Janelle173 Member


  • oh, and a lot of times, I have to eat my food in classes now, at college campus, and i eat tuna, hard boiled eggs and fish...plus strong garlic seasoned stuff...i have thought numerous times about not eating it because it is offensive to them, but people are right on this thread-people need to get over themselves. you…
  • You think people complain when you heat up broccoli? Try brussels sprouts! lol. I had someone come in one time to our break room when i was heating up my lunch of chicken and brussels sprouts and say "Is there a baby's poopy diaper in here?!" :/ Talk about ruining someone's appetite.
  • IDK about eating at the exact same time everyday, but what I know works for me is to eat every 2-3 hours, small meals. Instead of 3 big meals and 2 snacks. When I am on track to lose weight and feel my best, I get into the routine of eating 5-6 small meals a day, every 2-3 hours.
  • How is it going? You doing the diet and working out like that? I am starting back up on Monday! I am going to actually stick to it this time. I am just not sure if I should work out like I want to...maybe just do the dvd it came with or my leslie sansone dvd for the first cycle? I'd love your opinion!
  • +3 =] girl, i am so happy you are my friend on here! i heart your logic you inject into threads! lol
  • haha, it made sense to me as well. :)
  • Jessi- I love that idea!!! You can do it!
  • You are so beautiful and your confidence is extremely sexy!
  • thank you!!! i sure hope so! and i do agree about the second part of your comment. i do have a picture of, not a celebrity, but of a nike ad chick, that i also use as my muscle inspiration! again, not thinking i will ever look exactly like the pic, who knows if it is photoshopped, it may be to some extent. but, i want to…
  • What a great topic, :) I would much rather work towards my own personal best that towards a photoshopped version of a celebrity. After my baby, I am not sure I can get back to the same size pants even, but if I can at least get back to being fit and healthy and happy, again, my own personal best, I will be stoked!…
  • Day8 Level 1 DONE 1/15/13 I also did miles 1,2 and 3 of Leslie Sansone's 5 Really Big Miles walk at home DVD [/quote] Day 9, Level 1 DONE 1/16/13 I only got through 22 minutes because my baby started yelling at me...he is sick, and i had him watching me work out cus he wouldn't go to sleep. Still counting it as day 9, and…
  • I used to have an ED when I was younger-didn't know it until people pointed it out to me. Sometimes, when I am trying to make counting a habit, I feel like it mimics my mind set of what I used to do-tearing food apart into small bites, counting bites, among other things (mimics the mind set i was in when doin those things,…
  • March 5, 2013, Jillian has yet another DVD coming out! http://www.amazon.com/Jillian-Michaels-Hard-Body/dp/B00AM27WJI/ref=pd_rhf_cr_s_cp_2_JBB7
  • Awesome!! I may get those!! :)
  • Hey! Sorry, I just saw this! I decided to add in a cardio work out after my30 day shred work out. So, I have been doing Leslie Sansone's walk at home 5 Really Big Miles, so far i have done miles 1,2 and 3 in a row after the work out yesterday and today. Burns a lot of calories, and really wears me out...i am also hoping…
  • The side lunge things. The push ups. The jump rope when I am tired. And, it hurts my toes for days when i do lunges. So, I have to do a weird modified stance for the lunges with bicep curls.
  • Day 7, Level 1 DONE 1/14/13! I am obviously taking the scenic route! lol. I also did miles 1,2 and 3 of Leslie Sansone's 5 Really Big Miles walk at home DVD. Wore me out!! [/quote] Day8 Level 1 DONE 1/15/13 I also did miles 1,2 and 3 of Leslie Sansone's 5 Really Big Miles walk at home DVD
  • Day 7, Level 1 DONE 1/14/13! I am obviously taking the scenic route! lol. I also did miles 1,2 and 3 of Leslie Sansone's 5 Really Big Miles walk at home DVD. Wore me out!!
  • Get jeans tailored for me at the Buckle. At least one pair. Lingerie shopping A sexy boudoir photo shoot for pics to have for my self and to give to my man as a present. A vacation where I can show a lot of skin...even if it is low cost and something like camping on a beach! :) *Edit to add:* I would like to get myself a…
  • The C25K is great, but I no longer have access to a treadmill. I bought RI30 to do after 30DS. Basically, for this year, my plan is as follows: 30DS RI30 Jillians killer buns and thighs Jillian's Extreme Shed and Shred (or maybe this one before killer buns and thighs...idk yet) I have all of those. I may get No More…
  • You are welcome. My doctor thinks I am crazy, but I am sure I have something like Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Check the symptoms out on those, I fit in all criteria and it sounds like you may as well. Let me know how your doc appointment goes when you go!
  • i have started taking Osteo Bi-Flex to help my joints. I am hoping it helps!! I have had knees that >POP< ever since I was like 7 years old, and my mom had to have a knee replaced at 50...so, when I do JM 30 DAY SHRED, and my knees are hurting, I know I need to get that figured out PRONTO! Good luck! I want to try Insanity…
  • Thank you! ---> I guess I also wonder if my "fat burning zone" is different than what charts say per my age, etc, whatever else is factored in. The highest my heart rate get's during a vigorous work out (which for me is Jillian Michales 30 day shred) is 166. And that is with pushing myself really hard and I am about to…
  • This happens to me, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And it is ever since I had chronic mono when I was 17-18 years old. It messed up my physiology. Now, my body makes too much lactic acid, which builds up in my muscles, it get's hard and marbly. It also causes fatigue faster and i have a seemingly forever jeopardized immune system.…
  • idk on the filling factor, but: 2 ounces of low sodium deli turkey (60) 1.5 cup sliced cucumber (24) with 2 tablespoons of Mediterranean lemon feta dressing (60) (total=84) ½ cup fresh blueberries (45) · 3 cups plain popcorn (23) · 1 whole ripe tomato (33) · 1 small banana (81) · ½ cup cherry/grape tomatoes (33) · 5…
  • Thank you. I am in a few weight loss challenges, have been working out more consistently, and trying to eat healthier than not on more days than not, yet gained a lb. lol. I know my muscles HAVE to be retaining water, AS I am SO sore. But, I do KNOW that JM 30DS works wonders for how the body looks. :)
  • Will the weight ever go down though? I know it is exciting that our bodies change and become leaner looking, but I know I am not supposed to be the weight I am at, even if I do have more muscle than I had when I started...OP-I have the same issue. Would it be better to focus more on cardio until the scale moves some? Or…
  • Day 6, Level 1 DONE 1/10/13! Reading everyone's comments- i am just so proud of everyone!! Great job sticking to this you guys, and loving hearing about results!!! I actually gained a lb...but i think it is from the muscle work...retaining water. idk what else it could be! I am not goingt o measure until the morning of day…