

  • It's such a challenge for night-time snackers. I always joke that I would be skinny if I coulod jsut go to bed at 6 p.m.! Anyway....I find that diverting myself from food works whether it's by going for a walk or doing laundry or cleaning house at night. TV is a killer! I just want to stuff myself when the darn thing is…
  • Hey young 'un! I'd like your 'before' body! lol You look great...good job!
  • Wow Josh! You've done so well! That's a terrific result and could only happen if you've been totally dedicated. Excellent!
  • I think we've all been there and maybe it takes a pyschologist to figure it out. :o) My GUESS is that when we sabotage our own efforts it is because something makes us fearful aobut actually achieving success. I think the answer is wihtin you but you have to do some spoul searching. For example, have you used your weight…
  • So...I mostly did it! :o) I doubled up on water and did half again as much execise as usual. Didn't get double in thanks to the constant rain today. And no snacking after dinner (tho I'm not in bed yet! :o) so I'm pretty happy wiht my first 'double-up Wednesday! Great idea....:o)
  • Me too! I like the idea of doubling up for a short burst of effort. Let's go-o-oooo..:laugh:
  • I do weigh myself every day but I don't think of it as an obsession. I think of it as a firm reminder of what a little excess can do to derail my eforts at weight loss. I only record my weight once a week but I feel (for me) that keeping 'on top' of my weight every day doens't allow me to gloss over any bad behaviour. I…
  • You have so much to be proud of Jason. My feeling is that it doesn't matter how long you took to take back control of your life but that you did it! How fabulous to be on the cusp of 'fit and 50'! It's so hard to see life milestones pass by and realize that you are stuck in the same old habits. You've broken free and good…
  • Is it possible that your weight is already at its set-point? I know you'd like to be lighter but maybe your body likes 158 pounds! lol So my guess is that you have to do something to rev up your metabolism. A friend has had success with being diligent with her calories for 5 days and then going about 300-400 calories over…
  • From everything I've read weight loss is a 'simple' in and out equation: if you expend more energy than you take in you'll lose weight. So...strictly speaking you cna lose weight just by reducing calories. And weight loss is generally considered to be about 85% food and 15% exercise. But that doesn't mean that exercise…
  • This kind of eating is the hardest to 'fix' because as you say you know what to do and you even know why you're not doing it! I think the only thing you can do is to reach out to people (as you're doing here) and keep as busy as you can to avoid the opportunities to overeat. In the end you are going to have to learn to…
  • I would be all over this recipe....IF I was the kind of woman who would only eat one. LOL
  • Good for you! Strong women...it's a beautiful thing at any age. I'm no gym rat but I love being there and how it makes me feel.
  • You CAN do it this time. OMG....5 children! You have so much to live for and to have good health while you're at it. BJBerry has it right on...you need to get through to your hubby the importance of losing weight for your health. If you present him with some data on just how bad overweight can be for your health, I can't…
  • It's a huge problem for many of us. I joke that if I could just go to bed at 7 p.m. I'd be a skinny as a rail! Some of my coping strategies include trying to keep busy and thus distract myself from the urge to eat. It would help if you could identify why you do it (overeat) at night. Is it boredom? In which case being busy…
  • It IS simple. And yet so hard to do, eh? :o)
  • Interesting and a bit depressing. If over-eating for such a short time can have such a negative long-tern effect, I hate to think what over-eating over a long term can do! Oh...wait...I think I know!! :sad:
  • I think we have to get away (somehow!) from the idea that if we are not drinking and eating up a storm we can't have fun. What got us to the point of overweight WAS the notion that every event has to be treated like an eat-fest. A Weight Watcher leader did an interesting exercise last year that demonstrated how fat we can…
  • I believe that experts say that while exercise can temporarily suppress the appetite generally the opposite is true and after a few hours you are more hungry, which is normal because if you are exercising your body needs fuel. I'd guess that you are experiencing this drop in appetite for a time following exercise and maybe…
  • I checked it out but compared to MFP it seems very 'busy' and hard to follow. But maybe that's just me so if it works for you....go for it!
  • We all feel like that sometimes and THAT is exactly when we have to buckle down and 'just do it' as they say at Nike! When you don't feel it is when you just have to fake it until you make it. Taking a positive attitude (even if it's not 100% rah-rah) can get you over the hump of not being morivated. You CAN do it...coem…
  • Saggy skin is far less of a worry at your age as young skin is far more elastic. I have a couple of problem areas and according to a cosmetic surgeon it's all due to my age. (I'm still on the fence about some surgery on my tummy and upper thighs but we'll see once I reach goal. At your age I'd suggest that you exercise…
    in Saggy Skin Comment by dale49 August 2010
  • Congratulations! It's a big step and a positive attitude. That tells me that you are on your way to your healthy weight. To get there you'll need a good sense of self and a sense of humour and you've got both. :laugh:
  • Thanks all! I'd never heard of ring spacers but as of this moment I have a package of them and by tonight I excpect all of my rings to be nice and snug again!
  • You've made some very smart choices. IMHO the biggest good choice you made was to start while you are young and not completely out of control. I wish I'd gotten smarter about 10 years ago (and I was still 20 years older thna you then!) and I would have gotten on top of this weight issue. C'est la vie....I'm on to of it…
  • A healthy sodium intake is 1,500 mg daily for people aged 9 to 50. I plan my meals ahead of time and enter it at MFP. That way I know ahead of time if I'm off track in any category and change it BEFORE I eat it. Hope that helps.
    in Sodium. Comment by dale49 August 2010
  • Ahh...silly me! This one is Asian so no curry/curry smell.:flowerforyou: Asian Protein Bites 100 grams soya chunks 1 tsp finely chopped ginger and garlic 1/4 cup finely chopped red pepper (sweet or hot) 2 tbsp oil 1/4 finely chopped onion 2 tsp soy sauce 1 tsp hot sauce ( chili sauce ) 2 tbsp tomato ketchup 1 tbsp finely…
  • Not sure if you're a vegetarian .....if not this is tasty!! Make it with low-cal coconut milk and a butter substitute to keep calories in check. Curried Sauteed Chicken Chunks with Coconut Milk - Yield: Makes 4 servings 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2 to 1-inch dice 1 teaspoon Curry Powder or…
  • Xonophone....After clicking on your profile, I think we share some common ground. I've always eaten well i.e. cooked my own food from scratch, had a good knowledge of nutrition BUT....and it's a big butt (or results in one!) I've been portion crazy! By eating too much I put on "just" 5 - 8 pounds a year for 10 years all of…
  • Excellent point! It isn't a diet if we truly intend to eat this way (properly) forever.
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