Ok I hate the sugar calculator!!!



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I don't neccessarily agree thats true. reducing sucrose or not eating any sucrose (which i do now) doesn't mean you have to reduce your caloric intake. i am still eating the same calories, but better sources of calories. for instance, instead of a 100 calorie packet of cookies, i am eating grilled chicken or spinach or a handful of plain almonds. of course, if you go from eating a lot of bad food to eating bad food but less, you could lose weight calorie-wise. although im not sure why anyone would do this as it is not optimizing their health....
    sucrose does matter to me, big time. i do not have any medical conditions, am very healthy, and sugar is a KEY FACTOR in my weight loss. i dropped 10-15 pounds by manipulating my sucrose intake, not my calories. i personally do not count calories. i believe its what youre putting into your body, not how much or how little. that is just me.
    But by taking less sugar, you reduced the total cals. That's what it all boils down to really. If you stayed on the same sugar, but dropped cals elsewhere, you'd see similar results. Well, not YOU personally, but the average person.

    Glad you are making healthy choices. For weight loss it really doesn't matter though. Calorie balance is what is important. Not how much sugar you have.
  • justjo83
    justjo83 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree that it's what you eat that matters more if you eat an apple all of the fibre counter balances the sugar. However if there is an excess of sugar ( or carbohydrates) in you body and wants to use energy it is first going to take it from the sugar store which is a quick high energy fix before it takes it from the fat stored in your cells.
  • jabba11
    jabba11 Posts: 44 Member
    Sugars are a factor in control of your insulin levels and as such helps control how your body deals with fat and its use. Many people are insulin resistant and need to watch there sugars intake. You should look to eat "like a cave man". Nuts berries meats cheese (in moderation), no processed foods no white flour etc. eat veggies lower in sugars like spinach, cabbage, etc..watch things like tomatoes and "sweet" fruits like grapes raisins dates etc. You can make it work I do on a regular basis..
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    i am still eating the same calories
    How do you know? You just said you don't count them. Don't you think that when you cut down on sugar, that just happened to cut your calories?
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks, I wont feel so horrible if I have a snack now and then.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    You may get this from several others here, but IMHO, all you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. Getting exercise helps immensely, but watching the calories is key. Don't pet the sweaty things (or however that saying goes).

    I think that a lot of people don't get this. You could lose weight eating pizza everyday as long as you stay at or beneath your calorie goal. Will you be healthy? No. But you'd lose weight. It's not as difficult as people make it seem.

    I honestly can't agree because this has never been my experience, although I'm sure calorie counting has been the way that many have lost weight. At 156lbs, I dropped down to 140 within 1-2 months from no exercise, just from reducing my sucrose intake to under 15 grams per day. I did not count calories. I have kept the weight off for two years. Following this, I followed an organic lifestyle (not raw or vegetarian, just organic) and lost an additional ten pounds within another one and a half months. No calorie counting. No gym. In my opinion, my weight loss had nothing to do with how much or how little I was eating but WHAT I was eating.

    Some people ignore sugar, some people measure it for weight loss. I think looking at where your sugar is coming from and decreasing your sucrose could be useful to you. I think most people would agree that high amounts of sucrose are not healthy.

    You didn't count calories, but that does not mean that your total calorie count was not lowered. Since you did not track calories, you don't know how much you were actually eating.

    Im sorry, but that does not make it true. All science says that it is energy balance.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    Where your calories come from does matter (i.e. you can technically lose weight on the krispy kreme diet), but you will probably be unhappy while you are doing it (e.g. get sugar headaches, low energy).
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    We have some "rules" in our house regarding sugar. We try not to buy anything with sugar (or its derivatives, naturally or unnaturally) listed in the first three ingredients. Secondly, we try to buy things with >5g sugar/serving. But we love fruit and could care less if that increases our sugar intake.

    My BF is the one who cares about this more than I do and I'll always have caramel in the fridge just waiting to be put on top of vanilla ice cream, BUT my personal (and unscientifically proven) claim on sugar is that if it comes from a fresh, natural source (fruit), it's okay, but if it's added to my food because the base food is crap (processed food, "low-fat" items, etc) then I care more about going over.

    The idea being close to a "clean diet" principal.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    i should be studied then....because somehow i'm losing weight from reducing my sugar, not my calories.
    Once again: if you don't count calories then how would you know if you've reduced them?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Since you have4 no idea if you are eating under maintenance or not I don't see how you can say that.

    I am a nutrition major. All of my books, case studies, and lectures must be wrong right?
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    Where your calories come from does matter (i.e. you can technically lose weight on the krispy kreme diet), but you will probably be unhappy while you are doing it (e.g. get sugar headaches, low energy).

    I don't want to live off donuts lol.. but as a woman with PMS I would like to know it is ok to have a piece of chocolate and a bowl of ice cream every so often without it affecting my weight loss... hahahha... If I manage it in with my calorie intake and net for the day :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Most people on here don't track their macros period.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    i should be studied then....because somehow i'm losing weight from reducing my sugar, not my calories.
    Once again: if you don't count calories then how would you know if you've reduced them?

  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Most people on here don't track their macros period.

    Sugar isn't a macro...

    Macros are carbs, protein, and fat.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I think it's scarier that you are eating less than 900 calories a day.
  • ptweightloss
    Honestly, I know it's bad for you to have tons of sugar... buuuuut, fruits are VERY high in sugar and if that's where it's coming from I wouldn't be worried. I'm at 48g of sugar today, ALL from fruit.
  • rawcash2012
    That's what I think too. But the sugar calculations bug me too. I'm a fruit lover and like many of you have stated, it's so easy to go over quickly with just a couple of servings of fruit. If it comes from raw food I don't think it's the same as the processed stuff and don't stress over it.
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    yea, it made me mad too. Sugar is within the Carb count, so if you are watching carbs, then that includes sugars. So I just look at total carbs and fiber :)
  • megandme120
    megandme120 Posts: 95 Member
    Most of the time, my sugar is from fruit. Sooommeetttiimes.....it's from those darn Chobanis! I'm also trying to wean myself from cream and sugar in my coffee. Rough. :(

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