

  • Use the empirical method, meaning learn what works by experimentation. It is likely to be different for different people. I get weirdly hyper on very low calories and have an edgy energy that would have me working out 3 hours a day when I have time. But you mention on MFP that you've had only 600 calories today but worked…
  • Honestly, for me, it is to be "light". When I was at my heaviest, there would be this ritual I went through every morning. I would wake up, step out of bed...and feel all the weight that I needed to carry around that day. I would feel how, even first thing in the morning, it was already hurting my knees and ankles. And I…
  • Do you have an at-home glucose monitor? Where you prick your finger and see what your current glucose level is? Sounds like that would be a worthy investment for you. You can use it to see what your fasting glucose is BUT you can also use it to see how a particular meal affects glucose level spikes, by testing before on an…
  • I am well aware that CRON is not the same as orthexia (I believe that was the whole point of my post but sorry if it did not come through clearly.) I was saying more as an explanation and perhaps a plea that, if you run into someone who follows nutrition closely, eats far fewer calories than you "think is healthy" and…
  • Sigh - everything has to be a "syndrome" now, doesn't it??? Since I practice CRON (calorie restriction w/ optimal nutrition) I get accused of this all the time. It gets tiresome. The people that have problems often have general anxiety and OCD issues in many parts of their lives. This is just how it manifests in diet. As I…
  • If I were you, I would take this easy, early weight loss as a gift. It will get harder later as your body becomes more metabolically efficient.
  • I agree that what people see as "normal" nowadays, at least in the US, is actually slightly overweight. Had an interesting experience with this the last time I got my body fat tested. I am about 66.5 inches in height and have a fairly low weight goal (125 lbs) because I am practicing CRON (calorie restriction/ optimal…
  • Wow - congratulations! Have you had your lean mass measured? That's a good thing to do - then you have a baseline. I've done both DEXA and hydrostatic - I don't think much of the other methods because their variance is too high. At least, with the test, you could monitor it going forward. Prices are really coming down on…
  • Probably the easiest way to do that is by using potassium salt. In the grocery store it is called "Lite Salt" but it is really just potassium chloride. I use that instead of regular salt and it helps a lot. When I am doing low carb, if I am getting leg cramps, etc I will also supplement with potassium tablets, but that…
  • I avoid dairy and wheat (though not all gluten) because I find they do not add value to my diet for the calories they have. I also track all my micro-nutrients with, since I practice CRON. My plan ends up looking like a low-calorie Paleo plan with a little rice now and then--
  • Don't let the headache throw you - that will pass. But yes, it is painful. You use up all your glycogen and all at once fat starts dumping into your system. The body is clever - it uses fat cells to store all kind of stuff that would be toxic to the body (this is because fat cells are not nearly as metabolically active as…
  • I find Cron-o-meter much better for tracking micro-nutrients--
  • Wish one of the female representations had been a runner. I think 15 - 18% looks very nice and that is my goal but I certainly don't want to carry all that muscular bulk. I like the lean, crisp of a distance runner but their upper bodies tend to be quite small.