

  • Welcome, I was in the same boat heard about this site and thought yeah right......but to my surprise I LOVE IT. There is an app you can download to your phone and its so quick to enter everything you eat and exercise you do from the day. The best part of this site is the support you get from many great people. Hang in…
  • Any time Ammknits.....I think we just have to look to some of the great ideas and people on this site. It makes you realize that your issues are struggles for many people. Scroll up to Pauldbarnharts comment and copy his quote its really inspirational. Im here for you if your monster starts to rear her ugly head send me a…
  • Pauldbarnhart thank you for that, it really hit home. I just wrote the quote and will read it every morning. I have met some great people on this site. Thanks to all of you.
  • Cischo I appreciate you sharing your anxiety with me. I agree with you and do need to find the root of my stress. I know the contributing factors. Im the kind of person that is there for everyone and helps everyone but deals with all catasrophies alone and think of myself last. Im trying to change that but its soooooo hard…
  • So true i went a year without sugar and starches and felt amazing and lost 40 lbs. It was hard to do but I started by eliminating anything with high fructose corn syrup.
  • great ideas, usually when i stress eat i crave something sweet. I like the dark choc idea. i bought chocolate cheerios and that seems to help kill the craving, i just need to be deciplined and portion. thanks for responding.
  • Rachel I love Brazil Butt Lift, its tough but the time goes fast because its fun. Its so nice to have support, I feel so accomplished now, thanks to all you guys who gave me a kick tonight. Feel free to add me as a friend and one day I can return the favor. NED21 your so right, I am always taking care of everyone else, its…
  • Ok you guys did it!!!!!! THANKS SOOO MUCH.... BRAZIL BUTT LIFT HERE I COME.......................:heart: :heart: :laugh:
  • try beginners yoga, walking or probably the best would be swimming.
  • Brazil Butt Lift....the workouts are 30-60 minutes and fly by because they are fun...tough but fun.
  • thanks for answering:flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: hi annie, welcome.....i just started on this site one week ago and I really like it. tI think the on line tool is actually better than weight watchers. Everyone I have talked to has been really supportive and have good advice. feel free to add me as a friend. good luck to you.
  • Sometimes it is so much easier to grab a candy bar but think of how long you have to work out to burn off the calories. Make a smoothie with fat free milk, a banana, tablespoon of peanut butter...that will give you some protein and kill the sweet craving.
  • hey welcome. Im in the same boat. p90x 4 weeks didnt lose a pound but lost some inches. are you following the diet as well as the program??
  • All I know about addictions is you replace one for another, so taking my own advise (sweets are my downfall) you have to find another addiction to replace junk food. The last month i started P90x, I dont do it exactly i add in Jillian Michaels and brazil booty lift to break it up a bit. trying to exhaust myself, see how…
    in Help Comment by angeleyes527 August 2010
  • You are so right, my usual reaction is to run for the ice cream, it doesnt make me mad (until after i eat it). Its so weird how things change as we get older, i never used to emotional eat until I got divorced and felt like that was the only thing i could control. Next time I am going to the heavy bag first. Thanks…
  • Good for you. Add me as a friend be glad to offer my support.
  • sure i would like to join you. im 204 would like to lose 2lbs per week by Halloween.
  • Go for it...Im on week 4 lost 5.8 inches total so far.
  • Congrats!!! your an inspiration. who is the author of body for life??
  • I would eat the amount of calories your suppose to choose lower fat content, popcorn, fruit veggies oatmeal. things like that, which will give you your calories and not alot of fat. 390 burned is toward your goal so keep pushing yourself to keep going each day. you will be just fine.
  • be careful if you are exercising and you dont eat the recommended calories you will throw your body into starvation mode. Even if your not exercising you may lose a little but will force your body into starvation mode.
  • thank you ......:flowerforyou: its helps knowing that others struggle with the same problem and work through it.
  • Carfam, how long did it take you to start losing once they started to regulate your thyroid? You both can add me as a friend if you would like...
  • Im a nurse....the best way to deal with a physician is to simply let them know your worried since you have a family history. I had the same problem doing nothing different and slowly gaining and gaining and nothing has worked. I suggest if you find out you have a thyroid issue go right to an endocrinologist. family doctors…
  • I have the same problem with inner thighs...i started doing jillian michaels trouble zones video. i think it works.