Need some back up from my MFP friends

I have been doing fairly well. I am so tired lately of watching my calories... I just want a milkshake or candy bar...((sigh)). I need a boost. Or a kick in the *kitten*. Either way. I was super lazy today. Rainy day. I have been really trying to be good. This has to be a lifestyle change for me so I can keep it off permanently. Any encouraging words or ideas for new and healthy foods?

Sorry to sound so pathetic. Been a "BLAH" kind of day.


  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Amen. I've been trying to remind myself of all the reasons I'm doing this in the first place. And that kinda keeps me going. But I feel the same way lately!
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    We all have our BLAH days :( but this will pass and the milkshake or candy bar will only make you feel more BLAH after u eat get up, walk around the house, play some music, anything to get you moving and those endorphins flowing and no more thinking about the food that YOU THINK will relieve your blah feeling :(

    Have some fruit, a few almonds, munch on chopped dates, or maybe a 90 cal Fiber one chocolate bar :)

    Please dont give up, its one day at a time. You can and will walk away from this temptation ..

    Get up and do something !!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Luckily my version of lazy is not most other people's versions of lazy. I made dinner and did 3 loads of laundry... I played outside with the kids for about 2 hours, but then I had to sit and read for my English homework. I look at fatty foods and I don't crave them except chocolate... ugh. lol. Thank you everyone!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I know the feeling. I just read an article that said when you need the Milkshake, Chocolate etc...hold off and tell yourself you will eat it in 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes, go for a walk, call a friend, go shopping anything other than eating.....and then in 30 minutes, you won't even want the food any longer.

    Hang in there - all of us have those tough days - but keep up the good work and do something fun to take the BLAH's away.

    Feel free to add me - we can motivate eachother.

  • angeleyes527
    Sometimes it is so much easier to grab a candy bar but think of how long you have to work out to burn off the calories. Make a smoothie with fat free milk, a banana, tablespoon of peanut butter...that will give you some protein and kill the sweet craving.
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    If i have a crazy chocolate craving i have quaker chocolate rice snacks. Calories not bad at all and they taste really good. 3 or 4 of those will usually do the trick and i am good.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    I vote for the smoothie idea; they are filling, nutritious, yummy and best of all, lower calories than a milkshake and you can get your chocolate fix too if you add some syrup and/or some baker's chocolate powder! Yummy!
  • annitin
    annitin Posts: 14
    I know I am not the best person to give advice but when i lost weight last time my motivation was that I didn't want to mess the end of the day by eating badly at night. I felt I had made it that far why mess up now. If I am going to mess let it be early in the day. There is more of a chance that I can burn it off.

    Also, sometimes you just have to give in to your cravings for that moment and get back on the wagon. Don't beat yourself up. Look how long it took to gain the weight. The eating habits didn't develop overnight, so you can't expect to just change overnight or over a few days.

    Wow, I just encouraged myself. Thanks guys!:bigsmile:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Do you allow yourself a cheat day? Once a week my husband and I have one and it's a day we don't pay too much attention to calories.

    There is a difference from eating a candy bar daily vs once a week (or even once a month). Banishing food will only make you crave it more and once you fall into temptation, you'll consume more of it (seen it /heard it on the show Doctors).

    People may not agree with me but if you want to enjoy a chocolate bar, enjoy one w/o the guilty.
    Few days again we had turtle brownies in the house...usually it's gone within a hour. It lasted a week. and a half. it comes in 4 big brownie squares and i cut each square into thirds. by cutting it that way instead of consuming 390 cals, I only consume about 160 and it satisfied my sweet craving =)

    Recently I got a protein shake - syntha 6 chocolate milkshake. when I had milk to eat it does taste like a milkshake (at least to me it does lol) w/ water only it's 200 cals....with 2% milk it's like 330cals. (when I add milk it's more of a replacement - when i add water its for a post workout)
  • If i have a crazy chocolate craving i have quaker chocolate rice snacks. Calories not bad at all and they taste really good. 3 or 4 of those will usually do the trick and i am good.

    I have those and I am really trying to stay away from intense sugar. I actually started on here cuz I wasn't as successful as I wanted and I didn't feel like I was eating unhealthy... Turns out I was not eating enough and my body was in starvation mode. I might have half a dozen m&m's. That might fix the craving. I eat my heaviest meal before 3pm if I can and I have like 5 healthy snacks throughout the day and I am just barely at 1200 calories a day but I am losing weight now and I need to so I have the energy to play with my kids and show them the right way to do things. I am so busy motivating others or atleast trying to that I forget about me sometimes.

    :tongue: :flowerforyou: :yawn: