jabba11 Member


  • Started p90x about 10 days ago, you need to be prepared to 'forget the rest' some but its just important you keep at it and push yourself. If this is your introduction to working out you may be taking oon more than you can chew but thats a personal thing some folks jump right in. For me I started with p90 then went to p90m…
  • I have the same issue to a degree in that I will go over my macros no matter what I eat in fat or carbs. I can eat more fat and recognize the difference between healthy fats and non healthy fats but I work out 2 hours a day and am actually hungry especially in the evening hours.
  • 1200 calories is not the "magic number" its..THE MINIMUM..I am absolutley convinced that you need to eat between your BMR and TDEE..What I typically do is try to eat as many calories as I can without going over TDEE or my macros which can be a challenge. these days I am regularly burning over 1000 calories in excercise a…
  • From your picture it appears you are not obese or extremely overweight. When you start working out you may gain weight as your muscles repair themselves etc. Additionally as a woman you weight may fluctuate with your "cycle"..Its been addressed a thousand times on here about min calories. 1200 is a MINIUMUM for women. If…
  • Yes eat your calories back..1000 calories is NOT enough..also eat healthy, thi srelaly shouldnt be about losing x amount of weight it should be about being healthy. A healthy weight is the result of good eating and excercise habits, not a pill, NOT a surgery etc.If your only goal is to lose ten pounds you will accomplish…
  • Just as a suggestion, the wife and I for years have baked thin sliced sweet potatos on our pizza stone with a little olive oil and seasoning. Sweet potatos are better for you in many ways than regular white.
  • My wife and I both us the bodymedia (body bugg) you do wear it all day and night cept when you are charging it or uploading. It claims to be accurate to plus or minus 10% and I beleive it to be well within that tolerance in my case for sure. I have actually counted steps to see how accurate it was i got to 500 and it said…
  • I resisted buying quality workout gear for a long time. I bought one reebok shirt, and one nike pair of shorts AND I went and got tfitted for running shoes at a a store that specilaizes in runnig....I dont regret it for a second. Expensive yes but it really is just so much more comfortable working out in.
  • Yoga? Also eating less than a 1000 cals a day does not provide you the energy your gonna need to do any cardio.
  • I must say its posts like this that always make me very happy to be a man...
  • simply put...yes walking is excercise... I have a body bugg that I use religiously and it is pretty accurate IMHO (+/- 10% they claim). I am continously amazed at how a walk can burn calories compared even to a run. Even standing all day insterad of sitting burns extra calories. EG a 3 mile walk at a good steady pace (were…
  • The earth is flat..science knows nothing and can prove very little in this world..the ultimate audacity of man is that they "think" they know what is going on.
  • "PCOS which can cause you to gain and also make it almost impossible to lose!". If this illness is responsible for your wieght gain, and it is impossible to lose why take a drug to lose weight when said illness will cause you to gain it back. If it is impossible for you to lose weight at all an appetite supprression drug…
  • Dont run through the pain. Pain is your bodies way of telling you to stop...
  • FYI DO NOT say you will get a lawyer. Any company that is smart will immediately stop talking to you then unless you intend to get a lawyer. I know I have managed retail you say the word lawyer to me we are done talking. Speak to the manager, if he doesnt repsond properly ask for the corporate complaint number if he wont…
  • windy here too. Avoid open flat areas adn try to limit running in one direction for a long period of time. I run an area around my neighborhood, the homes help block the straight line stuff and by changing direction often you avoid runnig for great stretches against the wind. Also...treadmill..I know those sound obvious…
  • You may be adding some muscle in place of the fat you have lost. Are you clothes fitting better? Do you take measurements??
  • While getting your sugars form healthy sources is certainly the best method...sugar..is sugar..in all its forms and converts the same way in your body. Cane sugar is a plant after all..all things in moderation folks, and if something works for someone and it is healthy then more power to you. For me sugars matter but I…
  • Sugars are a factor in control of your insulin levels and as such helps control how your body deals with fat and its use. Many people are insulin resistant and need to watch there sugars intake. You should look to eat "like a cave man". Nuts berries meats cheese (in moderation), no processed foods no white flour etc. eat…
  • diet coke and vodka sometimes a lime (called a skinny *****)..vodka is the way to go.
  • You should really only be concerened about getting enough ot about getting too much unless its giving you intestinial distress..
  • Hi everyone, first week of lean is over. I had lost three pounds last week but the weekend was not nice to my diet. Oh well today is another day! I must say that I dont find the lean phase as scarry or hard as some have said. Dont get me wrong it is difficult and you will bust your butt but you can do it if you remain…
  • hi everyone just thougth id share that I started the lean phase yesterday. Wasnt real happy about bumping the workout to 45 minutes again but at the same time it wasnt as hard as i had feared. Wife and I also did measurements and since I began chalene x i have lost 21.4 pounds and 2 1/2 inches off my waist actaully added…
  • Hi all thought id jump in this forum as I am doing Chalene X as well and actually started almost the same time as all of you. To date I have lost 17 pounds and feel great i bought the selectechs for me and my wife and while they are expensive they were defintely money well spent for this program. My wife is having great…
  • As a side note, the way i understand it the reason you may gain weight when intially begining a workout program is becasue the act of building muscle requires you to "tear" it. Part of the rebuilding process for muscle is to do this and you will experience some mild swelling and water retention. You dont even have to be…
  • yes i am in my second round. First round I lost about 14 pounds and 2 inches off my waist etc. It is a great way to start a workout routine. th emoves are simple and can be done in a small space with few pieces of equipment. Its a little dull and youll hate Debbie most days as they call her the squat nazi but follow it and…
    in SLIM IN 6 Comment by jabba11 May 2009
  • I am new to fitness pal and love it thanks fro giving to us for FREEE