cardboardboxes Member


  • You've probably heard this before, but... I stay away from ALL sorts of "diet" pills. If there were actually one that worked and was healthy, people would know! Doctors would prescribe it, it would be in the news, and there would be a lot more "skinny" people out there. I just try to remember that thought when I'm tempted…
  • Great questions!!! Here's what I think I've learned: too much (unused) protein can actually be bad for your kidneys! Of course, not enough will starve the body. The gist of the information is that there needs to be a balance (as with most things). If you are doing a lot of strength training or if your muscles had some sort…
  • Bold. Very bold. I would just push through whatever exercise you can and turn up the music. :) Sorry!
  • I hope you find everything you need here! I know it's been helping me... I have a real problem with limiting myself. This site has helped me keep track of how much I'm eating and prepare for the rest of the day. Yesterday I went over my calories by about 120! I got so freaked about it, I went on a second walk and burned…
  • LOL I want to eat everything in the house EVERY DAY!!! :) Seriously, I kind of wonder if it's an "idle hands" thing - you know, boredom? If you're not busy, it can be easy to seek food. I know I do!
  • Ah yes. I know what you're talking about. Honestly, this is exactly why I only allow myself to weigh in once a week! I know my weight fluctuates and it kills me to see a loss, a gain, whatever. So I limit myself to once a week. If you have a hard time on weekends, I would weigh in on Fridays or Saturdays - before the…
  • What kind of heart rate monitor is it? I have one that has a chest strap along with a watch. If I use the watch only, I have to manually touch it to find out my heart rate, but if I wear the chest strap it does it all automagically.
  • I know this isn't what you're looking for... but have you thought about getting a book on your iPod (or CD, or whatever)? It helps me to pass the time while I'm working out sometimes. I get involved in the story and suddenly the time is up! I hope you find what you're wanting! Good luck and good job already! :)
  • I feel your pain!!! I just had a little epiphany today: just because I am working out, that doesn't mean I should add all those burned calories back on by treating myself to more food! I just burned them off... I need to eat like I want that fat to stay off! My way of getting around it is to plan my meals. I really didn't…
  • I know a few people have mentioned Hungry Girl already... but... I get her emails and I recently bought one of the books: It really has some great ideas for Laughing Cow cheese as well as quite a few…