Protein or other snack ideas??

lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
I'm soliciting ideas for a small protein snack in the afternoons. Usually I have a piece of fruit or a green veggie juice in the afternoon to tide me over until dinner and give me an added boost of energy around that 4pm slump. However, I just started a new job, and I'm finding that my fruit or green juice doesn't really cut it. By the time I get home, I'm famished and looking to eat the entire contents of my fridge! I added some cut veggies with hummus to my afternoon snack, and it's been working so far, but I'm getting kind of tired of it...

I have a dairy allergy, so cheese, yogurts, etc. are out. I never thought I'd get tired of hummus, but the impossible seems to have happened! Nuts are ok too, but again, there are only so many almonds one can eat! And the calorie content is a bit high on some days for me... What do some of you, especially those who work in an office, munch on for snacks in the afternoon?


  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Well, for me it's always Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. But, I have a new fave that seriously stomps out hunger for me. LENTILS! I had never had them before but now, I cook up a bunch (just boiled plain) and smother them in hotsauce (I crave spicy hot!). One cup and I'm good for several hours. Protein, fiber, and some carbs for energy! It really is perfect! You ofcourse could add whatever seasonings you like. Lentils are super versatile. Also like hard boiled eggs too.
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    My husband is hooked on Piller's Turkey Bites and I like Freybe Honey Ham sticks. Both are versions of tasty little low fat snack sausages the have 50 calories and a good load of protein.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    i got sick of yogurt so my current go-to's are fruit & nut mixes, turkey jerky, & protein bars. I always have at least 2 protein bars squirreled away in my bag.

    edited for typo....and to add string cheese. I love the Sargento 2% string cheese sticks
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    have you tried the lactose free yogurts? Add some walnuts or peanut butter to your apples.
  • jkallen319
    jkallen319 Posts: 3 Member
    I like peanut butter on celery. One tablespoon of peanut butter is 80 calories and the celery is barely any calories but helps fill me up. I also like Fiber One protein bars. Or for other people who can eat dairy, the Sargento reduced fat cheese sticks are good and low calorie.
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    i got sick of yogurt so my current go-to's are fruit & nut mixes, turkey jerky, & protein bars. I always have at least 2 protein bars squirreled away in my bag.

    edited for typo....and to add string cheese. I love the Sargento 2% string cheese sticks

    This ^^*^ and also low calorie jelly
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Quest bars. I like the cookie dough!!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    have you tried the lactose free yogurts? Add some walnuts or peanut butter to your apples.

    Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately, it's not the lactose in dairy that I can't handle. It's an actual allergy, not an intolerance, so even lactose free yogurt will cause my throat to swell. Same with peanuts/peanut butter, which I didn't mention.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Quest bars. I like the cookie dough!!

    I keep hearing about these magical Quest Bars. I clearly need to try them...

    ETA: grammar...
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Well, for me it's always Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. But, I have a new fave that seriously stomps out hunger for me. LENTILS! I had never had them before but now, I cook up a bunch (just boiled plain) and smother them in hotsauce (I crave spicy hot!). One cup and I'm good for several hours. Protein, fiber, and some carbs for energy! It really is perfect! You ofcourse could add whatever seasonings you like. Lentils are super versatile. Also like hard boiled eggs too.

    Lentils are a great idea!! Thanks!
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I used to eat a lot of half sandwiches for the same purpose.

    Right now I like an apple and a beef stick (slim jim, jerkey, something along those lines - watch labels)

    Boiled eggs plus some finger foods (veggie bites, cheese cubes, fruit)

    Fiber and Protein bars (I like one with coffee now and then)
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    The original Fiber one cereal mixed with trail mix, or peanuts, or wasabi peanuts, or other spicy peanuts, etc, to cut in calories but also give the crunch, saltiness, and full filling.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    There is a recipe for homemade quest bars on here which eliminates the risk of allergy--just use non-dairy protein and peanut free nut butter.

    I made a great bar (a bit gooey but good) with agave nectar; my previous attempt with stevia was disgusting and the lot got tossed.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    There is a recipe for homemade quest bars on here which eliminates the risk of allergy--just use non-dairy protein and peanut free nut butter.

    I made a great bar (a bit gooey but good) with agave nectar; my previous attempt with stevia was disgusting and the lot got tossed.

    i love quest bars, i bought 4 boxes on sale at GNC and usually eat one a day

    i have made the knock-offs in the cinnamon roll flavor. I liked them. mine were made with honey not agave, and flax seed instead of oats. i kept them stored in the freezer since they are a tad gooey otherwise
  • LaLa482
    LaLa482 Posts: 82 Member
    Quest bars. I like the cookie dough!!


    Also a fan turkey or chicken breast diced up, as well as tuna and protein shakes.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas, everyone!!
  • janglo
    janglo Posts: 32 Member
    I like the Weight Watchers cheese sticks - 50 cal each. Portable, sanitary, quick and satisfying for a tide-me-over-till dinner snack. Combined with a bottle of water - it's the perfect snack for me.
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    Edamame, nuts, peanut butter.....all top of my list.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I like the Weight Watchers cheese sticks - 50 cal each. Portable, sanitary, quick and satisfying for a tide-me-over-till dinner snack. Combined with a bottle of water - it's the perfect snack for me.

    Yeah...that's still dairy...
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    I like beef jerky, air popped popcorn with some dry ranch seasoning on it, I know almonds can get boring but they are easy to keep at the desk and eat on the go, I like atkins bars but you would have to really watch any of those kind of things if you have a peanut allergy even if they don't have them in it they could be processed in the same place as products that do. I tend to be a creature of habit so I will get stuck on one thing until I am sick of it!