entwife Member


  • The best way you can make up for it is to learn from it. Think about why you ate what you ate, and what you gained from it - did you enjoy it? Was it to be sociable? Was it an out-of-control thing because you have been dieting and you just let loose on delicious food because you have been denying yourself? What would you…
  • Think I missed yesterday 6 - I am developing a healthy relationship with food.
  • I find weekends a bit harder. It's a habit thing - we have stayed in a lot more since having kids so i have been used to looking forward to watching a good movie, drinking some wine and having some chocolate. I need to break the food=relaxation habit. Might be time to pull out my embroidery again, keep my hands busy!
  • That's fan-TASTIC!!! Go you! !!
  • Losing weight when you have a baby and work is tough, kudos to you for even being able to think about it, honestly! I've been there, mine are older now and its easier but I can relate to what you write. 20lbs in 8 months is doable in normal circumstances BUT the first year with a new baby taxes you in ways you could never…
  • Yesterday was my birthday and kids and hubby got me calorie-laden gifts (they don't know I've decided to lose weight). When its MY birthday I am happy to eat a few extra junky calories (and damn that vintage wine was good!) Now today I have to attend someone else's party and I won't be eating the cake either OP, and it…
    in Today! Comment by entwife October 2015
  • You are right, every shop DOES have different sizes. There is no such thing as "a size 12" or "a size 14", its not a fixed measurement like 1.5 metres or 10 stone weight. Each company develops clothing sizes according to their own measurements and their target market, so if you go into a shop for older women you should…
  • Hello there, that's roughly my goal as well :) How do you plan to do it? I'm limiting calories, walking and allowing myself three treats a week (except yesterday which was my birthday so calories are automatically repelled from my hips by magic lol)
  • I wing it but I try to eat roughly 3x400 cal meals + 300 for fruit, treats etc. I tend to rotate the same meals so I just keep the portion size around the 400 mark. I find this pretty easy to do, I've fallen off the wagon before because I got so sick of weighing and measuring and planning. Plus I love the 'frequently…
  • The big picture can be so off-putting. Don't think about it. Sit down with a pen and paper and write out a list of 5 things you can do that will make a difference, anything that fits with your lifestyle and needs. Then pick one and start with that. The other thing I have found really useful is for next week, give yourself…
  • I love your post @motivatedsister, very honest and self-examining. I don't think you are being irrational, its hard to face up to these things that shock us. That's why I admire your post so much, you are facing it square on and learning from it. Go you!!
  • Fear of not coping - food was comfort & stress relief & relaxation. Fear of the work - I don't have a huge amount to lose but it just seemed like such hard work, so difficult, time consuming Then finally - like Pp said - fear of death. And or fear of disease. I was fooling myself looking for comfort in food, it was just a…
  • You need to do this @defmut3 :D
    in Veins Comment by entwife October 2015
  • If they are throwing you off balance, just don't talk about it with them, or as little as you can. Hug it to yourself like your precious little secret and wait for them to realize you are shrinking before their very eyes! You'll find lots of support on here, you don't have to explain or justify yourself to anyone, save…
    in sad... Comment by entwife October 2015
  • I weigh 2-3 times a week, always first thing in the morning. I think the important thing is not to be ruled by the scale. It's just a number to guide you, and help track a trend. You need to keep an eye on what's happening but not obsess about it.
  • Knees are not supposed to pop like that, especially when you're doing normal every day activities. How often does it happen and how long has it been happening? The 30ds is pretty intense, if you don't mind me asking, what is your general fitness level and how does the 30ds compare to your normal exercise? Might be worth a…
  • Oh sorry did i ruin it? Oops :/ Hot & hydrated last week, cooler & dehydrated this week.
    in Veins Comment by entwife October 2015
  • Temperature? Your body might have been pushing blood to the surface last week, trying to cool down, but you weren't as hot this week (take that whatever way you like lol)
    in Veins Comment by entwife October 2015
  • I'm sorry to tell you but the Energiser Bunny is in fact, dead. He had a massive heart attack. Someone put his batteries in backwards and instead of going and going and going he kept <you fill in the blanks ha ha>
  • If you want an easy way to separate your sugar calories, set up a custom meal for coffee-sugar, and then in the app, check the graph under 'nutrition'. (It might be on the website too but I can't see it). It will break it down for you exactly how many cals you are taking in in sugar. I did this and I was honestly shocked -…
  • 5 - grateful to be so healthy, safe and rested that i can go for a 6am walk and watch the sun come up
  • Really? 1.5kg boxes? Where, in costco? Just curious cos I've never seen them. Mostly you see the 250g bags and coming up to easter (boxing day onwards lol) the 1kg buckets, but they're the exception.
  • Oh yes I totally relate! I realised years ago that I would not let *anyone* put me down the way I allow myself to put me down, if that makes sense. Stopping myself doing it is another matter completely. I'm trying to change my mindset by changing the negative into a positive. like this: 1. Doubting yourself - totally…
  • @dougl004 thank you for starting it :)
  • Day 4 - on day 11 of my new healthy lifestyle and still loving it. Its only hard work when your head is not in the right space :)
  • Ouch! but ha ha! Who said that, Seinfeld?
  • You can't help others if you don't take care of yourself.
  • Ah sweeping statements, you gotta love them! I'm sure that in OPs case is just one or two people making nasty comments rather than the entire work team.
  • Lol i guess it depends on how fat your elbows are I was specifically thinking of mind, heart or stomach but your right, i shouldn't limit myself ;)