level 1 day 2 complete. I see why people are sore after day 1. Holy cow! I am loving it and know that eventually it will get easier. The moment it does, I am pulling out the heavier weights!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    tobemotivated-glad to have ya in the group!! you aren't too far behind me (day 4) and there are a few that haven't started quite yet so no worries! about the weight seems to be a norm with the shred, to gain a little bit in the beginning sure to water retention in the get discouraged as the scale will def catch up soon!

    silvery-LOL that is too funny though right?! bet she felt guilty when JM says "my girls aren't even cheating when I am not looking!" good job on gettin back to it right away!

    ladybg-great job on day 2!! it will def get easier, and it will be great to push yourself with the heavier weights when it does!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    eventually it will get easier. The moment it does, I am pulling out the heavier weights!!!

    This ^ is so awesome!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    L1D6 done directly after a 3 mile fast walk with Leslie Sansone. I won't do that again. It was over an hour ago and I am still shaky. I felt like the workout went by quicker though. Can't wait for level 2.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    hiya everyone :-0. i'm joni. i've ordered the shred, and i'm looking forward to it getting here! i can commit 20 mins for 30 days! i'll just tag it onto whatever exercise i'm doing that day.
    i'm doing training to run a half marathon (which is at the end of oct), and anything to help get some good core strength will be great. i'm already doing training 6 days a week (for 2 of those days i'm doing strength and lunges and squats and all that jazz- sounds more impressive than it looks!!). so i guess 20 mins more should be do-able. i'm looking forward to watching the dvd so i can see if i can do any of it on my lunch break at work (i work shifts and have a family, plus am training for the half so time is tight).

    so can i join in when i get the dvd?? huh, huh, can i???
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    sorry I didn't check in yesterday!! I DID do L1D3 yesterday, and L1D4 today!! Today was a little harder than yesterday as I was slightly hungover from "game night" last night! LOL But I still did it! I also bought some new 5lb weights yesterday so I tried those out for a few of the moves today. I did the 3lbs for the 2nd set of the overhead press, and both sets of lateral raises otherwise I used the new 5lbs for everything!

    also...did you guys notice that when Jillian is by Anita during the forward lunge with bicep curls, Natalie isn't doing her lunges!! check it out!

    yup natalie cheats in that one! always puts me off!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hiya everyone :-0. i'm joni. i've ordered the shred, and i'm looking forward to it getting here! i can commit 20 mins for 30 days! i'll just tag it onto whatever exercise i'm doing that day.
    i'm doing training to run a half marathon (which is at the end of oct), and anything to help get some good core strength will be great. i'm already doing training 6 days a week (for 2 of those days i'm doing strength and lunges and squats and all that jazz- sounds more impressive than it looks!!). so i guess 20 mins more should be do-able. i'm looking forward to watching the dvd so i can see if i can do any of it on my lunch break at work (i work shifts and have a family, plus am training for the half so time is tight).

    so can i join in when i get the dvd?? huh, huh, can i???

    the more the merrier! join in!!
  • bumblebee87
    bumblebee87 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in, nearly. I've got the DVD at home, but haven't tried it yet. I'm starting tomorrow whoop!!!!! I haven't got any weights though, so bottles of water it is lol
  • nicolenayima
    nicolenayima Posts: 19 Member
    I was much less sore for Day 4, and I felt myself being able to do the "Natalie" version of the exercises much more often. I feel like I'm starting to memorize the things Jillian says, but I hadn't noticed the cheating on the lunges yet so I'm going to look for that today! I think the thing I dislike the most about the whole thing is that I can't skip past Jillian's intro explanation before the warm-up starts.

    My husband is supposed to try it out with me today, so that should be fun. My sister will join me again on Monday, she's busy this weekend being a bridesmaid in a wedding and recovering from all the celebrating. :)

    Good job everyone, it is so motivating to read about your struggles and successes!