I'm just not feeling it today

KristenAnn711 Posts: 783
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I need some support. I feel down and like this isn't going to work. I know so many of you have lost weight but I'm worried I'm too lazy to try and compute all the different things for the day like calories, sugar, fat etc. I keep going over all of my numbers, not by a lot but still going over. I just feel like giving up because I'm not doing a good enough job. :(


  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    The fact that you're being honest by writing it down is an important first step - almost as important as actually making the numbers.

    The next important step is looking at what you're eating and see if you can make any simple substitutions (low calorie, low fat versions of what you're eating now) that won't cost you your lifestyle, but that also won't have you go over.

    After that you can start looking at what you're doing again and decide what things you can add to your diet (fruits and vegetables) to substitute for your better version (eating whole foods is better than eating chemically foods any day).

    Then if you're still going over every day, look at moving for just 30 minutes more than you already are. 30 minutes of moving can start out being exercising, playing with your kids, riding a bike, swimming, etc. Something you find fun, gets your HR up and gets a sweat going. I just read your profile and noticed that you want to be able to play with your nephew and run with your boyfriend. There are lots of programs to help you get there that start with simple moving to begin (Couch to 5K being one that comes to mind). Taking your nephew for walks will help give mom & dad a break and make sure that you have a standing commitment to get out there for a while on a regular basis.

    You will see a very slow weight loss if you're not over by much on a regular basis, but the tool already builds in a deficit so if you're being honest and double checking all nutrition information, you will still lose, just not at whatever you set your goal at. It's about changing how you live your life, but it doesn't have to be painful or immediate.

    Small steps still get you to your destination and you'll appreciate the journey more.
  • shintowa
    shintowa Posts: 37
    As long as you aren't going over your numbers to the point that you are hitting your actual calories burned for the day (remember, this site takes off the amount of calories needed to meet your weight loss goal) then you are still losing weight. Not a lot, but you are, and that's something to be proud of.

    The more you log food, the easier it will become, since the site remembers what you like to eat, and you can set up recipes and meals to make logging faster.

    Use your laziness to your advantage! Pack a whole bunch of snacks and meals ahead of time (it will take a few minutes the first time, but will save you time later), and just grab a pack when you are hungry. You know how much is in them, you packed them, and they are like frozen dinners or store bought prepackaged food, since they are pre-sized. I do this all the time with nuts and meals, since I am really lazy.

    Just because one day is off doesn't mean you should stop. Tomorrow is a new day, heck the next meal/snack is a new meal/snack. If you fall, pick yourself back up, understand that these things happen, and just keep going. The only person you have to answer to is yourself.
  • You don't have to be really active to loose wait. Try home cooking instead of going out. Just the simple fact that you are writing it down helps. Remember how much you were having before without knowing it. Try to find a fun workout to keep your mind off the the sugars and things that are present in everyday. Try to find a zumba class, they are fun and a great workout. If your doing something fun you won't be as hungry so there is a less of a chance to go over your goals. Don't give up it will all be worth it.
  • Lownbey
    Lownbey Posts: 2
    Do not give up. I started this two weeks ago and the first weekend we go on vacation and that blew my program out of
    whack. But, I refuse to let it beat me. So should you. Even if you go over a little, you can make that up by a little bit of
    exercise. I like to march in place while I'm watching TV. Fifteen minutes goes by fast. Just hang in there and do not
    give up. You are worth it. Remember that!
  • SarahElittlebit
    SarahElittlebit Posts: 66 Member
    It may sound kind of strange, but plan out a menu for the week. Take one day to plan the menu for the week. Write up a grocery list and send someone else shopping if you can...that way you don't buy stuff you don't plan to eat. It's easier to stick to a plan if you have it written down. My daughter an I plan who is cooking each night and who is washing dishes as well. When we actually do it...it is awesome.

    Entering the food in the diary will get easier...The more you enter the faster you find your choices as we tend to like the same foods and repeatedly eat them.
  • Thanks everyone!
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    **hugs!!** It's tough to get going. I'm pretty consistently going over my daily calories, not by a whole ton, but enough. I've decided to just take one day at a time, and see where I get. I make sure that I work out first thing every morning (except weekends), and then have a nutritious breakfast. Each time I eat, I try to think about what I'm really putting in my mouth, and if it's going to benefit me or not. And if I just don't care, then I eat it. There's no reason to feel defeated! I lost 11 lbs in June, then I got WAY off track, and ended up gaining almost all of it back. I'm now back down 9 lbs, so I have 2 lbs left before I'm back to where I was, and then I'm just going to keep going. You just need to keep doing it!!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Don't give up and don't beat yourself up. You can do it - just take small steps. Try and set a small goal each day.....let's say get 8-10 glasses of water in a day....next day walk one more block than you usually do .....next day - cook at home. Every small goal and you wind up making big changes over time. Hope this helps - you can add me if you like.
  • dale49
    dale49 Posts: 37
    We all feel like that sometimes and THAT is exactly when we have to buckle down and 'just do it' as they say at Nike! When you don't feel it is when you just have to fake it until you make it. Taking a positive attitude (even if it's not 100% rah-rah) can get you over the hump of not being morivated. You CAN do it...coem on....just one more day. :o)
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    It takes time to learn and change. keep tracking, becoming more aware of each choice is a great start. keep going! soon you'll find you can plan ahead and the numbers will start working in your favour. I know I've only lost 2 pounds on mfp but I lost 50 pounds years ago and I know keeping track works.
  • Getting burned out is exactly why you need to incorporate a 'cheat day' at least once every two weeks (but not more than once a week). Mine is on Saturdays following a (good) weigh in. I have an extra something and take a break from some of the excercise routines. On Sundays and Monday I do ~75% workouts and every subsequent day up the intensity. Friday is max work-out day.

    I just got back from a five day trip where I didn't get to do hardly any structured excercising and eating wasn't what it should have been. But now my batteries are recharged and I looked forward to getting into my MFP routine.

    Remember, you can't hold your breath forever. You have to inhale in and out. One more euphanism (sp?) is that our weight loss/control endevor is a distance run, not a sprint.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
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