hazyupsydaisy Member


  • Hey everyone. I'm 41, in central FL, recommitting to this. I have a play to prepare for, performances start in May, and I'd like to be in the best possible shape for it. Working on losing minimum 20#. Looking for supportive, ACTIVE MFP users. Most of my current friends have been inactive for over a year.
  • I just finished L1D3. My pecs are very sore! It hurt to put on a bra today! I have to skip tomorrow. My day starts tomorrow at 7:30 and goes till 9:30 pm. Oy.
  • My goal is to get through these 30 days, and do the program once a day. And in addition, add any cardio I can squeeze in, along with weights, if I can. I want to drop 10 lbs by May 4th.
  • I started yesterday at 10:00. Did Cycle 1 today at 4 p.m. I'm going to try like hell to do it every day for these 30 days of April. I'm glad I have this group to keep me accountable!
  • Looking at 40 this fall. Looking to drop 15-20 lbs. before summer. Getting back on the horse to get fit. I have friends from the last couple years, but very few of them are active anymore. If you feel like having a smart-mouthed, yet supportive MFP friend, feel free to add me.
  • Great job, and I love the lists in your first post! I gave up Coke last July. I couldn't believe how angry and tired I felt the first 2-3 days without it. I realize, now, it was my body going through withdrawal from all the sugar. I lost 30 between July and December 2016, but have gained back about 15 b/c of winter eating…
  • Hi...I'm Hazy. I live in Florida. I don't want to turn 40 this fall weighing what I weigh, so it's time to get it all off. I lost 30 since last August, but gained back 15 with all the winter eating I've done.
  • I'm getting married Jan. 26, 2013. Seems like I just got engaged Dec. 2012...but only 3 months left.
  • Hi! I'm getting married in January 2013, and need lose another 15-20. I'm hoping to get down to 155 by the end of November.
  • Last week my fiance and I spent the day at Epcot with a group of friends. With Florida's temperatures already hitting the mid to high 80s, I was "forced" to wear shorts. I pulled out a pair of khaki shorts that I love, but dreaded wearing the last couple years. They fit over the thighs, but were a wee tight in the butt,…
  • I like the idea of a challenge.
  • Hey ya'll--I'm 34, newly engaged, and planning a wedding. I'm supposed to start wedding dress hunting in about 2 months, and am stressing over the extra poundage I'm carrying. I'm looking to lose 30 lbs by my wedding date (1/26/13); ideally, I'd like to lose it by my birthday (early Sept.) So I'm looking for support…
  • Oh thank goodness. I thought it was only me.
  • I'm 5'4", have been told that my "ideal" weight for my height is 120-125. I laugh at that declaration--BWA HA HA HA HA! I am medium-boned with a LOT of muscle tone, thanks to majorly athletic parental genes. My attainable goal is 150; my personal goal is 140-145. I am top-heavy as well, with an hourglass figure. Finding…