

  • I lost a combination of a housecat and a 2 year old (36 lbs)!
  • coupon for newman's own here http://coupons.redplum.com/
  • awwwww, that was amazing and adorable! hang on tight to him!
  • I don't eat salads so don't eat salad dressing (except for ranch with fried zucchini, lol! not very often)
  • I walk at work pretty much 8 hours a day (for 5 years) and a bit of exercising (situps, pushups etc), but have been slacking on them since reaching my goals). I do not eat as healthily as I should and have cookies daily (but keep my total calories at 2000 a day). I will check out the website. Thanks
  • I have lost weight twice in my life (over a span of 20 years) with slim fast and last August I was set to do so again, bought the powdered mix and used for about a week and realised it was just too sweet and really not very healthy. So I just started counting the calories on everything I ate (simple, just a couple of…
    in Slim Fast Comment by qwho January 2011
  • Well, I am 5'11" tall (aren't we lucky!) and started in August weighing 183 and now weigh 146 and trying not to lose anymore, LOL! No pictures to share. But it is nice having the weight gone and your goal is attainable! Good luck!
  • I gained 3 pounds over a 3 day period when I did not count calories. But I knew there was no way I had consumed an extra 10,500 calories, so I knew it would not be permanent. Sure enough sine the 26th they have dropped away plus 2 more pounds. No way you ate 28,000 calories (8 pounds) so some of it is bound to be temporary…
  • I have lost weight twice in my life (over a span of 20 years) with slim fast and last August I was set to do so again, bought the powdered mix and used for about a week and realised it was just too sweet and really not very healthy. So I just started counting the calories on everything I ate (simple, just a couple of…
  • That is very sad and pathetic for someone to do that, just put them and their boorish behavior out of your mind and focus on you and your healthy goals!
  • congrats on your kitty! You will be owned in no time! Be sure and have things for kitty to scratch, like scratching posts, carboard scratchers, etc and catnip is great too (if the kitty is over a year old) at some point (if kitty lives indoors, which is a must) you can try offering some kitty grass (easy to grow) and…
  • has anyone made this? how is it? couldn't tis be made in the oven too?
  • I started out on August 16 at 183 lbs, counted calories and recorded everything I ate and met my original goal of 23 pounds lost on Nov 24th, but decided to lose a little more, have lost 30 pounds now. I had no plateaus, my weight loss slowed down towards the end, after reaching my original goal. I am about ready for…
  • I am not doing any specific dvd's or programs at this point, but I am doing a couple of exercises with 5 lb weights, hoping that I can get some definition too .... been doing them for about a month now, how soon should I notice a real difference?
  • I lost my weight by counting calories and walking, and I have lost 30 pounds, it shows it can be done. You record everything you eat and meet your calorie goals and continue to walk and you will be successful, wtg!
  • First off, relax, and breathe. Try to remember what got you started in the first place, and how hard you have worked to get where you are. You are doing great and you just need to refocus, you can do it! 13 pounds lost is terrific!
  • congrats on having nothing to wear! I was there too, finally had to break down and buy some things, I felt like I was dressed in clown clothes, LOL! And I forget sometimes I have lost the weight too, just today I forgot and had to remind myself!
  • I don't think the amount of time that has passed has anything to do with it once you stop eating on automatic, and pay attention to portion sizes you find that you are full on much less food, I know I did
  • wish it wasn't so high in sodium, but I have been cold all morning and so I had a can (240 cal) of classic chicken noodle soup and wheat chex for breakfast with skim milk
  • well, I heard a song on hellcats and I like it Fefe Dobson - Stuttering hear it here: http://www.musicloversgroup.com/fefe-dobson-stuttering-lyrics-and-video/
  • my ex husband in Vietnam and my dad and his twin brother Frank, WWII (Frank died in France)
  • I was on 1200 calories a day and never went over once the whole time by more than a few calories, did not eat my exercise calories either, and lost weight steadily, no plateaus. near the end of my weight loss, after nearly reaching my goal weight, my weight loss slowed down a bit, but that is all and apparently happens to…
  • I weigh every single day
  • I love using my crock pot, but I am afraid to ever use it unless I am home, so I can never come home to a crock pot meal ... I know lots of people go away and leave their's cooking unattended, but I am afraid of a fire plus I have two cats I would not want to put in harm's way, how do I get over this phobia?
  • Thank you so much! Do I have to do anything besides wash everything first (do I wash garlic?) and then chop/slice it? is there a method to chop garlic? Geeeez, I am such a veggie noob, LOL! I have never even used EVOO, but I have been meaning to. I could just add all this to spaghetti sauce and serve it over spaghetti too?…
  • Thanks for the replies ... I think I will try fresh asparagus first, find out if I like it If I wanted to have spaghetti and pasta sauce, and wanted to add veggies to it too ... which ones would be good? squash? if yes what kind? and how would you fix it?
  • fabulous! congratulations!
  • I need as many detailed delicious recipes for fixing veggies as possible, as I mainly eat canned or frozen veggies (and not enough of them) ... I can fixed stuffed peppers, and that's about it. I need to know ways to fix asparagus (have never had) , squash, spinach (have never had) brussel sprouts (have never had), etc I…
  • I did think you were 32 years old, lol, thanks for clearing that up and if your bmi is 32, it does not lie, and I think most of us are either heavier or thinner than we think we are, don't know how that can be, but it is, self perception can get screwed up, I would love to see myself how others do for just 5 minutes and I…