Best Exercise for Fibromyalgia

I am looking for suggestions from anyone with fibro or anyone who knows someone with it. I have this and restless leg and I am pain pretty much every day. I also get a lot of swelling in my legs and feet. But I need to helps with stress and makes me feel good. I have been doing some acupunture for the pain as well as I am on meds. Any suggestions? :smile: Thanks


  • angeleyes527
    try beginners yoga, walking or probably the best would be swimming.
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Definitely aquatics.
  • Dsusieq369
    I have it too. Swimming does help alot. Also I heard on Dr. Oz that for the restless and pain in the legs get a bar of natural Lavendar soap and put it under the sheets by your legs. It is supposed to help. I have not yet tried it, but when I get a chance to get the soap I plan to try it for the pain I get in my legs. I hope that helps. :happy:
  • lisapaine
    Thanks! I love to walk when I can. I stand all day pretty much in my job so it can be hard at the end of the day to think of standing some more. Swimming sounds like a good alternative. I will definately try lavendar. It is very calming as a spray mist, but never thought of it as you suggest. Thanks for all the great ideas everyone, I appreciate the great ideas.
  • animatedbecca
    Also have it, other than acupuncture and massage therapy, yoga is the best thing you can do :)