Slim Fast



  • mind if I ask why you don't really eat breakfast?

    The apple isn't bad, but you could use some protein or something in the a.m. to help you hold off some hunger. Maybe move the shake to breakfast if you're not hungry (or too busy) in the a.m. Then you could still have all that solid food for lunch.
  • mind if I ask why you don't really eat breakfast?

    The apple isn't bad, but you could use some protein or something in the a.m. to help you hold off some hunger. Maybe move the shake to breakfast if you're not hungry (or too busy) in the a.m. Then you could still have all that solid food for lunch.

    I think this is a fab idea and exactly what I am going to do. I am busy in the morning... especially this week. I have my 16 month old, then I have two step sons ages 10 and 12 to get ready for school and this week my 13 year old sister is here lol Mornings are crazy!
  • mind if I ask why you don't really eat breakfast?

    The apple isn't bad, but you could use some protein or something in the a.m. to help you hold off some hunger. Maybe move the shake to breakfast if you're not hungry (or too busy) in the a.m. Then you could still have all that solid food for lunch.

    I think this is a fab idea and exactly what I am going to do. I am busy in the morning... especially this week. I have my 16 month old, then I have two step sons ages 10 and 12 to get ready for school and this week my 13 year old sister is here lol Mornings are crazy!

    Fab plan. I generally think of these kinds of foods as "I'm too busy" filler foods. My hubby used carnation until it got to a point where he was trying to slow down his loss and it just wasn't enough calories. At least as a meal replacement it should get you some protein. It's hard to run until lunch on just coffee. Though goodness knows I think most of us have tried! :drinker:
  • casuca
    casuca Posts: 4
    I think that with any fad diet. As soon as you drop the program you will gain most of the weight back or sometimes even more. I think that for any weight loss to really work you just have to adjust your lifestyle (eating habits).
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I have lost weight twice in my life (over a span of 20 years) with slim fast and last August I was set to do so again, bought the powdered mix and used for about a week and realised it was just too sweet and really not very healthy.

    So I just started counting the calories on everything I ate (simple, just a couple of minutes a day) and voila, the weight just fell off. You relearn what a healthy portion is of whatever you are eating and find out how satisfied you can be eating less.

    Good luck!
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    i do the slimfast week on & week off, i just like 2 mix my meals so i dont get bored. i use the powder with soy milk & banana or blueberries in the blender with 1 tbs flax seed. i feel full
  • parakeet
    parakeet Posts: 28 Member
    Hi,I lost weight with Slim Fast couple years ago,but I always felt hungry and it was really hard for me.Of course I gained the weight back on.You can not be on diet with Slim Fast forever.I tried it again few weeks ago but it is not the right thing for me.Soooooooo hungry all the time.Now I eat normal and watch what I am eating and that helps.I love english muffin with egg and cheese(270cal). for breakfast or lunch and it fills me up at least for 2 to 3 hours.
  • parakeet
    parakeet Posts: 28 Member
    funny,I felt the same way with Slim Fast
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    I've used it as a lunch because at the time I thought I was just too busy at work to stop and eat lunch. Then I read the label, and discovered that the canned kind has partially hydrogenated oils and HFCS, so I quit buying them. Now, I just make the time to fix a lunch.
  • I only used the shakes and I was still hungry.
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