Looking for a tiny bit of guidance.

So, I haven't been using MFP all that long (as my diary no doubt illustrates) however I've been working at weight loss/strength gain for almost half a year now so I've gathered at least a little bit of data. As I get closer towards my desired goal I've started to come up with some questions that I could use some assistance with.

Disclaimer: Yes, I realize there's a fair amount of junk in my diary at the moment. Specifically doritos. I'm eating this stuff up with my spare calories to get it out of my house.

So, question time.

1) After using my handy math skills I've figured out that (at least since I've started using mfp) I'm burning somewhere around 2800 calories a day. Considering I consume ~2200 as per lightly active that seems to work out considering I've lost ~2lbs so far. Yes, yes I know weight fluctuates, I'm just saying the numbers seem to work out. My question however, is this: so far I've been logging my exercise. Namely, my shifts at work and the time I spend at the gym. Yet, in spite of not eating back those calories my weight loss is within my expected amount. Am I just under eating and messing up my metabolism, or am I truly just lightly active and should stop recording my previous activities?

2)The amount MFP is telling me to eat is both remarkably close to my BMR and a lot higher than what I'm seeing other people eat. I'm assuming the higher rate of eating is probably because my BMR is kind of high, but I'm nervous about how close the recommendation is to my BMR. Should I scale back my weight loss speed to give myself a bigger cushion?

3)My diet is hilariously lopsided at the moment. I usually consume a very large portion of meat and fruits vs veggies. I am starting to consume an increasing amount of veggies (why did no one tell me boiled spinach + vinegar was amazing?) and I'm looking for more veggies to add in to my diet. I tend to eat berries, bananas and there's dates in the protein bars I eat. As for meat, shellfish and beef are pretty regular guests. Any recommendations for veggies to round out that sort of consumption?

Apologies for the text block and thanks for reading!

Good luck to everyone.


  • little_firebug
    little_firebug Posts: 22 Member
    I love veggies!! My favorite over the winter was spaghetti squash and I simply make it just like I would spaghetti and use the squash as noodles. Not that spaghetti with noodles isn't delicious, but it's a good way to sneak veggies in when they're not the first thing you think of. You can also throw extra veggies in the sauce like spinach and mushrooms, onions, olives, etc. for a delicious and filling meal.
    I would also recommend Brussels sprouts (hear me out on this one). If you steam them until they're almost done and then throw them in a hot oven (~375) with bleu cheese crumbles, salt and pepper and a bit of olive oil to keep them from sticking (or bacon grease if you're so inclined) after about 15 minutes you will end up with a plate of yum you didn't know was possible.
    Enjoy your veggie adventures!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I recommend you ask on the fitness thread. I think you just need a bit of tweaking and you are well on your way! There are lots of great body building sites that also give great advice.
  • Zythi
    Zythi Posts: 2
    I recommend you ask on the fitness thread. I think you just need a bit of tweaking and you are well on your way! There are lots of great body building sites that also give great advice.

    Thanks for the confidence! Glad to know there's no immediately apparent errors! Part of the reason I put this here instead of fitness has to do with question 2. Every BMR calculator I've punched in to suggests, even at my goal weight, I should be eating ~2200 even if I was sedentary. But then I see lots of people on this site (I'm primarily viewing male profiles, as I realize the caloric intake is different between genders) and I'm just slightly worried that a lot of guys I see are eating ~1800, while I'm back here snacking away at 2200. Trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong.

    Again, thanks for the confidence!
    I love veggies!! My favorite over the winter was spaghetti squash and I simply make it just like I would spaghetti and use the squash as noodles. Not that spaghetti with noodles isn't delicious, but it's a good way to sneak veggies in when they're not the first thing you think of. You can also throw extra veggies in the sauce like spinach and mushrooms, onions, olives, etc. for a delicious and filling meal.
    I would also recommend Brussels sprouts (hear me out on this one). If you steam them until they're almost done and then throw them in a hot oven (~375) with bleu cheese crumbles, salt and pepper and a bit of olive oil to keep them from sticking (or bacon grease if you're so inclined) after about 15 minutes you will end up with a plate of yum you didn't know was possible.
    Enjoy your veggie adventures!

    Thanks for the tips! I'm still kind of a child at heart, and veggies make me squirm uncomfortably. Trying to get over that. Thanks for the tip on brussels, I'll have to try that next time I'm at the grocery store.
  • janglo
    janglo Posts: 32 Member
    My new fav veggie : oven roasted organic brusselsprouts tossed with ghee and garlic pepper ! great fresh from the oven as well as nest day for lunch!