janglo Member


  • That's why you're here : to ask the question, to read the answers/suggestions/information, and to filter for your own use. The more you investigate, the more you research, the more you experiment = the more knowledgeable you become !
  • My new fav veggie : oven roasted organic brusselsprouts tossed with ghee and garlic pepper ! great fresh from the oven as well as nest day for lunch!
  • what about adding a protein pre and / or post ?
  • I read, process, evaluate and digest (!) all the relative comments on this site and I appreciate other opinions rather than relying on one individual recommendation. So, again, thanks for your input!
  • Thanks everyone!
  • FAGE Total 0% plain greek yogurt
  • OMG!!!!! busyLady406 SOOOOOO TRUE!!! LOL really!!
  • I just put on my running clothes, harness the pup to the waist leash and say "at least I can walk the 4 mi loop". Then, invariably, have to run across the road at 0.5 mi in, and end up running the entire 4 mi loop (not far I know ... )! I always tell myself that I can walk if necessary. The wind is a huge factor in this…
  • I have an OR (Outdoor Research) Wind Stopper ear band. THE single best thing my husband has every gotten me!!! I use it both running and cross-country skiing. Why are compression pants good in the cold? Pardon my ignorance here :/ I usually just wear long johns under wind pants.
  • You're correct , IMHO, MinMin97 : "COMPLIANCE is really the issue" and the issue with every diet. If one is compliant with the program then results likely follow. Once compliance wanes.....so do results. Lifestyle and dietary adjustments, when repeated, can become habits. Habits, once formed, don't necessarily require…
  • alexamae5 - this may be the single BEST response to this question ever!!! Thanks for sharing this. Makes me realize that I NEED to rethink my workout strategy. Perhaps hiring a trainer for a session or two would be most beneficial. Anyway... thanks for your post!
  • Kila_14: I was in your situation about 6 wks ago. I have come so far in this short amount of time that I thought I would share what helped me. I logged on to MFP several times a day - and yes I do work a full-time job and run a household too but made time for a few mins here and there - to familiarize myself with the…
  • Thanks halleymw for the VERY informative site (replete with comments!) related to beginner weight training! It seems to be precisely what I was looking for to feel semi-confident getting in to the weight machines at my local gym. 6 weeks at this with gradual weight increases and then maybe time to have a one-time trainer…
  • Thanks FrnkLft for the advice, and I will take a peek at the book you recommended!
  • Walking IS exercise! In no-snow months my husband and I power-walk our cross country ski trails on the mountain and our local 11 mile river trail. In snow months we walk the lighted community college campus and XC ski 2 hrs 3x/wk. Walking the ski trails is GREAT exercise and altitude conditioning for XC skiing. And…
  • This happens to me, along with greatly increased cravings for salty foods, when I have not consumed enough water throughout the day (and usually the day prior also). Plain water, water with MIO drops, or hot herbal tea do two things for me: hydrate and cut cravings.
  • Personally, I use after dinner time to walk my high-energy ranch mutt, let my dinner settle, increase digestion, and cut cravings. I have a cup of tea after I get home and am not really craving anything after that. Works for me!
  • I like the Weight Watchers cheese sticks - 50 cal each. Portable, sanitary, quick and satisfying for a tide-me-over-till dinner snack. Combined with a bottle of water - it's the perfect snack for me.
  • Great pics = great visual for comparison. Thanks for the link!
  • Good ideas, thanks. To what photos are you referring though?
  • Of note: weight loss via home scale: 6.0 lbs in 30 days using MFP tracking and maintaining regular exercise. I had gained 15 lbs in the last two years as I had stopped all exercise, save for active work life, and indulged in 'comfort food' to excess while in graduate school. I am now on a quest to regain my health and…
  • 51 yrs, female, 5'1.5" , today 119.6 lbs, active at work, 4-6 60 min 4mph power walks each week. unpredictable work schedule, not enough water intake most days
  • Thanks to everyone for the valuable information! I just accessed the SCOOBY site to analyze my BMR and TDEE caloric requirements to discover that 1200 is a bit (scant bit) under my BMR so this should be fine for weight loss for me!!! So, hence forward, I plan to consume 1200 cal / day in 3 meals plus a snack. I fell better…
  • Yes, I realize that I AM asking about creating a larger calorie deficit. If my allotment is 1200 cal / day and I intake 1000 cal on a regular basis am I at risk for alteration in metabolic rate?
  • Thanks for the responses to my "macros" query! Seems so easy but not sure what I need to set right now. May need to carry on for now, research and then reset goals. Thanks again for the direction!
  • Intuitively I know this, yet it seems counterproductive not to create a deficit. Would I be at risk for the well-publicized 'starvation mode' ?
  • How does one set 'macros' ? Aren't they preset when goals are established ?